What games have you finished this year?

What games have you finished this year?

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DaS 1 on ng+5

Thighs just a tad too large

I don't play video games.

None, finishing games is an enigma.

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So far i only finished my first UV run on doom 2016, waiting for a crack. I gotta finish Disco Elysium though, i keep starting over and over


Finished a run of TW3, did Shadow of the Colossus a couple times... That's it. Next one is probably gonna be KH3.


Same problem i'm having with kingmaker. So many classes to mess with and so many ways to spec them.

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Dead space

Head over to /pfg/, we'll help you out.


Artoria really gets all the best doujin.

I wish I could do this to a gf

Tituria is shit, and so is her bunny costume

Resident Evil 0, 1, 4 and 5; Divinity 1 and 2


Maybe I should keep a list of games I beat but honestly it's like 14 or 15 a year.

the King is flat, pleb

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none whatsoever but I finished in your mom last night, lmao

Hollow Knight

Rude. But understandable

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> indention of fingers into thigh meat causes shadows

This is very important.

You're right the king is flat, too bad you posted the wrong one

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Get off the internet, Mordred. You're not the king, and you never will be.

>You will never tear open those fishnet tights and jerk your cock against them and that phat butt.


Imagine not only choosing the worst saber to waif up but choosing the most boring one

>Lost Odyssey
>Pokemon Sword
>Killer 7
Man I fucking hate work, I used to beat like 50 games a year. Good thing we'll be stuck inside for a while, might actually clear some of my backlog this year

Irish just a tad too gay

Beyond Good and Evil
Ion Fury on Max Fury

I finished DOOM(2016) finally and went through Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo: Reach. I am currently getting through Halo 3 and ODST. I have played all of these Halo games before, so I dunno if replaying them really counts as finishing games.

>eternal coomer thread #20000000000

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I finished Ultra Despair Girls this morning, I only had 5 hours left but I put off playing the game for 3 months.

Steamworld Dig 2.

Buttocks too plump

bloodborne again
OFF-mortis ghost
working on persona 5 right now, I want to beat it before the royal come out because I pre-ordered it

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Why is /ss/ the most patrician fetish, Yas Forums?

Imagine this all over your face, goddamn why girls aren't real

I only raped this year

>sex bad
>violence good

The absolute state of brainlet americans.


Bloodborne and disco elysium

she looks like she fucks horses

ass too big.
thighs too big.
ponytail too long.

Astral Chain, Three Houses

Saint's Row 4
Titanfall 2
Shanghai Genso Network
Sunset Overdrive
Super Mario Galaxy
Maggot Baits
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Devil May Cry V
Hypno Training My Mother And Sister
DMC: Devil May Cry

In that order, all on PC or Dolphin.

Ori and the will of the wisps
Zelda BOTW (for the 2nd time in general)
Destiny Red War campaign and Forsaken campain

>retard meme


I cant imagine browsing Yas Forums and then getting so horny over an image that I make the same bullshit no-content thread every day just to post it. Like you're such a follower that you cant even fap without first confirming that other people would fap to it too. Dumb gatcha scum you dont even play vidya

The Last of Us
Demon's Souls
Diablo 3

She looks like she fucks horses.

t. chink

Would be better if it was the other way around

>ass too big.
>thighs too big.

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- Reach (finally)
- Sekiro
- Code Vein

Now downloading Tomb Raider for freeeeeeee. Never played any of the TR games before.

That girl is built like a horse.

I think you're onto something

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