Who is your favorite Dragon Quest monster? For me, it's Killing machine

Who is your favorite Dragon Quest monster? For me, it's Killing machine.

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Where are my golem bros at?

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king slime is the best one

He has HP for days

Every time I see them I get flashbacks to that awful fucking DQ9 mission where you need to steal a thing from one of these guys and it's got a ridiculously miserable chance of actually dropping.
My pick is good ol metal boys probably, I like crit builds and martial artists, so facing them in older titles isn't really that painful for me. especially in DQ4 where Alena absolutely eviscerates them with her falcon earrings.

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Wtf your image is blank

This nigger

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In regards to looks this goofy fucker can't be beat.

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>fondly think of dq9
>until I remember the quests
They were so bad it was almost fun cause me and my one friend who also played the series could talk about how infuriating they were.
Hard to pick a favorite monster, I've played all of the main series + a few spinoffs and have favorites from each game. One that comes to mind is this fucker from 9.

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Probably Chimeras. They're the first monster that ever killed me in this series, back in DQ1. Also they look so goddamn goofy. And nothing like Chimeras.

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I just love Leviathan's design. DQ IX had pretty cool looking bosses.

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This guy was my nigga for half of DQ5, + a slime knight I named Dogooder. I wish a mainline entry brought back monster taming, the monster games sorta suck.

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I like these dudes

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*blocks your path*

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and draky

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Be honest, is DQ9 worth going back and replaying or not

I absolutely love monsters whose faces are obscured in darkness.

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I remember running into this guy the first time I played DQ8 and getting completely annihilated.

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DQ9 is one of the most replayable games imo. Every piece of equipment being visible on your characters should be the series standard by now.

XI was my first DQ and these motherfuckers caught me completely offguard

user, what are you doing with that image on your hard drive?

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The best part about him in DQ8 is how he is small on the world map when he's far away but when he charges up to you he suddenly gets huge

It's the sandboxiest one in terms of party building in my opinion. There's no pre-made characters, you make everyone for the first time since 3, even your main character isn't set in stone in regards to his class. You can swap classes, you can make silly weapon combinations through skill system, you've got some prestige classes and I honestly appreciate it for that freedom alone, especially the way it lets you fuck yourself over with silly builds that make no sense.
You can also just ignore the side quests, the main plotline is waaaaaay easier than all of the side content. Also there's a site that lets you find the hidden dungeons pretty easily, I'd recommend using that. When I was talking about difficulty of side content I mostly meant hidden dungeons with their fullheal slime shoguns and shit, since side quests aren't even dependent on difficulty, they're dependent on luck.

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Play DQ6, there's one that falls in love with an edgy twink and joins your party.

Blizzardy, Digster, and MadDragon were my homies in Dragon Warrior Monsters

I love it, but I probably wouldn't replay it. I got pretty far into grottoes but stopped around the time you're supposed to revocate. Put over 200 hours into it and don't feel the need to kill the boss grotto bosses/get the legendary equipment. However if my friend wanted to do a co-op playthrough I'd definitely be down to clown.

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My absolute nigga

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>mfw first encounter with darkonium slime

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This is the greatest zombie design ever

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These niggas

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Post more Killing Machines

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God this one is so GOOD

For me, it's the Dragonlord

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>a tsundere smug borb that looks like its flipping me off
i like this one

now that's a well designed Dragon Quest monster.

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Speaking of the Dragonlord, what's with this last floor in Charlock Castle? Why's it so brightly lit compared to all the other basement floors in the castle? Where is this supposed to take place?

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Take your pick

Cancerous post

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I love how the names are never, ever consistent across the different games. Also tired of the cockney accent bullshit.

DWM forever.

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Names are consistent across the modern translations, though.

Here; I can’t think of a DragonQuest design I dislike though but golems have to be one of my favorite.

How are the DQ Pokemon rip-off games? It seems like a great way to use all of these monster designs.

I hate dragon quest.

I hate the samey music

I hate the character designs and overall art style

Its as if akira toriyama ate the most bland jrpg in all existence and then shit it out. That's Dragon Quest.

It's the bottom most floor right against the ocean surface.

Because that map was taken straight out of DQ1, the last room where you fight the Shadowlord, if I recall correctly

This is a 10/10 design

I like the Brownie/Hammerhood family

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Any enemy with big ol titties. Especially the witches in DQ8

Slime Knight all night, motherfuckers.

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>DQ Pokemon rip-off games
>DQ DQ5-rip-off rip-off games

I'm mum! I'll form the head!

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I'm boh! I'll form the legs!

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I'm jum! I'll form the arm!

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I'm boe! I'll form the other arm!

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The power of four becomes one!
Mum, boh, jum and boe join forces to become the massive mumboh-jumboe!

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i don't remember this from VIII

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I don't know how you'd forget one of the most memorable enemies from the game bro. There were even two pallet swaps, the strongest one being democrobot and composed of the head of state, body politic, the right wing, and the left wing.

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