Ps5 is weaker than sony says

So, according to sony themselves, the ps5 can't reach 10.3 TF on the GPU and 3.5GHz of clock on the CPU at all

Due to the variable frequency on both of them, if the GPU is using 10.3 TF the clock of the CPU will fall from 3.5GHz to 2.8GHz.

And vice versa, if the CPU is using 3.5GHz, the performance of the GPU will fall from 10.3 TF to 9TF

Sony lied apparently, they tried to show big numbers, but was just trying to make ps players delusional as always.

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Are those M & M's? Sweet.

Top kek if true.

Playstation has games though

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Which ones?

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And what games are coming to the PS5 so far?

*also on PC

>Playstation has movies though*

far less so than the ones from xbox.

*also on pc

but where are the games tho?

>Sony lied apparently, they tried to show big numbers, but was just trying to make ps players delusional as always.
This is what I don't get, Sony basically does this dishonest shit and their users take it up their ass.

>also on * 5 years

You mean bloodborne?


TLOU 2 which even normalfags are shitting on
And uhh...

yea but magical SSD speed that'll make everything load faster!

>This is what I don't get, Sony basically does this dishonest shit and their users take it up their ass.
They are lying non stop since the PS3 what do you not get you absolute brainlet piece of shit

Kek where?

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TLOU 2 is a ps4 movie that will also be on PC soon, ps5 literally has no games announced so far.

>Sony lied apparently
wow im shocked I tell you. they never do that

Bloodborne, fuck you!

The only exclusive that PS4 has that I wanted to play was bloodborne. I ended up playing it and it ran like such ass with Vaseline and glitter on everything that I dropped it like a spicy dump.

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DESU I dont even care about short load times. I have an SSD on my PC. Sure its nice, but its whatever. What I care about is the raw graphical performance and visuals,Maybe frame rate too. I wish it was the other way around and Sony was the one with the more powerful system.

> I wish it was the other way around and Sony was the one with the more powerful system.
Why do you associate your self-worth with a billion dollar electronics company? How does Sony or MS having the better system affect you assuming that as a rational human being you either buy neither and stick with PC or buy the one that's a better deal for the price?

If it was the other way around, i bet the xbox people would not even be here anymore, it's impressive how PS fanboys get impressed with a simple SSD lmao

So all sony exclusive games will run at 2.8Ghz CPU/2.2Ghz GPU, as movies don't require that much CPU power?

I would rather pay more and play the best graphical game performance and be blown away.
Some of the components in the new system is still better than my PC. It would be cheaper to upgrade my PC, but then again what about exclusives coming out of PS5?

most xbox people are just here to shitpost these days. sony fans (and its retarded they have "fans") are genuine dickriders. i wish I understood what psychologically compels them to be so attached to a foreign corporation

Strange, i don't see posts like this from the xbox people that frequents here.

I am guessing they are attached because they have fond memories of playing PlayStation at a young age. Also they may be looking forward to the higher frequency of exclusives coming to the system.

So just wait around 3-6 months after consoles release and buy a console-equivalent GPU for $300 or less. Either RDNA2 is going to be the shit, providing great graphical performance for a clearly decent price(since the SeX can somehow afford that 52CU big boi in a console, even assuming it's sold at a big loss) or RDNA2 turns out to be the next polaris, overyhped and under delivering which means since both consoles use it that their level of graphical power isn't that great so even a midrange card can match it.

Oh no, there are like 4-6 games over the span of 7 years that are worth playing and exclusive to Sony, what ever will you do? And don't pretend moviegames like TLOU or GoW are worth playing.

Try baiting somewhere else

But the ps5 is still going to be better than the current top gaming pc and kill pc gaming right?

>I am guessing they are attached because they have fond memories of playing PlayStation at a young age
sounds like those people were missing a strong father figure in their lives

I already have a RX 5700. No ray tracing though and not XT

What games?

If you don't care about RT that'll probably be good enough for 1080p/144 or 1440p/60 or even 4K/60 medium settings for quite a while.
I doubt games will get that much harder to run with RT off, most of next-gen's graphical pushes will come with various RT features.

>Abbloblo Sony da deval
As if anyone with a brain would listen to Yas Forumstards about anything Sony related.

Btw the PS4 did get made and it sold over 110m.

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yeah I actually been able to play 1440p at 120hz on COD and Borderland 3. But I put the rendering to around 50%-75%

>But I put the rendering to around 50%-75%
So it's not actually 1440p. It's just 1080p upscaled.


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So no games as usual.

interesting. Next time I will try 100% rendering.
If it doesnt work, is 1080P 144hz, or 1440p at 60hz better?

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The render scale controls how low the dynamic rez drops. Or if it's not dynamic it just permanently sets the resolution scale at that portion of your display resolution.

As for whether it's better to have a higher resolution at a lower framerate or lower resolution at a higher framerate that entirely depends on the game and your personal preference.

also on PC and xbox

They're these

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inb4 Xbox Sex launches at 699 USD

Why are Xbox fans pretending they exist? They are just Switch fags being retarded right?

Everyone knows Xbox is fucking useless.

I think it would be $499 max. $599 would be really pushing it, no one wants a console at that price history has shown.
If PS5 is the same price at $499 it may be game over for Sony. Since the specs are worse, the price has to be lower.


That's like if Xbox people kept shilling blinx

Seems like Xbox fans are coping since a Windows PC is more viable than their shit consoles.

Windows 10 is shit tho
Crashes more often than Boeing airplanes

>Playstation has games though

PS5 has exclusives? which ones? Didn't know you can tell the future considering the console ins;t even out yet.

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>variable frequency
this is all you need to know that it will be compromised trash. of course consoletards have no concept of hardware and technology.

>Playstation used to have games
Fixed. Everything on PS4 can be simply streamed from Youtube except for Bloodborne.
They were godly during PS1 and PS2 days, dropped the ball hard during PS3 era and completely transformed into a third person over the shoulder cinematic walking simulator factory during 8th gen.

Source my rotten Corona infested asshole.

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Hard cope.

Are you fucking serious? Xbox fans are legit retarded to even care about their garbage consoles that have ZERO use incentive.

Remember yesterday, when they said PC would be dead?

>ZERO use incentive

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The red pill is that multiplatform games will be made with the weaknesses of both systems in mind

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>Half those games are on or are coming to PC

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keep coping sonyfag, i will be playing horizon zero down soon on my PC with a gtx 1070 and a i5-7400.