Are you really going? Nioh 2 thread

Are you really going? Nioh 2 thread

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I miss him bros...

Even at his ends, he always thought of you as a friend

fucking excellent character
sold me the moment he danced like a monkey for Dosan

>cut through his army and confront him while allying yourself with his enemy
>hey bro, want half of the fucking japan?
>still friendly towards you during his boss battle
He was twisted by his desires and Otakemaru's influence, but in the end he's MC's lifelong friend.

Yeah, he felt like a dude that'd be a top tier bro from the start. Plus he's got a feral spirit guardian so he's cool in my book.

Btw what are the droppable human skills that are worth it?

Just beat it very fun.

What were those flashes though? DLC Hints I assume?

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>Btw what are the droppable human skills that are worth it?
Almost every one of them aside from Punish the Proud maybe

the Spear is really flashy

yep, just like the last game, we're gonna go BACK in time!

Sure aren't
I'm busy farming blacksmithing shit

I love Tokichiro, but I hate what the spirit stones and Otake made him into.
Its a real shame we didn't get any missions where we get to fight alongside him though, I'd have loved to have my bro at my back.

maybe in future DLC

He clearly was a pretty shitty fighter before he started using amrita to enhance himself
He pops amrita during his own battle like a drug addicted junkie, yet he still performs worse than, say, Nobunaga

He crossed the river in the end though, we won't get to see him again sadly.

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man it sucked that the boss arena in Byoudo was placed so that you could miss the entire lower part of the temple
now I have to redo the level

Oh it is a comfy Horseboss fight
>his brother joins in

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They're both easily slaughtered.

Is Kasha's level bugged or something? I am pretty sure I looted all of the locks yet it still says I have 0/3

What are the levels I should go to for mortal cores

I want to fuck Okatsu

I want to play it pretty bad but on pc. Why can't they just launch the shit at the same time.

They want to ruin it with DLCs first so ensure you'll get a console version on launch next time.

>ruin it with DLCs
Huh? Nioh on launch was absolutely awful in both balance and shit to do. Crafting was miserable until tempering was added, there were two less weapon types including the favored child odachi, only a single guardian spirit, and forever LW was a thing that absolutely shattered the difficulty but less hard than launch Ninjutsu did.

The only real bad addition was that pvp arena. And even that I had tons of fun in exploiting very very stupid builds that couldn't be beaten by anything other than people using that same build.

Three filler difficulty levels bloated the game beyond any redemption. They aren't even hard enough to justify their existence, literally just more numbers for grinding autists.

The refight mission with Nagataka and his Bros are decent and short.
The Blade Brothers I think it's called?

So... don't do them? The DLC campaigns were a great addition. The difficulties weren't.

Then don't do them. The abyss was the greatest addition for "grinding autists" while people like yourself can feel free to stop whenever they like. Meanwhile the DLC's also came with new maps, new enemies, and a new system of set bonuses, all real good.

>switch to 2kat
>barely die at all anymore

What are the biggest current flaws of the game that can be plausibly fixed by DLC and patching?

>easier weapons to learn with are easier to do well with

>don't do them
But I like the game and want to actually try and tune some builds, learn the combat, etc etc. But the base difficulty is too easy once you understand all the mechanics. Ideally there should be a one more extremely hard difficulty where you actually have to test your build and gear, so no increased item lvl.
But Nioh just tells you to play the game 4 more times and just get all the loot again and again. And game isn't getting much harder too. Right now I'm at the end of main campaing at the Way of the Nioh and guess what? I still use some shitty weapon I got at the first levels and some random armor pieces with Yasakani for set effects. The only challenge game can offer is bullshit oneshots, nothing else really. All the loot and gear is literally pointless since I can't get to the point where all of this stuff actually matters. Instead of making a hard gear lvl cap to encourage build making they just kept bloating the numbers to absolutely absurd levels.

More armour and the face mask from the opening movie.
Seriously, can't find that mask anywhere and I need it because its baller as fuck.

I thought Toki was waaay more lethal than Nobunaga. Nobunaga leaves himself open at all times and has no threatening moves once you realize the meteors don't track you at all.

you mean better weapons, yes that is correct, its crazy how much easier it becomes when you have a complete toolset

Enemy variety
Level variety
Boss variety
Weapon variety
Weapon moveset variety
New weapon moves that are actually useful
More soul cores, soul cores for enemies that don't have any like the various yoki and skeletons, tweking of soul cores to not make them OP/bad
Actual difficulty

Yeah but he mostly pups himself full of Amrita that whole fight.

No, he meant easy. 2Kat is baby's first weapon.

Tonfa and Switchglaive is baby's first weapon.

you misspelled odachi

that's switchglaive and odachi, though

>Zero dmg Tonfas
>Ki munching Switchgliave
What? Easiest weapon is Odachi and Axe. It's not even debatable.

If you guys say so. 2kat hs been by far the most free shit

Shibata has the most bullshit grab in the game.

it goes in a fucking straight line lad just dodge to the side

Lmao, triggered 2kat babs.
You know that weapons class has the most weapons right? And the most skills to learn from bosses? And the most representation?

tracking is insane you have to iframe it

>having a bunch of useless flashy boss attacks means easy weapon

Eat shit & leave my 2 weapons alone fucker. If anything, Odachi is easy mode

stop dodging so early, wait for him to initiate the grab and commit to a direction THEN dodge.

Yo, so are Hatchets shit or am I using them wrong? FUckers have no damage.

im not that guy i beat that asshole and know how it works, doesnt change the fact that his grab has the dumbest combination of speed, range and tracking in the game

Hatchets are extremely awful. By far the worst weapon in the game.

WotW would have been a good second difficulty level. Spreading DLC enemies in the early levels was fantastic, many enemies get a new move (like cyclops getting buttsplash and big skellies getting mad spinner), red enemies are cool (that's WotD but rolling it into WotW would be better), etc.

literally all irrelevant points, odachi will always be the most braindead shit in this game

objectively incorrect. it's a straight line every time.

It took a bit to phrase this without sounding like a ninny.
>game isn't getting much harder
Don't know about you but enemies being able to slap your buffs off and shake off sloth et all was a pretty big game changer.
On the topic of picking up gear, that became worthwhile to do starting with WotW.
On the topic of bloat and one shots, neither of those happen if your build is good. And realistically if your build is really good, towards the end of WotW you went through half of WotN one shotting things again.

Especially if you're getting one shot. Your build is very very very undertuned. And so it's silly to me saying "gear is useless" in the same sentence as "bullshit oneshots"
And as previously mentioned, the bloat introduced later was all skewed in favor of the player. So you ended up getting obscenely strong with critical builds that let you one shot the hardest content the game had to offer;

WotN as a whole and the abyss in particular was an enjoyable sandbox to test your builds in. Where enemies finally felt as if they could resist getting looked at without exploding unless using a oneshot build and where back attack didn't just eradicate all dlc bosses unless you built for it.
HOWEVER, with all that said I am sympathetic in the desire for actual difficulty because once a build gets started it's hard to actually feel threatened for the rest of a run up to WotW. Obviously excluding the dlc, as the dlc is tuned differently and thus is harder to steamroll because the boss fights are significantly harder.

>Getting the most shit and favoritism doesn't matter
2kat is baby mode and the game was literally made for it in mind. Don't get mad just because you chose easy mode.

a straight line directly to you yes, thats how tracking works

a straight line directly to where you WERE because you should be moving to the side the whole time.

what the fuck are you doing? dodging backwards?

cope, odachistain

the speed of it makes it that where you were and where you are are literally the same, you have to iframe it jesus christ its not that complicated

I literally sprinted past the grab every time when I fought him

Does it change anything whether you side with koroku or katsuie?

katsuie wont help you in the spiderbull mission and if he doesn't you cant meet him in the interim

you can just redo it though, like any mission

>work for your damage tonfa excluding tonfa gun
>no stamina switchglaive
It's always going to be odachi and high stance kusarigama.
But just because a weapon has a low skillfloor doesn't me it doesn't have a high skill ceiling

Katsuie gives you an item you'll need later to have a mission become available towards the later end of the game. There's three outcomes to that mission though so you should just do it thrice anyways

only way that works if its you're standing at the max range of the grab

Show me where the Odachi user touched you. I know you may be a bit intimidated by my swords huge girth, and you only having two twigs in comparison, but it's okay.

Show me where the 2kat user touched you twice.

I see thanks

Is there any advantage at all to using the block burst instead of the interrupt or dodge, or am I gimping myself using it? Feels like the timing is a lot more finicky on this than either of the others

>needing 2

brute counter is by far the best one since it literally doesnt require a timing. it just works.

>WotW would have been a good second difficulty level
Yeah, it was the only one which actually felt different compared to the base difficulty.
I never used sloth much in the first place so it wasn't a big problem for me. One shots are a problem for me but I'm running a light armor currently and didn't roll weaken weapon effect yet so I guess it's expected. Game still isn't hard unless it just throws bunch of cheap stuff at you, mostly at side missions, and you still can cheese most of encounters with living weapon.

If you're doing like red tearstone ring type shit using an armor set that locks you to two weapons to one shot bosses after a minute of buff prep you deserve the boredom of oneshot fights tho

I had the patience to get to mid abyss before tapping out but I used a fairly normal build with just the basics (as in like familiarity damage, ccd +15 inheritable, etc) that takes 5 minutes to make with tempering and it still retained a pretty good challenge against bosses. Especially if I was too impatient to clear the borderline manageable abyss curses like perma-sewage.

I'm at the second mission on the last region but man, they did a fine job with the level design for the last areas

Those are my new main. When used correctly they can fuck enemies up. Like the skill that lets you throw one to enemies feet to do Ki damage, and you can attach a skill to make even more Ki damage, and shit like that. I mainly focus on Ki damage with them, you should try it as well

>a fucking nigger samurai
I can't believe they fucking got their hands on this game too.

Well well well, Odachi bros. Looks like the low damage niggers are fucking jealous of our high values.
How embarrassing.

Until you get to NG+ and trading hits kills you. Feral shits on brute, especially if you don't have the reflexes to instantly counter the faster burst attacks.

Its low cooldown makes it easier to spam against moves you've never seen or don't know the proper timing for, but feral and brute are way better overall.

>he's a healthlet

Even a Gaki hits for 1500+ on NG+ Feral is also better for someone like me who uses axe and needs the dodge to cancel Rumbling and Spinner.

>the only tonfa skill I actually use is Demon Dance and Shove
>never do anything else because they just work the best
Am I missing out on something?

oh no, less than half my health, then i heal it back with my infinite elixirs

not to mention protection talismans

>yoki with an cannon
>four arm samurai that shoots sword beams
>in a small room

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can someone translate this caveman speak?

Welcome to Nioh 2 bro

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How does the feral counter works, I just eat every attack. Do I have to go back to brute?

>protection talismans

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Yes but the 1.05 patch should have fixed it.

Yes, it easily positions brute counter as the best burst counter by far, since trading damage is out of the equation for the first few uses.


just dash into the hit box with it and it should work, you still have to time it for that though.

So you can get 3 skills to 99 right?
or is it just 2 and then some in another skill?

Fellas why is the Lone Wolf set, the very first set you start with, so good looking?


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So is the Kusarigama good for anything else other than High Stance square mashing? Every skill is ass so far. Hell Crimson Flurry is literally just the same attack as High Stance square mashing.

Is the fastest way to fuck up enemies (including bosses) since you will empty thei ki bars very fast after 2 or 3 succesful Yokai burst. Burst can be used without spending stamina (so Feral becomes a free dodge and Phantom a free block), and they can cancel animations. You will get timing eventually. If you cant just go for Brute, it is meant to be used as soon as the red sign comes up, instead of waiting for the last moment (although you can use it at any point during the enemies attack animation) It is slower than the other 2, and you can rexeive damage during the burst animation, so if you wait too long to use it you will end up trading.