It's hilarious how Yas Forums is having a genuine unironic meltdown because the game ended up being awesome.
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rip and tear bing bing wahoo
This game is pure and unadulterated SOUL, and there's nothing whiny Yas Forumsedditors can do about it.
I just finished the Doomhunter level, and holy shit the last fight was tense as fuck
Why are their complaints about cutscenes? Up to like level 5 can’t remember the last time I saw a cutscene go longer than 30 secs
That's because/v/ doesn't like videogames. They are also still upset about getting BTFO by gameplay after the doom 2016 multiplayer open beta.
Doom IS eternal only because .wads are going to be made forever
it's probably just femcel groups shitposting or some shit
>That ARC Complex music
I'm glad you fellas like it
it's just not for me
i like it. it's satisfying. i find it pretty challenging on ultraviolence, same with 2016. both are harder for me than the classic ones. i like how the fights start off small, with a few monsters roaming around but quickly turn into slaughters.
i don't like the low ammo limit though. it's nice that it gives you incentive to get close and use the chainsaw more often, but i just prefer higher ammo caps in games.
i don't mind the cutscenes and emphasis on lore. it's interesting, but ultimately doesn't impact the game at all.
i'm satisfied.
buying it as soon as it goes on sale, nice of bethesda to release a drm-free version.
Sorry TORtanic fags, this ain't it.
>tfw no money this month to buy Eternal
play for me friends, I'll catch up in April
I love how naturally I progressed through that fight, I started out struggling with the first one, only attacking the smaller demons while blood punching the hunter. When the second phase started with two of them, it became a breeze once I found out I could do a rocket launcher/ ssg combo on them
yeah me too, just started the 5th mission, fuck this is way harder than before, I was playing 2016 at nightmare without problems and now I'm dying frequently with 1up disabled at ultra violence, can't wait for my second run at nightmare
there is just too many fun modes in this game, fuck around with cheat codes is like playing gta with codes, I thought this kind of gameplay was over
See, you say this like it’s bad
pretty sure you can increase ammo caps with upgrades
>yeti mic
Reminds me of why I stop browsing Yas Forums years at a time.
Yes, it gets annoying after a while. Monster Hunter World (+Iceborne), Sekiro, DOOM Eternal, etc etc, any major game is now plaged by retards that just want a Tortanic 2.0. Next up is probably RE3
hot take, there is nothing interesting about the gameplay of most fps games, doom absolutely included. games like superhot and bulletstorm unironically push boundaries, what the fuck new are you doing in doom or other games like them? just going room to room in a shooting gallery. Have a fucking unique mechanic for fucks sake.
doom eternal is the reddit of doom games.
what do you expect from le cutsie anime central
I mean I don't play doom games because I want hyper intricate gameplay, I play them because I want to have fun blowing demons away. Although personally I think they tried too hard to make it more interesting that it needed to be with all the special abilities and stuff, I'd have preferred if they just stuck to simply killing demons.
For me is just a matter of aesthetics. Sure DOOM is not particularly mechanically different from other FPS (its a lot more fast paced which is a plus tho), but the environmental and monster design is top notch, and the soundtrack is amazing because Mick Gordon is a djent god. Beats any generic WW2 shooter, god knows we don't need more of those
>Have a fucking unique mechanic for fucks sake.
But eternal specifically does have unique mechanics. Its approach to combat is very unique.
I have a theory that the people that want DOOM Eternal to fail are the same people that got pissy when shitty movie games got shit on here.
It's Tortanic 2.0 subhumans, they'll move on RE3
what do you expect? This board sucks.
I don't want it to fail for any particular reason, I was pretty hyped and bought the deluxe edition because I honestly enjoyed 2016 and generally love doom games, but this one just isn't my cup of tea at all. Just not very keep on all the platforming and weird special ability shit they've thrown in.
How the fuck do I open the second door by the giant heart in level 5 (I think)??
Can I get a genuine comparison to 2016? I just want to know if ammo scarcity and platforming is as annoying as I've read it is.
i know and that's what i'm doing, but the upgrades you need to take to increase the ammo cap kinda suck desu.
its basically Rage with a bit more mobility and momentum-stopping punch cutscenes. And these dont mean much if they do nothing to alter the challenge itself. Like does the dodge ACTUALLY mean anything? Are there enemies that can mix-up leading you and not leading you with projectiles or is the solution to most enemies to just kite and dodge in a circle occasionally going in to glory kill?
>finish first level
>Game crashes
>Refuses to launch
Yea..awesome game.
I still haven't beaten the original remake DOOM, It wanted me to run around and punch everything like some fucking zoomer, waaaay too ADHD for me. I like my dooms like Doom 3 thank you.
Can't be compared to 2016. It went in an awful direction where everything now depends on glory kills and your ammos so limited you have to use the chainsaw to get ammo back or end up with just melee which does zero damage.
It's utterly bizarre and it feels bad to play. They made a bad painkiller not a sequel to nu doom.
I realised it was bad when I turned back on empty weapon auto swap (a setting I hate and always look for to disable asap in any game) and just stopped caring what I was firing, as long as I was firing something. The only times I've died in this game is when I've been wasting time trying to have a plan for what weapons I want to use and finding them all empty. But if you just shoot what you have and use your epic cooldowns regularly you just win.
Instead of ammo being a thing you spend over the course of an entire level, ammo is designed so it's designed around using in each encounter. You only have 16 shotgun shells max at start for example, but you get chainsaw fuel often to regain ammo.
it's fun desu
>doom 3
lol just play one of the riddick games, they're the same shit but better
I've spent more time tweaking my HDR calibration than actually playing the game.
update your gpu driver you retard its your fault its not running, not the games.
source: everyone else who got past the first level you dumb dumb
RAGE? Hell no, what? That game was a very slow corridor shooter. A fun one, but not really comparable to the pseudo-dmc combat this game has.
> Like does the dodge ACTUALLY mean anything? Are there enemies that can mix-up leading you and not leading you with projectiles or is the solution to most enemies to just kite and dodge in a circle occasionally going in to glory kill?
Yes. Pic related.
>animeposter is a TORtanic retard
imagine my shock
I'd say it honestly really all depends on what you're looking for. For me the pros and cons are
>Looks very nice
>Shooting is still pretty solid
>Good enemy variety with enemies that have pretty decent AI
>Good selection of guns to choose from
>No real melee option any more outside of the chainsaw which can be annoying
>Classic glowing pick ups kind of clash with the environment
You mileage may vary (ie shit that will appeal to some but not to others:
>Can't hold much ammo which leaves you almost constantly scavenging for ammo in fire fights, some may enjoy this while it could be off putting for others
>Lots of platforming, which I'm personally not a fan of but others might like it, don't feel it adds much to the game though beyond slowing the pace down
>Game really forces you to use all the special abilities if you want to survive, again some might like the challenge this adds, not my thing personall I just prefer straight shooting monsters.
thats what i was saying earlier in the thread. what satisfying challenge can there possibly be when your game is just a shooting gallery and you're ice hockey table man who invincible punch cutscenes occasionally. What about this is fucking interesting
its a good game i played it on my stadia and experienced negative lag so idk what its like on pc where you have neutral lag instead
For me, it feels like a superset of 2016.
Ammo is scarce but in a good way. Essentially, you have unlimited ammo but you need to use the chainsaw to get them. The more weapons you're using, the less you'll be needing the chainsaw. You will be running out of ammo in the very beginning of the game, though. Later you'll get more ammo types and extended ammo capacity, so you'll have more leeway there.
Platforming feels good. It's a nice breather between the fights. I personally really loved the part of Jedi Outcast where part of the game is finding where to go. Eternal has moments of that but not in the obnoxious "backtrack half a level because you've missed that vent" way. Sometimes you'll stop and look around to see what you have to do next. The same with the secrets. You know where they are but you have to figure out how to get there.
A real complaint is the regular melee being weak. You very little damage with your bare fists - it's not a big issue but I agree that it wasn't a needed change. Still, you have reliable ways of staggering fodder enemies (rifle headshot for regular zombies, close shotgun shot for imps, etc.) so it's fine.
maruader is very fun to fight
Who did better?
I did. It ran until the end of the first level.
>first game running on high
>computer starts pumping out it's fans like crazy
>eternal running on high
>fans are dead silent
What is this black magic
>archvilles are even more annoying now that they turn every other demon into rampaging crack powerhouses
So what do you do when you only have 1 chainsaw charge and no ammo and there is only a large demon to fight?
>just kite and dodge in a circle
This doesn't really work.
No more mega textures. Thats why eternal is like 20gb smaller
good post user
There is a melee option (that hits targets in a wider area than 2016's punch), but it recharges w/ glory kills which is kinda dumb.
Should have made it recharge every one glory kill and/or let you hold 2 or 3 punches.
Die. Just like when out of ammo in your average shooter, you know.
i actually had to bring my settings from high to medium on my 1060 to keep a consistent 75-85 FPS but the game still looks spectacular
almost every time ive fought a large demon with nothing else smaller demons would respawn
This is a very honest and fair assessment of the game. I'm very much in the mileage may vary in the good way for the stuff you listed.
My biggest problem is like you said, the pickups clash REALLY hard with the enviroment. 2016 did a good job of trying to ground the DOOM lore weapons into reality. Like the Rocket Launcher is an actual rocket launcher, the Gatling Gun is meant to be an emplacement and the Doom Slayer just carries it around like one, keycards being found on dead bodies, etc.
Eternal leans way harder into the VIDEOGAMEEEEEE aesthetic to it's detriment. The secrets being LITERAL massive glowing question marks is fucking lame, though I appreciate the extra length gone to hide them.
Honestly if the worst I can say about this game is the aesthetic kind of clashes then i'd say it's really good.
I pre ordered it digitally and whenever I try to enter the portal, do battlemode or customize it says content pending install please try again later. I can only play the first level but it's fucking fun and he sounds like Guts
And I'll still happily take them over the Summers of 2016 fuck that
The fact that theres cutscenes at all completely throws the original design philosophy out the window. I dont mean just the story ones you can skip either, theres also the jarring cuts whenever you finish an area and the whole game feels segmented rather than one long continuous experience.
why does this image look exactly like a mobile game menu
looked up footage and I can grant you this, the marauders behavior and counter mechanic and essentially being forced to use the shotgun (a weapon with a very limited rate of fire so it requires precise reaction time and decision making to the marauders telegraph) is the first interesting thing ive seen in nu-doom. If only there were more behaviors, mechanics, and situations like this.
unfortunately most rooms still come down to dodgingkiting the room and occasionally cutscene punching for health
>kite and dodge in a circle
Let's start with the fact that you never fight solitary enemies.
Seems like such a clunky solution to an unnecessary problem
Start from contemplating why are you so dumb and how did you get there.
Then consider using grenades, they are unlimited.
You can also run around for a while because there still ammo pick-ups.
I'm not 100% sure but I think the game will spawn some fodder enemy for you eventually if your encounter takes too long.
the first game is so shitty, retards here actually liked that garbage kek
This makes a lot of sense. Thank you for dropping that shit.
I have a 60fps monitor and a 1060 as well so I don't even notice. I think the art direction really carries the game very far, all of the missions so far have been in *insane* looking enviroments. Walking along the Sentinel mech suits as they pose, tableau in their final moments of putting a Titan down, are crazy.
play on something higher than easy
you can't fucking just go in circles around an arachnotron on nightmare
Holy fuck, they really want you to use the Glory Kill system this time around. Ammo is even more scarce than in Doom 2016, a "No Glory Kill" run is out of the cards in Eternal. Atleast they've fleshed the whole system out this time around, doesn't feel tacked on like in the predecessor.
Ultra-Violence is much harder this time around but I enjoy the challenge.
Ballista < Gauss
Other than the cutscenes, isn't that what DOOM (hell, all shooters) are?
Is this place just an echo chamber for contrarian opinions and complaints?
play on higher than easy retard
There's plenty of little mechanics like that, Carcasses will kill you by reflecting Rockets back at you, Plasma Shield bois gets decimated by Plasma Gun, Cacodemon get fucked by rockets etc etc. All demons have a special matchup. Of course they don't lean too much on that, because that would cause gamepla problems if you are supposed to be fight a hundred demons at all times, but Eternal rewards those willing to learn
of course but the issue is that you are so mobile that whatever "cut you off" behaviors the AI have go unnoticed. Even if it isn't an exact circle everytime (because certainly levels are designed to attempt to prevent this) the point is that you rarely have to really think about the course you are taking because the AI doesnt force split second decision making. Honestly marauder one of the few good examples of this.
Dodgekiting the room is basically what you did in OG DOOM anyways.
Also the Archvile forces you to do this, as does the Hell Knight (since the max damage on him with shotguns requires you to get close and he's a melee guy). I think that if you play on UV or higher you'll be surprised how the game pushes you.
My only complaint is with extra lives and how easily they can be wasted because some of these secret encounters are bullshit
Why does everything have a overwatch cooldown
I play on the second highest non-meme mode. I don't remember the extremely badass name of it.
yeah maybe, i dunno. game isnt perfect but its still really good
sadly, yes. siege mode was so fucking based
the zombies spawn in infinitely until the "real" enemies are dead i think
just download the torrent you tard
On nightmare if you don't dodge and you don't take advantage of the locational damage mechanics you're fuckin dead.
I think this game does push boundaries for FPSes. It's some of the most involved fps combat ever. The mechanics of the game work beautifully. You're always thinking about what weapon to use next, which mob to target first or lock down, what resources you need and what abilities you have to get those resources. It's real pulse pounding stuff and at the end of many fights I am literally shaking from how intense it is
I was thinking this too when I saw it. Looks really bad.
Cultist base. What the fuck do I do here?
Sethisto go to bed
Behind you, moron.
its because Yas Forums does not actually play video games
everyone that plays video games is off playing videogames while we're all in quarantine
Yas Forums posters are here posting shit about games they haven't actually played
am i based yet Yas Forums
>go into ripatorium for the first time
>BFG Division starts playing
I unironically clapped
Played this game all day but I wish I didn't.
Ah shit, I picked up a secret here and didn't even think to turn around. Thank bud.
That's sooo cool! Bethesda really gets us gamers, you know.
>using the drag grenade
So how is normal mode treating you for your play through?
my pc can't run Doom Eternal m8
>kill Icon of Sin
>starts playing the badass riff from the intro elevator scene from Doom 2016
I clapped. Mick Gordon, you did it again
im going through on nightmare and some fights legitimely take 10-20 tries, i can safely say it is 2 times harder then 2016 nightmare
but its so much fun i dont even care how many deaths it takes, its most video gamey fps i played in recent years, dashing back and forth avoiding rockets fireballs and plasmabolts from every direction and flying with chainhook is just too good.
The only thing that im having issues with is that caco is literally a non threat compared to every other enemy and usually just waste of time, i dont like that you can't just outright kill already stunned enemy with regular weaponry like in 2016
also Pinkie's bullshit dash tracking, couple of times faggot made almost a 360 before running over me
other then that its a blast, dont care about change of tone when gameplay is this good
>Playing on nightmare
>7 extra lives
>lost 6 of them when the snakes came out
Biggest choke of my life
in case someone happens to know? how do you change language in pirated steam games? steamapi.ini doesnt exist in this game's root and in game menu doesnt have lang settings
asking for a friend