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oh fuck
dudes it's just a flu
outplayed by mother nature
Kowalski, status report!
I thought Madagascar was a movie? Its actually real?
Holy shit.
what the fuck
how did it get there? did the new president not close the port or what
It isn't the end of the world and it isn't going to be the happening your autistic suicidal ass craves. Accept that you will die a loser no matter what.
Robot Doctor will save us
no you're wrong it's the end of the world and I have guns and lots of supplies I'm going to be kind of the wasteland jsut wait and see
I wasn't ironic
I might be retarded for asking, but what's the significance of Covid spreading to Madagascar? Isn't it like spreading across the globe already?
All quiet on the Eastern port.
They got Madagascar!
Welp. We're fucked. If they got in there, what hope do the rest of us have?
It's based on the movie.
I don't remember what it was called but there was a video game about infecting the world with a pathogen and Madagascar was notoriously difficult to get.
Stupid fucking tripfag where did you come from? Go back to that shithole.
Shut the fuck up, Boco.
Most likely. It is the test that makes you "sick".
wtf how
wasn't it lock down?
Yes sir...
It literally is a Happening on a planetary scale though
Put it this way, Hitler wanted the Jews deported to Madagascar to get rid of them, its that secluded
Yeah places like Africa and almost everything south of the U.S are pretty fucked. You talk about people with underlying conditions being more susceptible to the virus, those places have that and even more so. And the places many of the people there live in aren't very clean either.
Africa in general is ill equipped with the stuff that more advanced countries have to handle medical pandemics of this scale
Ah. It's a vidya reference. Sorry for asking. Thanks for answering. Is the game called Plague Inc? That game sorta memed out a few weeks ago since china banned it.
Pandemic, a game very similar that predates it
>shitalian healthcare
Two things. One, Africa won't be able to handle an outbreak. Two, people thought the virus wouldn't survive in hot weather.
Oh wait, I forgot Madagascar is it's own island a little ways off from Africa
>germany deaths
They are invincible
To be honest the only thing I knew about Madagascar is from that movie. I thought it's like a region like The Caribbean or something. Never knew it had a government.
Figures, even developed countries are struggling to handle this shitty chinese flu. How's the US, fairing? Read that some college students decided to have a beach party and got a nationwide attention from the news.
>death rate of 60%
What's going on in the United States?
Time to evolve it to kill
>European education
>germany have that low of infected to death ratio
Them aryan bloods are strong.
>How's the US, fairing?
Much better than Italy and China right now, though the current death toll is 229 while 125 people have recovered from it so far. 16,796 people are confirmed infected right now
motherfucker, what the fuck else do you need for this to be considered a happening? do you go outside? do you know anyone??
The virus has been in Africa for a while now you nit.
Goddang fucken vidyeo gaemz
I don't fear death
thread theme
I was waiting for someone to post that
Why was Madagascar the meme when Greenland/iceland was just as difficult
Haven't you played Plague Inc before?
You infect everyone, and THEN you evolve the world ending effects. And he's playing on the difficulty where sick people are given hugs. If he got madagascar then it's game over man.
He's probably saving genetic shuffle too.
>do you go outside?
Yes and my gym is closed because of panicking autist
>do you know anyone??
Yes and a sister's friend caught it and was fine after 3 days. This pussy virus is a fucking joke and killing people with compromised immune systems and boomers.
Pandemic 2 was the game. IIRC in Plague Inc. you can still infect countries that close their ports, it's just a lot harder
shut down everything, just shut it all down right now
>killing people with compromised immune systems and boomers.
*Screams in gay*
And just like the rest of the world, they would like to move it, move it
I'm glad people actually give a shit but I'm still jarred by the reaction to what is basically a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of people in the world dying. Don't get me wrong, its scary and sad so on, but it's still not huge numbers compared to a few other times we've had reason to count.
>addictinggames still exists
what the fuck
>he doesn't know
>500 million get is about coronavirus
>those globalist stones mention keeping the world's population under 500 million people
This is unironically touching. Don't read the comments though, a lot of those hippies “hurr durr the earth is alot better without humans” kinds of cringe comments. Anyways, I love these kinds of thing in vidya where post apocalyptic event happened and nature starts to take back everything. Like in Nier Automata and Horizon Zero Dawn.
Dude, this shit is going endemic. It's going to be like the seasonaly flu, but all year and 100 times deadlier. You sure it isn't a big deal?
who the fuck would travel to Madagascar of all places?
Single point of entry. Don't think Iceland was in the game.
I mean, how's the people? Are they well?Are they panicking? Heard that gun stores are packed and people are stocking up guns for some reason. And what sort of measure have your government taken to control this shit.
based niger
Fuck you
The virus is not that deadly, check the numbers of the Diamond Princess. The health system from most countries is the real problem.
People are buying up cleaning products and toilet paper like there's no tomorrow, some are beating up Asians.
That's it. We're done. It's over.
how come when i make off topic threads like this they get deleted and i get banned?
>some are beating up Asians.
Wait this thing is real? Thought it was just some shitty media propaganda or something.
This isn't the first disease to clean house and it won't be the last. It's bad sure but it's not the end. Stop being stupid.
So ia Italy just counting any pneumonia death as corona?
Mostly local government restrictions on size of gatherings, closing bars and events ect.
Gun stores are emptying out ammo price has jumped so that sucks, but mostly it's the same.
Apparently there's a trend of putting up Christmas decorations just to keep the kids busy
The sales of corona beer are down. Never underestimate the power of stupid when there's billions of people in the world.
Nope, Asians in general are receiving harsh treatment in several countries right now because of this virus, even the Japs are eating their own but then they've always had issues with the Chinese.
lol niggerz
They just have better prepared health care. I think they have something like 5-6 times the number of ICU beds than UK.
Could this have been prevented