Why is PF so bad at Light Rampant...

Why is PF so bad at Light Rampant? I've never seen the community trip over themselves so hard over a single responsibility mechanic like this.

Where does one find a static if they're already on E8S?

FFXIV 5.2 thread.

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Fucking Shadowbringers and the stupid plot

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what are your thoughts on ishgard

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Haven't been there since the restoration stuff started, is it really this mad there or is the restoration business instanced?

What data center, time and what job do you play?


It's truly disgusting how fucking bad most XIV players are.

I know you are just shitposting, but that wasn't even the point of shadowbringers. It's not "Light is bad", it's "Light and Dark aren't inherently good or evil"

You aren't trying to find my account are you
That's one of the restoration "fates". Normally it's just people sitting around crafting.

Me regretting previously giving away shards and crystals willy nilly...

Gathering seems wasteful cause im already lv 80 so exp goes nowhere.

also hello evil twin

Primal, PST evenings/weekends/it's myself and a BLM friend.

I just cleared E7S and I want to learn E8S.
I heard Ilya's strat for Light Rampant is bad. I saw Xeno has a strat named Bowtie. Is that better?

Never forget Yoshi-p was fucking based for giving us lewd Ryne.

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my server triggers the fates at weird times, I've only been able to get in 2 of them.

Ilya's strat is only bad for week 1 clears and parse runs. People will be annoyed because melee uptime gets cucked if you get an orb but it unironically doesn't matter because as long as you can clear the fight, you don't need to get a perfect parse to clear anymore

No, having more people for a static would be nice.
Oh okay, you're my roommate.

Ilya seems to be the PF preferred strat because it's mostly retardproof even if it's worse.
Uptime/Bowtie is better but I have 0 trust on PF being able to pull it off consistently.

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>finally leveling up RDM after not touching it since SB
>single target rotation feels fine
>AoE is boring as fuck compared to both other casters
BLM at least has Flare spam that feels good because it's a big fucking explosion, and SMN has giant dragon laser beams.
Don't get why they didn't give RDM some big AoE finisher move or whatever.

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I guess it's sorta like liquefaction on Ruby EX. Ideally, melee should be on the shorts and ranged should be on the longs and you should rotate to fit that
But the dps check is so lax that it doesn't matter.

Would you like to make one? My static disbanded after our MT/Leader quit the game after getting frustrated with the Tank mechanics in E5 and E6

Honestly Holy and Flare don't feel like they have as much oomf, you're right.

That'll be next expansion
I haven't done it yet, but the tank mechanics for E5S seemed really easy

Ideally I'd rather not lead but post availability, job, etc and I'll see if I can find some people.

They are, and you can still maintain good uptime while evading the birb. Only issue might be uptime during the Furious 14 or whatever its called

You should post more in thanks.

The first 14 spears seems really easy, I dunno why I hear so much issues with it. literally just move into position and thats it. The second one seems to be roughly the same, just gotta move after getting launched a bit

Did you get yours already?

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They made the first phase too short and the second phase too long. Now that the ranking period is over the Firmament is practically empty on my server, but we only just finished the Mattock which the NPC says is only 1/4 of the way through the current phase. I have no motivation to keep contributing because I already have every crafter at 80 and did about 25-30 hours of expert crafting during the rankings, during which time I earned enough scrips to buy every scrip item multiple times over and a big stockpile of materia to boot.

It's still few months until the next phase, so we will see. I don't know about those 2 new servers though.

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MT gets to sit and only move for required mechanics, OT has to kite the add around, but it's pretty easy to do so with the exception of second thunderstorm where everyone who isn't PLD gives up and resorts to only using their range attack

It is. He just kept failing the 2nd Duty Action somehow and dying to tankbusters. Our OT took care of the add.

>I've never seen the community trip over themselves so hard over a single responsibility mechanic like this.
Never did A4 Normal while it was current huh?
>Tfw the healers keep running into each other and instantly dying despite repeated warnings

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It's just one of those mechanics where anyone screwing up at all is an instant wipe.

It isn't as tight timing wise as the magnets in o11s is it?

No, 14 spears are easy compared to that.

also, "being even slightly greedy" is a mistake enough to cause a wipe

Not at all. You have plenty of time to get into position, but if anyone fucks up and stands too close to the line and dies, or stands too far to the side and doesn't snap their spear, then at least half the group is dead because the Judgement Volt AOE is so big.
It's not hard, but it's not forgiving either.

From the new dengeki interview:

>No new ultimate until the end of the expansion(5.5~).
>Not enough resources for deep dungeon until next expansion.
>They are trying to prepare a variety of content that revolves around "lifestyle type of content" in Patch 5.3 and onwards.
>There is too much "new content" and other games being made that they no longer have the time/money to do a deep dungeon this expansion instead they are focusing on bringing out content like the minion farm. With current leveling methods being tweaked to make up for the lack of a deep dungeon.
>At the end yoshi-p says he has other projects going on besides ffxiv this expansion, and he is trying to do all of them "without dying in the process"

The following is a translated quote from the interview:

Yoshida: I 'm sorry, because I'm making a lot of new content, the production cost to go here has disappeared. Actually, I wanted to have a place for leveling in case the next extension package came out ... Even though the project has been completed, the cost of making it is not currently available, so I'm thinking of taking a day off in the deep dungeon. I'm preparing for ranch-like play that I've been talking about for a long time, and since patch 5.3, I'm going to have a lot of content mainly for living.

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It's even worse. ShB is literally a diversionary lore dump called a "narrative." SB was actually progressing the main plot until LOL FAGGOT CRYSTAL CAT SUCKED EVERONES SOULS INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION BY ACCIDENT WOOPSIE.

You act like the war with Garlemald was the only plot thread the story has. Shadowbringers expanded the story much more than Stormblood did, especially since the Ascians were the overaching threat, not just Garlemald.
I'm okay that the second ultimate is in 5.5. Means you actually have something to use the relic weapon on for once.

Shadowbringers is fucking trash. I can't wait until the dust settles and the crust from people's eyes goes away that it was nothing more than Emet-Selch tranny baiting and how it was the beginning of the end of this game being a content desert.

>"lifestyle type of content" in Patch 5.3 and onwards.

>he couldn't see the Empire being tied in with Ascians from 50 malms away
This is a Final Fantasy game, after all.

I'm just trying out end game raiding for the first time, I did a few practice runs of E5S and I can get to the enrage consistently but we always seem to lack damage. My gear isn't great and I don't try super hard with buffs (like, consumable items and shit, not too sure what's available but I'm sure there's stuff I'm supposed to use), and during some of the more hectic parts of the fight I definitely pay less attention to keeping up my rotation. Do I have to grind out the fight enough so that I can do all the mechanics without it affecting my damage and go full tryhard with buffs, melding gear I'm planning on replacing next week, etc. or do I just hope I get into a better party and have them make up for my lack of damage and carry me?

Did they recycle Toobie's undergarments?

>o I just hope I get into a better party and have them make up for my lack of damage and carry me?
this one

Honestly, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is absolutely know your rotation for your class. Be able to do it subconsiously so you can just focus on the fight mechanics.

Fights are designed to be clearable with the minimum ilvl, but having more gear/melds does help. You don't need to bother with pentamelding crafted gear though. That's excessive generally. Do have food, and try to work some potions in.

It also might just be you are having bad luck with your teammates. Clearing savage is a team effort, one person cannot carry the entire party damage wise. Just be sure that you aren't the one being carried and that's really all you can do.

>new type of content
>lifestyle type of content
>Budget gone
So much for "The most successful expansion" to date and highest sub count ever.
>thinking Stormblood was good
While ShB's story is the only thing keeping people from looking at how shit the actual content quality and quantity is in this game it sure does have a way better story than SB since like HW it isn't fucking disjointed by two fucking regions that have little to no relation to each other. ShadowBringers is self contained to expand on Ascians, Heavensward is contained inside mostly Dravania and Ishgard which are two regions at war with each other while Stormblood has Ala Mhigo and then you fucking off to Not-Asia cause Zenos beat you up and then doing nothing but Not-Asia till you have 5 birds to help free Ala Mhigo.
>Shadowbringers is fucking trash. I can't wait until the dust settles and the crust from people's eyes goes away
Don't disagree but our reasonings are different

You can install ACT to see if you're the problem and not everyone in the party like it usually is with PF.

How fast can I get scripts in the restoration if all I have is a level 60 fisher

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>he thinks the plot is disjointed because it's in two different regions
Can you genuinely be anymore of a brainlet

Next to none because the main way to get scrips is through a Crafting class.

>if i cut out an important detail regarding the two region complaint then i can look smart
Keep doing you user, Stormblood is the weakest story and the most disjointed of them all. Even XIV's team admitted that Doma is there cause Yoshi-P wanted it in what was supposed to be an Ala Mhigger story. You'll never have anything well made like Dravania and Ishgard was between Ala Mhigo and Doma.

Just leave and find a better party. But you should also install ACT if possible and see if you're the one sandbagging. What % enrages? People have more gear now so it's more than likely it's just shitters. Keep in mind it's the first floor so there are no filters.

Jesus if they don't even have enough reosources for content that was in Heavensward and Stormblood while constantly cutting corners on what we are getting then what the fuck do they have?

>user trying to defend Doma being half assed into Stormblood
The only good thing about Doma was the Azim Steppes.

FFXIV has been a cash cow to fund other SE's other projects since inception. Yoshi-P is a lying gook who fools all the trannies ingame to genuinely thinking they're helping support the longevity/quality of this game by buying Mogstation crap.

I don't have the crafted 480 (I think?) set, I'm using mostly upgraded Deepshadow stuff with some of the smaller items (boots+accessories) being from either tier 2 Eden normal modes or Crystarium gear. My average item level is like 476 or something, and pretty much every party I find for E5S asks for either 470 or 475 so I'm assuming it's good enough. I've only played through the MSQ and I feel like I know shit about 90% of the game, I have no idea how melding works but should I look up stat priorities for my class or something and just meld at least my better items with VIII materia?

Yea I'll try using that I guess. I'm not sure about the exact boss hp% but it usually looks like quite a bit, like definitely over 10% at least.

And there was nothing good about Ala mhiggo.

What the fuck even is the rdm aoe rotation? Just alternating veraero 2 and verthunder 2? I'm not even sure if it's worth my time to go into melee in groups of 3+

You can turn on target health bar %'s in the option somewhere.

So always use 8s for your melds if you got them. If you are still building up a cluster supply, 6s will be a substitute, but switch to 8s as soon as you can. 7s are purely for pentamelding, so you can ignore them, 6s give more than 7s but can only be used once in overmelds.

As for what stats to meld, you'll want skill/spell speed to taste. This varies from class to class. Dark Knight for instance needs enough SKS to consistently get 5 bloodspillers off during delirium, enough SKS to get a GCD of 3.48 is pretty solid. But summoner on the other hand can generally ignore spellspeed since the majoirty of it's spells are instant cast.

After skill/spell speed, the order is almost universally meld crit, if you can't meld crit, then meld direct hit, and if for some reason you can't meld that either, meld determination. Warrior is the sole exception, due to how it works it doesn't need direct hit so it can skip straight to determination after crit.

Sometimes healers want piety, but that's more of a personal thing and ideally you don't wanna meld it at all if you can avoid it

Yeah you are PUGing with absolute shitters who are likely dying to every mech imaginable and probably with princess 0 DPS healers. E5S's DPS check is lenient, too. There's no way one individual can make up 10% worth of boss HP.

Verthunder -> Scatter -> Veraero -> Scatter, repeat

>nothing good from Ala Mhigo
>only one good thing from Doma
Add that all together and what do you get? A shitty expansion story.

You have an aoe melee spender with Moulinet

>a GCD of 3.48
I assume you meant 3.38
I don't think it's even possible to avoid skill speed hard enough on gear to end up that slow

You should definitely have shit melded if you want to do Savage, it's free damage you'remissing on. Look up your class' priority melds

Also 10+% enrage means there's a major DPS issue. Either people are constantly dying or shutters aren't doing their rotation right.

Yeah, sorry .38 not .48

What good would I get from doing the gathering stuff then?

Veraero/thunder 2 + Scatter then spend it all with moulinet when you get to 100

Well if you wanna craft without spending money, you gotta gather your mats from diadem. And you do get some scrips from just gathering, but it's more just icing on top than a way to seriously farm scrips.

You gotta mine like 2000 nodes or something to max out scrips just from gathering.

Fuuuuuuck. How leveled would the crafter have to be to start doing ishgard stuff then?

What's the hardest possible content right now?

Free leveling
And you do get some scrips just not a ton. The level 80 crafts give 60 per.
You can always double dip by gathering your own materials and then crafting them, but it'll still be slower than buying the materials off the marketboard

IIRC you can do Ishgard stuff from the very start of your crafting career, just the low level turn ins give dick-all for scrips

We'll make it someday(as someone who is also trying to get E5S done)
won't say something stupid like I never ever fuck up mechanics or have never caused wipes but as I've tried again and again now I pretty much have it the fuck down so it's a matter of either finding a static or getting lucky with PF
my last attempt had a tank miss the F14 duty action -twice-
the third time the other healer ran his Fury'd Stepped Leader onto my fucking face
usually it's dps being dumb
weirdly have had like zero issues with CL but I hate the circle strat compared to the triangle(or the conveyor 'box')

UCoB or Mahjong?

How's the exp?

You can start gathering at level 10 I believe. And I think the exp is supposed to be pretty decent, though it would probably be better to level through leves which give a retarded amount of exp (I think I went from like 40 to 70 in like an hour and a half).

Also keep in mind that you'd only be able to cap in 2000 nodes at max level with max level items, lower level items give less scrips.

Think of this all as an investment, not something you are gonna be getting lots of scrips with immediately. This is supposed to be endgame content, the reward for people who aren't max level is more the exp than the scrips.

High MMR Mahjong

I unironically miss Stormblood, the fights were more interesting and most jobs were better to play with

Thanks for the help. By the way, are there any decent online resources for this game? Whenever I try to look something up I tend to get the same two shitty wikis that are incomplete and outdated in different ways and random reddit posts from 3 years ago. I thought MMO players were supposed to be turbo autists, how come there isn't a proper site to look up stuff like this?

The Ultimate fights

Dunno about gatherers since I maxed mine before diadem, but crafters get a pretty good amount of exp. They get less exp than HQ leves give, but they take much less effort (generally 2 skybuilder mats plus a normal mat instead of like 5 different mats, with 2-3 being crafted mats from HW onward)


>I hate the circle strat compared to the triangle(or the conveyor 'box')
It's easier for healers and casters, especially RDM.

There are guides, but they generally are on leddit, so if you got a bias against them, you may be on your own.

/vg/'s thread might have a guide in the OP, but I haven't checked since those threads are cancer