Say bad word

>Say bad word
>Money stolen

How is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Private servers.

Pretty based, people are getting tired of each wave of new middle-class white kids "coming of age" online with their budding propensity for autistic "ironic racism".

League is free to play you fucking retard.

whitey got owned

Nothing like being underage, huh?

Try not being an autistic sperg that thinks he can talk like he’s on Yas Forums when he’s not on Yas Forums

The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

>no1 careas
>gj team

>money stolen
If you're enough of a cuck to have been willingly giving your money to china, sure

this, fuck white people

>agree to contract to not say dumb shit like that
>break contract by saying edgy shit because it's le funny
>get banned

Attached: insane.jpg (200x252, 6.91K)

>Game company is not government and thus the right to free speech argument is invalid and they reserve the right to remove shitstains from their community as agreed upon by you in their EULA

Can we stop having this retarded daily kikethread now?

you forgot your tripcode

Because you agreed to their terms when you started using their service you double retard.


Looks worth it to me. Imagine being the soggy bitch who actually reports that kinda thing.

If you say so, I really like white people.

I just don't enjoy the ritual of playing Alabama Nigger on the microphone.

>Say bad world irl
>Money or freedom stolen

How is this allowed?

>gj team
Imagine getting banned for being a positive team member, what is wrong with Riot?

>You are among 0.0006% of league players negative enough to be permanently banned.


white nigger genocide

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Did you use to live in USSR or something?

All these closet psychos trying to run the real world like a Kindergarten need to stop.

Guaranteed replies

Exactly, leftism was a good joke for a while but it's way out of hand now.

>grab free money from whitey
>freedom stolen
Absolute bullshit

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Try to come to a black IRL and call him a nigger, with someone recording it for court.

you think only whites hate niggers?

You agreed to the TOS, you cry baby bitch.

Attached: 1556457689421.jpg (1294x478, 115.1K)

Read the TOS before you click "Accept" next time baka.

>money stolen

even niggers hate niggers

>getting banned for specific arrangement of ancient characters.
What an "enlightened" species we are. I'm truly amazed.

>with someone recording it for court.
As if it's a crime to insult someone, the only reason court would be involved would be because the subhuman would chimp out in voilence.

Based. Whitey got what was coming to him.

it is

game company: dont say jackie chan!
player: gank bot
player: bot no summs
player: uhhh jackie chan

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>restaurant says "must wear shirts at all times"
>user gets topless to eat his meal, refuses to put it back on
>gets kicked out
>How is this allowed?

Then every single person on the internet is a criminal.

There's an option to literally hide all chat and it has saved me from being banned because I just can't handle the stupid niggers I get on my team they deserve to get gunned down in the street like the retard degenerates that they are.

>here's the terms you're LEASING the PRIVILEGE to play this game under (also known as not owning)
>note specifically the paragraph 3.5, which says
>Say bad word
>Privilege discontinued
>click accept if you accept
Did you click accept, lad?

poor david cage

Was it ever determined if that guy was actually black?

Pretty sure terry just called everyone a nigger.


>Don't follow the rules you agreed to
>Get punished for it
also freedom of speech doesn't count for privately owned shit

Running your privately owned service the way you want it to be IS freedom, you retard.

>Be 13
>Learn Racist words
>Go into games and acts like shithead
>Get's banned like shithead
>Cries to Yas Forums like shithead

We're not your hugbox. Just because you think the word Nigger is funny, doesn't mean saying it IS funny.

This is how you be funny with it. Fucking learn before you speak, or don't speak at all.

based chink company

He did nothing wrong, faggot.
You should actually, unironically kill yourself.

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I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 16 types like this

I'm sorry, I thought I lived in America, not North Korea.

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>racist is surprised no one likes racists
Fuck off

racism wouldnt be problem if everyone was white


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I don't have my reaction image folder any more. Could someone post the fedora wearing, katana wielding neckbeard in response to this retard?

>terms of service that I willingly accepted don't apply to me because I live in America

You had freedom to decline the terms user

Attached: HURR.jpg (300x300, 25.49K)

>decline tos in hospital
>doctor lets me die

very epic

>he pays for a free to play game owned by chinks

Lol what? America is the land of slurping corporate cock

>I thought I lived in America
Well, it would explain why you're so retarded.

>games are life and death

you deserve to die anyways


Eat shit and die pedophile.

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it is already like this. I disagree with people accepting refugees because i think most of them are violent savages. Police will come and arrest me for not agreeing with this. So this is indeed life and death scenario.

Don't bother. A lot of lapdogs on this board that actually thinks you should be banned for talking shit. And don't give me that "terms of use" nonsense. That the terms of use are a certain way does not mean that it should be so

>spending money on league
you deserve more than a server ban, you deserve death

>money stolen
>in a free to play MOBA

user, only a fucking moron acts toxic on his main that he actually spends money on for cosmetics. That’s what Smurf accounts are for. You gosh darn fudge-packer.

>I'm sorry, I thought I lived in America,
Congrats. You're a living meme.

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what does that have to do with video games

whatever you dumb faggot i'm not a peabrained racist but i support your right to say nigger in a way that doesn't harass and doesn't infringe on private property

>accepts terms of use
>willingly breaks them after accepting them

You’re an idiot if this isn’t bait.
Let me put it in terms up it tiny brain might understand:

>invited to someone’s house to chill
>call the host a fucking moron and start calling him a nigger and other such words
>he kicks you out of his house, and wants nothing to do with you

Not really. I don't think he should be banned for "talking shit"; I'm just not stupid enough to go in knowing the rules, then knowingly break them, then cry about it. If you don't agree with the rules, DON'T GO IN.

They can kick you out of the hospital if you act like a dipshit and bother the other paying customers

I have never been banned from a game for spouting nonsense, so I'm not a butthurt entity in that regard. I simply do not like the fact that talking shite can get you banned. My problem is with the existence of the terms in the first place

You can actually be kicked out of buildings yes

That's cool, but now you're giving me that "terms of use" spiel I just talked about. I understand breaking the terms and then being banned is a reality that you can avoid. I'm opposed to the fact that this can happen in the first place

>I simply do not like the fact that talking shite can get you banned.
You can talk shit but user was literally just antagonizing and you can see that. Banter and being a fucking childish faggot aren't the same.

I'm not opposed to the fact that private entities can remove people from their property, digital or otherwise.

The right of private property and privacy are guaranteed in the Constitution. Learn to code.

>violated EULA
>bitch about rights with 3rd party company

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>Banter and being a fucking childish faggot aren't the same.
I don't want anyone to decide the distinction. Let me talk shit and be hated by the community
Yes, and?

And no one cares that you think the rules suck.

Bad thread, extremely low effort blog posting.

>I don't want anyone to decide the distinction.
Then don't talk shit you fucking nigger

>mods public banned someone last time a post was made like this
>Mods just stickied a thread

If your issue is with the terms, why did you accept them and go on to play the game under the condition that you would not break said terms? It’s equally as silly.

If you don’t like the terms of condition, why not just go play another game; or just not break their terms?

>trying to make a metaphor out of a hospital
>not providing an accurate breaking of their terms

user, if you’re administered to a hospital, then you proceed to start assaulting other patients; chances are, you will be kicked out of the hospital.

That's a basic aspect of private property, and servers are private property.
So are you a communist and think the government should own and have control over all property? Because that's the only way it makes sense for to allow you to do whatever you want on someone else's property.

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I don't think you understood my point

your point is "i think the rules suck and people who don't are lapdogs"

wow bro 10/10 fucking eisenstein over here

>you will be kicked out of the hospital

you wont. They sedate you and tie you to bed. I have seen it happen.

No I understood your point and It's fucking retarded, you are insulting other people and you also expect them to someone not make any distinction on your behavior you absolute gay baby.

>But muh free market! Capitalism yay! FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE.

sorry fren, only way to stop toxic positivity

Attached: toxic positivity.png (1080x1080, 476.64K)

>Yes, and?
Open your front door right now on livestream, leave it open, and invite strangers in. Quarantine or not, there are people still outside. Go ahead.


they're obligated to stabilize life-threatening conditions, anything that would get you kicked out would probably get you escorted to a jail once you were stable


moot left Yas Forums. So everything he said is already bullshit.

Why do you attribute all these ideas to me? I have never said that they don't have the right to make and enforce their rules. My irritation is that people think it is needed in the first place. I simply dislike the idea that you, in video games, can get banned for certain "toxic" words or behavior. That was always one of the great things about playing online vidya - total unrestrained interaction

don't sign the contract

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You signed an agreement retard. Go cry somewhere else.

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