Doom Eternal: A post-mortem

Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck went so damn wrong?

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It makes my wife's boyfriend's dick hard. God I want his BBC to fill my wife up.

nothing fpbp

didnt even play 30 mins before uninstalling, cant understand how can people play this boring piece of shit, killing the same crap room after room

I'm finishing up 2016 right now before I start eternal. Can I get some non-sperg opinions about Eternal?

Game is almost unrecognizable. This game is made for a wider audience compared to DOOM 2016. Enough said.

Does this game even have BFG division or Rip & Tear -tier soundtracks?

>weak spot system improves weapon diversity and target prioritization
>much lower max ammo across the board, forces you to diversify weapon usage to make the most out of each chainsaw charge as it refills half of each weapon type, so you can't just spam Super Shotgun, RL and Siege Mode like you could in 16
>the speed boost of Blood Fueled now lets you go full SANIC compared to 16
>rune challenges are thankfully gone
>assault rifle scope is actually worth using
>super shotgun is no longer OP like in 16 and its grappling hook is cool as shit
>arena -> hallway -> arena structure is arena -> platforming segment -> arena now, which is at least more engaging
>Gauss Rifle/Ballista is no longer as broken
>Plasma Rifle is actually useful now, OP Stun Bomb has been repurposed as the Ice Bomb with a much larger cooldown
>dashing and monkeybars allow you to more consistently dodge melee enemies and projectiles
>heavy enemies will actually fuck your shit up and appear much more often
>new super-heavy enemies are great and add a lot to combat
>grenade is actually useful now that it falters enemies
>arenas have more variety through environmental hazards
>cutscenes are actually skippable now
>levels waste less of your time with aimless exploration of WALK FROM A TO B and focus more on the action
>revenants have their homing missiles back
>blood punch gives you an actually useful melee option
>more enemies will actually dodge your shit
>being able to stagger Cacodemons with a single shotgun shell is kind of lame though

>2020: I am forgotten



>improves weapon diversity
idk, it kind of felt like the opposite for me, there's basically one 'winning strat' per demon

It is way to videogamey
Bright colors, constant movement, extra lifes, secrets marked by floating "?", platforming doesn't take it self serious enough for wanting to tell a story about demons killing 70% of all humans.
It just seems to make fun of a massive cost of life while also having the protagonist be some 80s action hero who is silent and brooding, something we left behind 40 years ago for a good reason

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Can I retry slayer gates outside of the level, or do I need to go back to it?

>idk, it kind of felt like the opposite for me, there's basically one 'winning strat' per demon
Most demons do have hard counters, but depending on the situation they aren't that easy-peasy to execute when there's several other demons with different hard counters around you trying to shove a stick up your ass. Using stickies or the sniper means other heavy rusher units like Hell Knights will come for your booty, and heavy single target damage weapons like the Rocket Launcher and the Minigun aren't the most effective at dealing with fodder.

>It is way to videogamey
What the fuck is this Dunkey-tier criticism

Games as a medium need to grow up, Zoom eternal is clinging to some imaginary version of the 80s and shitting its diapers trying to be a serious Triple A game and some arcade shooter at the same time, while sucking at both of these simultanously

Is 64 version worth it?
Does it have free look or only horizontal look?

>Game is almost unrecognizable.
Is this a joke?

They literally forgot how to level design

ok american


Only played the first level so far. Disappointing.
Cinematic for no fucking reason at the start compared to Doom 2016 "Ripandtearohlookyou'restrappedtoatabletimetobreakfree"
Doom Slayer is literally incapable of winning a boxing fight against the basic zombie 1vs1
The fuck are those priests ? The fuck is Khan makyr ? The fuck is this fortress? The fuck is Vega doing here (yes I know we backed him up, but how did we get him back) ?
The fuck are those retarded ass tutorials sucking out any possible enjoyment of discovery
>Hey, did you know that if you launch a grenade into a Cacodemon's mouth he'll swallow it lol"

At least the gameplay picks up quicker than Doom 2016 because you're already fighting Cacodemons, Hell Guards, and Arachnotrons fifteen minutes in but I'm itching to get a refund and pirate it for free. This remind me of the Noclip documentary about how people in Doom 2016 worked hard to designa good first impression. Maybe a couple guys in the new design team should have actually watched the fucking thing.

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After watching this one streamer die like 20 times to a Marauder, they clearly didn't want to make the combat fun

Lots of hard to avoid damage, lots of cooldowns to juggle, rock/paper/scissors between weapons and enemies

The platforming is a joke. The story is a joke.

It's mediocre at best

Gauging by this thread, forcefeeding tutorials to get people to understand basic mechanics clearly wasn't enough

my brother has a 2070 super, and the fps dropped below 25 fps...jesus christ, he was playing at 1080p

You didn't play it.

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>tutorials sucking out any possible enjoyment of discovery
I think this is a byproduct of their approach to enemy design. They tried to make enemies specialized with their weaknesses so each weapon comfortably occupies a niche. That's a good thing for designers to keep in mind, but if you emphasize it too much you turn the arsenal into a rote Swiss army knife instead of something that encourages players to have fun with their own play styles. It's not as if enemies are outright immune to any given weapon or anything, but I think it's a legitimate criticism of the game. It's still better than just using the super shotgun or rocket launcher for everything, though.

So far my only gripes is the fukin cutscene for opening doors (like why?) and the fact that secrets are so damn easy to find.
>Also no secret old doom levels and snapman

>the game is a lot harder than 2016. I'm playing on the same difficulty as I did in DOOM 2016 (nightmare) and my God I'm getting so damn filtered. Where as in 2016 I wasn't even struggling with the boss in Eternal God damm revenants are fucking me up. What's fun is that you have to switch between how you want to kill an enemy based on what you need.
>Doom fortress is cool hub to check out collectibles and just explore.
>Added some platforming In between killrooms to break up the monotony.
>Lots more kill rooms I find, at least triple the last game.
>Added movement with dashing and super shotgun chain makes the gameplay even more smooth and fun.
>Grenades are actually cool to use now.
>Lots of customization with UI, people that complained about it don't know what settings are.
>Tutorials can be turned off.
>No secret doom levels but the other secrets and collectibles are cool.

All in all I'm enjoying this game a lot more than Doom 2016 because it actually provides a challenge and is still fun.
Haven't tried the multiplayer cause who tf plays Doom for that?

Yeah I don't give a shit about their excuse, having a tutorial pops up in the most inorganic way possible to teach me something I should figure out from context clues is a dealbreaker for me.

Leaked a drm free copy, so it died on arrival.

It's a good game but not a good DOOM game.

Zoomers got filtered by a harder game that requires more strategizing in ammo and weapon usage as well as positioning.

This is no longer ZOOM Eternal, but BOOM Eternal.

The fuck are you talking about? The dust hasn't settled.

>cutscenes are skippable now

There weren't any cutscenes before though. So you should've just said cutscenes are skippable.

So all the actually fun guns have been replaced with overbalanced garbage?

>There weren't any cutscenes before though
Oh yes, I was actually referring to segments-where-you're-locked-in-a-room-and-forced-to-wait-for-everyone-to-finish-talking-for-two-minutes. You know damn well what I mean.


>So all the actually fun guns have been replaced with overbalanced garbage?
Yeah, just like in the originals.

>There weren't any cutscenes before though

>Haven't tried the multiplayer cause who tf plays Doom for that?
Zoom Zoom

Attached: Doom Multi.png (320x200, 26.15K)

I just want to blast demons in the face with an overpowered shotgun.

Mutt's law

DOOM 2016 had one 'winning strat' for the entire game, just use the supershotgun and siege cannon.

DOOM 2016 has cutscenes, or are you forgetting even the scene in Haydens office where he talks for what feels like two hours srtaight and you just have to stand there and listen to him.

i didn't examine the settings all that much but it's horizontal. freelook is for scrubs nigger

>DOOM 2016 had one 'winning strat' for the entire game, just use the supershotgun and siege cannon.
And that's how it should be. Leave it up to the player to discover which weapons are OP, instead of doing this boring RPS shit to try and force players to play in a specific way.

>The fuck are those retarded ass tutorials sucking out any possible enjoyment of discovery
Turn them off?

>DOOM 2016 had one 'winning strat' for the entire game
If you were terrible
Just because it was too easy with one method doesn't invalidate the other methods
>DOOM 2016 has cutscenes
It does and they should've been skippable
The correct fix is not to make them skippable but also make them complete garbage

Aside from two rooms where you talk to Hayden, and a moment where you watch Olivia, Doom 2016 has NO cutscenes. Those moments add up to maybe two or three minutes tops.

Meanwhile in Eternal theres an ACTUAL cutscene before and after every fight.

There's something wrong with the feel of the game but I haven't figured out what it is yet. But it's there just underneath the surface.
One thing I don't like is how holding W moves you at x speed, but if you hold W and A or D I think your speed drops. Like moving forward, or strafing at 90degrees is faster than 45deg. It makes moving feels laboured and slow.
The dashes epitomise this, dash is instant speed followed by instant slow. There's no momentum and you cannot carry it forward. You always can't cancel a dash into another dash, so the double dash is even more start-stop. It's just messy and it feels poor. It must have been a deliberate decision to have the movement this way, but it's a shame.
Go and play dusk, or he'll go back and play quake 1, and movement feels so vastly better.
Another thing I take issue with is demons all having melee attacks. Demons actually move faster than you when they charge in to slash at you. Makes you feel like a stupid slow fat cunt in comparison. In fact when you get stuck in a corner (some encounters take place in tiny spaces so it will happen) because the enemies all have big collision boxes, and they writhe and jump and charge and slash at you from point blank range they become harder to hit and you'll probably die... by which I mean you'll burn a 1up and still be stuck in the same place. Playing on ultra violence btw.
>Doom Slayer is literally incapable of winning a boxing fight against the basic zombie 1vs1
This is so jarring. I think the regular melee does literally zero damage without blood punch. In 2016 you would double tap melee to punch a basic zombie once and immediately glory kill them, here you hit them over and over for no effect, you have to shoot them wasting more of your precious ammo.

It’s doom what else do you want friendo?

No, fuck you, I shouldn't have tu turn off tutorials. I shouldn't have to deliberately turn off something that is supposed to be helpful to me and my experience with a game simply because the devs caved to some braindead playtester.

Talking about modern Doom multiplayer
Figured people weren't retarded but I was wrong yet again.

My main complaint is the boss battles are shit


I unironically died to the first couple of zombies because I thought I could fuck him up with punches and then he two shotted me.

no idea but it's a free torrent now

>And that's how it should be.
Yes, rather than using the entire roster of weapons, gameplay should just boil down to two.
>Just because it was too easy with one method doesn't invalidate the other methods
Literally what other methods? The other method is just pick gun and shoot.

>here you hit them over and over for no effect, you have to shoot them wasting more of your precious ammo.
It's actually hilarious that Doom 2016 you always had the pistol which had infinite ammo but you never really needed to use it due to the abundance of ammo for every gun you have but no such weapon in Eternal where a pistol with infinite ammo would be very useful.

>what the fuck went so damn wrong?
i can't open this pot

bethesda knowingly shipped a broken game

Attached: stuck.webm (640x360, 1.83M)

>DOOM 2016
Uhhhh this game 2 ez

>DOOM Eternal
Uhhhh this game actually provides a challenge

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Way too videogamey? The fuck are you smoking? It's fucking DOOM.

it is super glitchy
I glory killed a cacodemon near a grapple wall and it dropped me through the map

>no such weapon in Eternal where a pistol with infinite ammo would be very useful.
You have a chainsaw with infinite ammo, it makes zombies and imps go poof.
How are you too stupid to have worked this out?

anybody else feel the beginning was a missed opportunity? it was like the least hype fight of all time, i understand it's a tutorial segment but still, have some faith in the players

It literally plays like an MMO. You have to rotate your fucking abilities to get armor/ammo/health back.

>Videogames should be videogamey
Hello plebbit
Maybe grow the fuck up and stop buying fucking funkopops

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It only recharges to 1 tho.
>have to dance around the map looking for a zombie just so that you can have SOME GODDAMN AMMO

We're at the point with some of the DOOM Eternal comments over the past 24 hours that I'm not sure if you're serious or making a joke. I'd like to think you're making a joke, because it's clever. But you might also just be a retard.

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>Liking video games instead of movies is Reddit now

Your zoomer ass never played DOOM. Go to Yas Forums if you want story.

>he doesn't know

It's the same old shit again and agin

DOOM has always been an arcadey experience, hipster. You probably don't think it was because you weren't alive in 94, or you were a baby on daddy's knee who thought it was spooky and doing you a frighten.

>If you don't want Funkopops and EPIC GAMER REFERENCES in your shooters you want movies
Fuck off nigger, throwbacks to fucking dopefish are cringy as fuck, it's 2020, those times are over

It has three charges standard and there are zombies and imps literally everywhere on UV.
You're not playing badly on easy are you?

Do you keep the compass on too because it's "supposed to be helpful to you"? That shit is only there for new players and retards. What do the tutorials even tell you besides shit like "shoot the demons and put key in thing"? It gives you tips for everything you kill in the codex anyways.