Is this guy and his entire series just a big long Polish revenge fantasy?
Is this guy and his entire series just a big long Polish revenge fantasy?
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Kinda based Tbh
It was, until it turned into a Jewish revenge fantasy.
Nah since he hasn't done a single polish thing in the entire series.
polish people are retard beta lords
he was always polish and jewish
B. J. (big jew) Blazkowicz is an ashkenazi revenge fantasy.
Is there a single group these days that whines more than nazis?
Oh grow a spine, how pathetic are you.
What a bunch of snowflakes, impotent raging whiny babies.
>he was totally always jewish except we never told anyone until 30 years later, we swear you guys
All whiteoids are extremely sensitive
>inb4 Tom Hall said-
Still not canon
Nope, just Polish-American.
>But his name is Blazkowicz!!
Which he got from his non-Jewish father, even shown in the reboot where he is Jewish
take your meds schizo
>i know more than the original creators
how can someone even cope this hard?
>he was totally always jewish except we never told anyone until 30 years later, we swear you guys
first one yeah the next two got a little bit weird
probably because the EU writers lost the minds trying to understand Burgistan while their Burger overlords pressed them for the game to be more badass like Doom16
samefaging schizo
Find one instance where he's labelled Jewish in any of the old Wolf games. He was always Polish-American. I don't care either way, but I'm just saying.
point proven
Nazcels seething
His mother being Jewish is enough for him to be accepted by even the most orthodox Jews. Jewishness is passed matrilinearly, in their view.
Stay mad naziboi you lose the war fair and square so shut the fuck up already
You literally just proved his point
point proven
Missing the point, retard.
His Jewish mother didn't exist in the original series, only Swedish reboot.
nah, it's the female power fantasy, aimed at wanting jocks and nerd to feel miserable, and Blastoise is the biggest cuck in history of "progressive" reboots
>why wasnt it ever mentioned in something that had basically 0 story? idc what the developers claimed to have envisioned
His last name is Blazkowicz. It was pretty obvious that he is a Jew from the day his name was announced/revealed.
This is also why Jesus is called "king of the Jews" because Mary's bloodline was descended from the house of David.
nazis do not exist anymore. What you think of "nazi" is people who disagree with you.
>All Poles are kikes
t. neonazi
um, seethe much???
Nah they alway exist mate
sorry nigger, but the series doesn't even support your flimsy evidence
BJ's dad is named Blazkowicz in New Colossus and he's not Jewish.
Wolf3D first 3 episodes are all kino.
Wolf: TNO is a great comedy about Jewish WE WUZ MAGICK N SHIT. Everything else is pretty meh.
they do not
The character is officially half-Jewish according to the lore.
Jesus is only called king of the Jews by Americans who have been kiked out of their skulls.
Of course they don't exist anymore, they all got destroyed by superior Soviet Union armies.
Neo-nazis certainly exist. But yeah, idiots love to throw that word around at everyone they disagree with now.
Only according to the shitty reboot
His name has no relation to "the lore" which is mostly retcon
And Goldstein is a typical Buddhist surname. Right.
Read a Bible sometime Achmed.
Yes they do did you actually think they vanished after ww2 end
you posting in the wrong thread again, user?
show me national socialist goverment.
and the original creators of wolf 3d
>Jews are magic
>Niggers are superhuman
>Communists lead the fight
What did Nu-Wolf mean by this
shut up, Soviet Rape baby
Actually fucking based fuck Yas Forums
>this is what christians actually believe
you are worshipping a jew get over it
>>Niggers are superhuman
College football does that to a man
>Call B. J. a big jew, which he literally is
>get called a nazi
You mean college-ball ?
Spiderman is Jewish.
Is Blazkowicz Aryan?
>You have to be a Nazi to hate Kikes
Stay mad whiteboi you were born to serve our goal so know your role and shut your mouth
do not respond to marxists. All they do is make up shit and try to stir anger. Just wait when corona takes out old boomers who protect them.
you have to be a loser
>BJ was totally a kike before, even if none of the marketing, games, interviews and lore pre reboot says so
Really makes you think
T. Shekelberg
Lol kek you wish faggot my father still alive well
t. kike
She is right, tho.
jew > you
>you're a nazi if you don't like pandering
Raimi's Parker is canonically Catholic which is the only one that matters and the most popular
not for long :)
the Kike cries in pain as he strikes you
the saddest part is you're not jewish. You're just some brainwashed mutt...
what's the problem jesus was jewish and apparently most of you are tradcaths now
>the devs of wolf 3d are just lying bro! theyre cryptokikes who are just saying it because theyre good goys!
America's future policy should be putting every kike on a boat and sending them on their way
jews live rent free inside your head and always will :^)
that's not what they said in the slightest, you fall into this category
some whiteboy trying their hardest to be offended by something they're not even part of
>blue eyed
>square jaw
Seems Aryan to me desu
White people fear the jew because the jew alway outsmarted them
you know damn well that they love their masters so much they are willing to sacrifice their penises.
Before nu-wolf, it was just a wacky world war 2 shooter with wacky occult nazi science to spice things up, which is what made it fun as shit. Now it takes itself too seriously.
Yes, he way Jewish. But he was a ''weird'' Jew, not a merchant. So they killed him.
The irony. Jews call themselves ''God's chosen people'', but they killed his son.
tricked them because white people are eternally kind and forgiving. Not like animal like you would ever know.
>being stuck in the past when he wasnt even a part of it
the absolute state of neonazis lel
Doomguy is a spacejew
Goldstein is a German name.
The names traditionally assumed Jewish are actually European. You see, when Europeans came to the US, they usually changed their names to be more American. When Jews came to Europe, they changed their name to be more European. But when they came to the US, they retained their European names by and large. And funnily enough, American first names at least have more or less integrated Jewish names. Rebecca, Sarah, Noah, Daniel, Leah, etc.
Blazkowicz is a Polish name. Many Poles have that name. Coincidentally, Poland always had a large Jewish population, because it was one of the few European countries to not aggressively persecute them. The name is still Polish.
it wasn't always like that but the eternal kike has steeped into the very soul of America pitting black vs White, always making it an Us vs Them thing all so the Kike can undermine hardworking Americans
>abused unconditional trust and kindness
Yeah, it's totally the same. And when trust and kindness ran out every time and they got expelled time and time again, that was a part of the plan, too. Very smart.
>tricked them because white people are eternally kind and forgiving
on twitter, 25 years after the fact
people lie
Doomguy is concentrated rage that has left his humanity behind.
Meant for this
>kind and forgiving when theyve done the most amount of wars and most destructive wars, against each other too
his mother is jewish, you inherit the jew from your mothers side dipshit
Nazi; National socialist. Ergo, people that love their country and want to be social to the people living in it. So, give medicare to Americans and not to Mexicans. Let's help America and Americans, not Peruvians or Cubans.
Help your Grandma, or help Achmed refugee (read; economic immigrant) from Syria.
What do you want to be?
So what you're saying that Jews who came to Europe or USA and changed their name stopped being Jews? Is that how it works?
the Negro and the Whiteoid must set aside their differences and put the eternal kike to the sword
nice reading comprehension you stupid nigger
The more scientific term would be "low levels of ethnocentrism and relatively high altruism towards the out group" but he is basically right.
Punch nazis GET
the story of wolfenstein is so fucking gay
the gameplay of the first game was ok but i uninstalled it 30% of the way through because i couldn't take the story/characters anymore
do not know what are you asking here
yes, Just like JK Rowling lies about shit in her books after the fact to score points on twitter
>call someone a nazi
>say it's ok to physically assault people on the basis that they're nazis
>"if you aren't a nazi then why are you offended when we attack them?"
every fucking time.
i dont think ive seen someone cope this hard before honestly
Haha, off by one, get fucked.
you say that but it's very progressive of Nazis to turn fruits into Vegetables
nice try retard
get shot and die like pathetic worm you are. Just wait when corona destabilizes west. Just you wait you motherfucker.
500k isnt that bad really for such a shit game.
Are you this stupid on purpose or is it just a birth defect?
Why is he wearing a mask? Why are all antifa members wearing masks if they're doing the ''right thing''?
As if kikes ever paid their rent.