PS5 Backwards Compatibility Details

Tick tock Xbots

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Xbox Series X has full Xbox One, some 360 and some OG Xbox games as BC.

PS5 only has PS4.
Your move.

no star ocean at 4k, no buy.

>some 360 and some OG Xbox games as BC

I don't understand why it's so hard to just have full backwards compatibility for PS4,PS3,PS2, and PS1. The same goes for Xbox. It would only increase sales more. Why is this not a standard?

So wait they're still not guaranteeing every game can be played like Microsoft have just saying they're "testing" more to work in the future? This is garbage. If I buy an xbox I can play like 3000 games day 1 from 3 previous gens. Is RDR1 back compat even confirmed for PS5?

Xbox's greatest strength isn't going to be Xbone Backwards Compatibility, but 360 and OG. There is nothing worth a damn on Xbone's liberty to be excited about, but 360 and OG with enhancements? Hell yeah.
Just imagine playing Sonic 06 in 4k

>we believe

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>I don't understand
Cuz you are a Yas Forums brainlet thats why. I could explain but you wouldn't understand.

so damage control

Probably true, but explain anyways

Who gives a shit. Give me PS3 and I'll buy it. SeX has full compatibility with Xbone, 550+ 360 games, 100+ Xbox games, and the latter two are only going to be increasing. All of these with graphical and performance improvements. Snoy fucked up, they could have blown SeX out of the water completely with just, JUST, ONLY ps3 support and they fucked up. Get fucked snoynigger, keep coping

>some 360 and some OG Xbox games as BC
What does that mean, didnt follow the news.
Is that just halo and normie shit or wat?

Who the fuck wants to play ten year old games on a new console? You buy a PS5/Xbox to play current gen games, and maybe some last gen games. Going any further back is a complete waste of resources.

lol can't wait to have backwards compatibility sometime in 2025

The hardware is there, its just that investors do not like the idea of people playing games they can remaster and re-release at a later date even if they never plan to do so in the console's lifespan.

Why is Sony's marketing so bad at selling the PS5?

Holy fuck cope.

Ps4 already has a bunch of ps3 ports but I'll still take the ps4's library over the 360's.

So you can play them on newer televisions, retard. You can play four player split screen battlefront (2004) on an Xbox One X. That means each player has a full 1080p screen to themselves. That's fucking amazing.

>i don't understand why its hard to take 4 different old consoles into account
Read a book
And the BC has been canned for now. They stopped uploading games months ago. They might keep it up when SeX comes out but you know it's not going to be priority
If ALL original Xbox games could work with no issue I'd have bought an Xbox One the minute it was announced since original and the first 3 years of 360 were the only time Xbox was good. But, they need more to sell me

>full Xbox One, some 360 and some OG Xbox games as BC.
And not a single GOOD game.

this user is bullshitting, he can't explain which is why he said that you wouldn't understand. He's a fucking retard who is pretending to be smart

Cope? Nigga, if I wanted to play >PS3games then I'd boot up the PS3 that I spent less than a hundred dollars on. Move the fuck on.

Get a life, loser

so it doesn't upscale games and they gave no timeframe for when it will be playable, good job

>playing splitscreen in 2020


Holy shit the cope is fucking strong as fuck.
>i-i-i-i never wanted it anyways!

series X doesn't have BC for all 360 & original games. Just some of them. JSRF and others won't be supported


Consoles don't really make money by selling hardware. Even if the hardware itself isn't sold at a loss, they usually don't make that much from hardware alone. The real money comes in from the cut they take on every game sold and the various kinds of subscriptions. BC works against this because it lets people play the games they already own rather than paying for new shit, for remasters or for other subscriptions (like online streaming of older games instead of BC).

If Xbox weren't pushing as hard as it is for BC I wouldn't have been surprised if PS5 had no BC at all, not even this limited version for PS4 only. I'm convinced they've added it strictly so they don't miss out on the feature entirely and look bad compared to MS, so they spend the least amount of effort possible by only working on PS4 BC.

>playing 6th gen games on a non CRT

Fuckin idiot

I'll just buy which ever one most of my friends buy so that we can play multiplayer online. It's not like there's any difference between the two consoles anyways.

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meanwhile, xbox can be played with drastically improved performance and resolutions

So only ps4 games? What happened to the whole thing about playing every ps generation. I don't care about ps5 anymore.


At 30fps

If it's a 3d game rendered at 4k then yes it's perfectly fucking fine.

not all ps4 games

>We believe

Nearly every single original Xbox title in BC on the Xbone runs at 60fps. That includes Ninja Gaiden Black, KOTOR, Conker, and Morrowind.

>At 30fps
Nigga loads of the BC games on Xbox One got 60fps patches.
Keep coping.

>improved performance and resolutions

>Who the fuck wants to play ten year old games on a new console?
The majority of gamers, going by how much remakes of 20yo games sell. That argument doesn't work anymore.

look at them multiplats.



Well remakes are one thing, but lets take FFVII for example, it had several ports, and those ports didn't sell much.
But the Remake is set to break sales records apparently.

>tick tock
lol it's a 3TF differennce.

Yeah, Demon's Souls is a game that definitely could work well in the PS5 and the only worthwhile PS3 exclusive that is yet to receive some sort of remake or enhanced port.
But try doing that to King's Field.

Mainly because it is running a special version of the game and most developers want money from microsoft to recode the game. It's not true backward compatibility but a free port

We believe that the overwhelming majority of the 4,000+ PS4 titles will be playable on PS5.
Okay, But when?

>3TF difference which Sony are obfuscating numbers on
>Mixed messaging on backwards compatability
>"But muh SSD"
Yeah, sure, OK.

Attached: PS4 Announcement.jpg (1512x4970, 1.64M)

sony boys literally don't have a clue

So there is no point to make a pc port of bloodborne?

Oh ok cool, so they'll catch up to Microsoft eventually. Well at least in some regards. Xbox will still support more and more 360 and OG titles while PS5 will support a nice goose egg

OG xbox has few games, 360 has remasters on xbox one, literally you can only enjoy xbox one games

So you concede that some PS3 games may be worthwhile but still hyperbole the entire thread to just talking about PS1?

There are plenty of games that would be fine with just internal render up, same textures, but now FPS boost too, and consolidating all PS games on one console. Everyone isn't trying to play just the games like Kings field

As long as it plays bludburn at 4K60 I really don't care about anything else

keep telling yourself that

Doubt it. It may actually run without dips though.

It'd be great if this meant Skyrim VR not looking like hot garbage.

>No PS1, 2 and 3
Keep that junk.

I'm banking on the xbox series x because so far I can pop in nearly every OG xbox game and play with enhancements such as 4k and 60fps, which is really neat on games like unreal championship 2 and mercenaries 1. If they readd live support to OG xbox games, I'm completely sold.
If Sony adds online support to ps2 games and let's me play games like Godhand, Tokyo jungle, killzone 1 and other games I still have, I'd strongly consider it. The fact that we cant play every single game from the previous generations in the same console family is ridiculous. Fun fact, games like halo combat evolved and halo 2 cant run on the xbox one because it uses nigger rigged code for the video drivers used. That's why the ahead-of-their-time lighting and visual effects in halo 1 didnt port into the PC version and subsequent ports. Once developers are able to backtrack through all the quirks and workarounds they used during gen 6 to push hardware to the limit, we will see more backwards compatibility

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And suddenly BC does not matter anymore.

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Kek tick tock what you fucking faggot? Suddenly they jumped from being able to offer only the first 100 to 4000? Nope, doubt it. Keep drinking the kool-aid you fucking dweeb, lapping up Snoys misleading information. Tick tock yourself faggot, eat my asshole and I haven't wiped after just taking a shit. Faggot.

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I expected the console to only be BC with PS4. Why would they bother with anything older when Normies won't play old games with their "ugly grafics"?

>All those retarded shitposters shitting on PS5 after the conference are completely and utterly BTFO
It feels so good when shitposters are finally proven wrong

The Xbox One is only compatible with 41 original Xbox games. That's not going to increase when the Series X is released. It'll still only be 41 compatible.

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Trying too hard xnigger