Why are people getting so upset about her personality...

Why are people getting so upset about her personality? It's how she acted in the original because she was surrounded by a bunch of retards including a guy that wouldn't shut the fuck up constantly trying to get in her pants.

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Other urls found in this thread:


She was less abrasive in the original. She never swore and didn't have the bitchy attitude.

truth. got it in one.

Honestly why the fuck is Kendo alive?

Don't know about everyone else, but a woman trying to be aggressive and "intimidating" is just hilarious. Does anyone actually take a women being "badass" seriously?

Pretty much this.
This too.
Though I guess for today's standards, her OG personality would be bland so they had to "spice" it up by making her act like a teenager.

>jill doesn't treat some random suspicious stranger who is also an obnoxious faggot that tries to flirt with her every other minute with respect
Wow, what a shock. It's almost as if she treats and gets close to people she actually likes and trusts with respect as opposed to some annoying strangers who happen upon her in the middle of an absolute clusterfuck.

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>RE3 Jill: "There isn't going to be any rescue, we have to get out of here! Let's go, together!"
>RE3R Jill: "I know what a radio is you stupid fuck. Don't mansplain shit to me, asshole."
Gee, I wonder.

Nobody is saying treat Carlos with respect. Where has anybody said that?

Fuck you.

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Top kek Retard

male privilege

>>jill doesn't treat some random suspicious stranger who is also an obnoxious faggot that tries to flirt with her every other minute with respect
Have you never hung out with a Latino man in your life?

Did you read the last thread about this topic. People were legit getting heated because he tells him to fuck off whenever he tries to flirt with her.

But, user! You're being incredibly superfluous! She only says "I know what a radio is". Totally not aggressive at all.

>"you stupid fuck. Don't mansplain shit to me, asshole."
And I wonder why you feel the need to lie on the internet

>My nigga Kendo is still alive
wtf capcom?

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Never played the original but I see nothing wrong with how she's portrayed.

It's largely just purity fags who haven't spent much time around actual women.


then don't speak on matters you know nothing about ?

We never actually heard him kill himself. Just his daughter.

Based Kendo needs his own game. RE8: Kendo Rage.

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No she says "tsch fuck you" which is an immature response. It's not even witty.

Just people who never actually played RE3 comparing about dumb shit. If being sassy towards people she has reason to distrust at that point and telling some wannabe casanova who bombards her with his shitty flirting every five seconds to fuck off I can't imagine how mad they'll be when the punch happens.

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RE"3" takes place before RE2. It was always meant to be a gaiden called Nemesis (or 1.5, internally). CV was supposed to be RE3 but it was exclusive to a Sega console Nemesis was named RE3. CV is still the direct sequel to 2 though.

>gore is okay but swears are not

There was marvin there after the demo as well. My guess is the majority of this game will be before RE2. They did the same in the original, with a time skip being after Carlos got the vaccine for Jill.

It takes place before, during, and after RE2. Don't you people know anything?

this man knows his stuff. Fake resident evil fans don't reply.

why'd she hit him? what a bitch.

What has that slap got to do with her being sassy or whatever? You do know the reason she slaps him right? Its not out of hatred or spite or cos of some sassy attitude, it's out of disappointment in Carlos that he's giving up all of a sudden. You're really fucking dumb.

cause Yas Forums is retarded

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The point is that you idiots are freaking out about her being aggressive in spite of having all of the justification for being so.

Disappointment in him that he was giving up all of a sudden when they had come so far. It wasn't out of hatred or spite or some sassy attitude. She was just disappointment in him. It woke him up too.

Endless swearing is a sign of low intelligence.

1999 is better

No one here is claiming Jill is a mensa member so I do not understand your point. She's a member of a glorified SWAT unit.

point is you don't jack shit about this franchise.you just exposed yourself. don't reply, embarrassing.

Why is her putfit exactly lara croft

It's just too cringy. Every time she comes with some retort I just can't stop rolling my eyes. So feisty...

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meant for

wow they look happier in their original versions, people sure have changed with the times.

Fucking nigger. Bitch ass cunt faggot, shithead. Rake a piss.

When did Yas Forums become so sensitive? Are the people bitching about her "attitude" self inserting as Carlos or something? The point of his character arc is that he's an obnoxious cunt at the start who deserves Jill's ire and it isn't until he risks his life to save hers that she stops being a bitch to him. She still doesn't want to fuck him though.

>point is you don't jack shit about this franchise
I've honestly probably played more RE than you have.

Can confirm. Latinos are very horny. Hornier than a black man in a room full of white women.

>don't reply,
Sure. Seeing that you can't handle facts, it'd be a waste of time to reply to you spergs in the first place. Just fuck off back to Yas Forums if you want to cry about women so badly.

lets face it, she's got penis envy so like a manlet who tries to start fights she tries to 1-up and emasculate men because she's scared of them, scared they're so much stronger, so much smarter and could easily in this time of crisis ...undress her for pleasure

Are you implying you wouldn't act like a dick to a group of soldiers who worked for the company that created this mess and is telling you how to do something you already know?

She used to be a trained individual, an intelligent, calm professional who survived the Mansion incident. Now she curses like a sailor and acts like a run of the mill stronk wymen who needs no man #423535.

>Are the people bitching about her "attitude" self inserting as Carlos or something?
Dong ding ding.

They feel as if their waifu would treat them the same if she were real so they feel slighted.

If you turn on the Japanese audio she's much less like a teenager. The English version obviously needed more stronk women.

Yeah same. I can't do it. I just can't. Every time she's about to speak I can't bear listening cos I know it's 50/50 gonna be something that makes me wince proper hard.

user, do you think that people who excel at combat scenarios speak without cursing?

Although games back then didn't show much personality in many cases. Jill was the generic female hero like Aya Brea or Samus Aran. The all had limited lines and didn't tell much about their personalities. It was more about their skills and their goals.

Still, the game is overacted and forces that bad bitch attitude too much.

Imagine unironically caring that someone might hate women

Is OG design was far superior.

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So then why did you relate her slap to how she acts towards Carlos in the demo like it's the same thing. It's nothing alike.

this is how you spell SHILLS. watch how sensitive they get over any and all criticism. Constantly trying to make you look stupid and retarded. You guys are hilarious, thank you for my friday night entertainment.

No one really "cares"

Giving high testosterone traits to women don't make them look more combat ready, though.

1. I didn't post the gif
2. You act as if people arent going to perceive that as her being a bitch

>single "Fuck you"
>endless swearing
Shouldn't you be posting those poop webms?


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Cursing is not a testosterone thing.

The writing in this and 2 have been downgraded from their original operatic form to something resembling modern low brow TV writing. Why can't fans of the original games criticize the writing in the remakes without being called sensitive?

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>She never swore
Swearing is generally frowned upon even when it comes from dudes. It's a sign of impulsivity and lack of manners.
>and didn't have the bitchy attitude
Same with this. Being childish is okay when you're 10, but when you have the same attitude over 20, it's cringy.
I don't know who or what caused these devs and devs in general to equate bad, trashy behavior to "empowerment" but it has to stop.

Is this going to be a thing now? Not complaining


Yeah we get it. Jill is a strong womyn, very strong and independent womyn that need no man. Ok?

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>It's a sign of impulsivity and lack of manners.
Yas Forums is 18+

Imagine coming to a site that's full of cursing and slurs and still being triggered by a video game having the tame language of an R rated movie.

Hahahahaha. the old games had shit writing and voice acting

I'd reckon Carlos and Hospital part is all during RE2 and yeah when Jill wakes up it's like two days later and October 1st when Nuke comes.

>Imagine coming to a site that's full of cursing and slurs and still being triggered by a video game having the tame language of an R rated movie.
aka the double standards of incels

There's a difference between criticizing and just mindlessly sperging out because a fictional female said mean things to your self insert. Like I'd understand this outrage if she was being a bitch to Chris since that would be utterly out of character for her, but Carlos is some random faggot who only appears in one game and then fucks off forever because he's not relevant.

you need your ass trained to obey your better,wise senior.

They will if they don't know the context of it but that's it.

When your only complaint is that a swear word is there, you come off as a 10 year old about to tattle to the teacher that your heard a bad word.

Just leave and don't come back. This place isn't for you.

ye didnt he get eaten?

I'm gonna pirate this just to dab on buyfags.

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It's been a thing for a while.

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Yas Forums is about extremes. I'm starting to think it's a social experiment. Can't complain or praise without being confronted by someone.
If you complain then you're piled up with every other person that has ever complained about anything and people imply you're crying and outraged because you didn't like a particular thing in a particular game as a particular individual in a website about discussing games.
In the end, the discussion ends up being derailed towards complaining about others instead of discussing the features of the game. Maybe it's not a social experiment and just a tactic from community managers... Or maybe just people being assholes in general.

M8 we've been explaining the context of why she's cold to UMBRELLA operators and we're still having these threads. Do you really think context matters to them?

>zombie apocalypse
>lack of manners
Thanks for a good laugh, I really needed it. Really.

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>the old games had shit writing
And yet, it was much livelier and theatrical than what's in the new games. The cutscenes are very plain and dull now and the dialogue is like from a cheap drama series for teenage girls.

There won't be a single cutscene in 3 as exhilarating as this one, mark my words:


The funniest part is this game is still going to be a massive success despite the handful of incels crying about Jil because she says some mean words that hurt their precious feelings. It happens every fucking time and it never stops being satisfying.


No man you dont understand. We're five minutes away from death at any given moment. We cant do anything unless our pinkies are out as we sip tea and politely ask zombies to stop chewing on my thighs.

yeah ill mute the game and play some music over it and mod her to be my little sex doll

It will still succeed because less and less people read the classics every generation and will eat it up due to having bad taste. This isn't something to celebrate.

Shut up, Michael.

I miss when we used to have nice RE threads. This sudden drama about Jill's personality seems so manufactured.

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did leon fart?

They are upset that their waifu (who was a cop and SWAT team member) isn't demure like their hentai.

It being a Zombie apocalypse didn't seem to matter for them to change her outfit for "believablity".


Why am I not surprised to find a bunch of bitch snowflakes on Yas Forums?

women in general make me laugh
literally a meme gender, only good to give us sexual pleasure and be nice to look at

What does that have to do with swearing?

Leg locking a zombie while Jill kisses it!

>Shotgun still does not guarantee a burst head even when shot point-blank
>But the zombies actually react when hit, sending them flying several feet back when taking a blast
This game has done so many things bad, but it's also somehow improved some things from RE2R. I don't know how to feel about this.