COVID-19 Precautions

>COVID-19 Precautions
>As you all know, the Coronavirus is having a massive impact on our planet. Entertainment companies of all kinds are feeling the repercussions, and we are doing everything we can to make sure Subverse's development will not be affected. We work mainly in a remote environment so our team members are able to isolate at home and keep safe. We also have lodgings in a remote area in southern Europe where we are able to work together if needed. Currently I am here with the director, and a couple of devs will be joining us soon and hunkering down until the storm passes. Canned beans and brown rice, here we come!
>From all of us here at FOW - stay safe, everyone!
Now this is what a competent videogame devs are like Yas Forums!
Feels so fucking good for being one of the backers for first ever million dollar erotic game.

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when is this coming out

>when is this coming out

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Never. Why would they release it when they get tens of thousands of dollars a month doing nothing?

2021 according to FOW's new roadmap.

>canned beans and brown rice

Gross. You could step it up for not much more. Actually I take all that back. Canned beans are great but fuck brown rice. I guess I just really dislike brown rice.

>"you're a cuck"
>"no, you're a cuck"
Every Cuckverse thread, you cucks.

>paying for porn

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I want to fuck that robot so bad

I want to watch that robot get fucked

FOW already received their budget from Kickstarter and they don't have a Patreon to milk money every month.

yea practically this, people are actually giving them money through patreon just to beta test the thing

so in their wisdom they will never release it because their making a killing from virgin incels

Sorry user, she exists for old men to gang bang while the captain just watches from the corner
You can't do anything to stop it so don't even try
Now someone post that picture of the robot girl on her knees doing the double peace sign thing after said gang bang

time for the company to disappear then

>everyone using this shitty virus as excuse to not work

jesus fuck pathetic

>FOW videos feature the girls being fucked by different men/monsters
>nobody cares
>FOW game features the girls being fucked by different men/monsters
Self inserters are a cancer.

why do all the characters in this look like reskins of girls from overwatch

A lot of people are losing their jobs over the virus. Restaurants, clubs, hobby places, etc.

>just a flu bro
Based zoomers spreading a pandemic.

same as watching porn then?

That's basically what they are, these cunts are doing the least amount of work possible whilst leeching patreonbucks like theres no tomorrow

no, you're a cuck

According to their timeline, last year.

But zoomers are the least likely to die from it, it's mostly old farts, rabid smokers and fat fucks.

Good enough I suppose.

I only care about the robutt. Ripped scenes when?

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I don't think they have a patreon.

They don't have a Patreon anymore, you fucking dumbass.

FOW doesn't have a patreon you fucking idiot.

>crippling the world's economy is cool if you're retarded
Guess I can't argue against that.

t. fat old fart smoker

I can't wait to see these women railed by monsters.

>nooooo muh house of cards was great, it's your fault that it fell over

Can't wait for the lawsuit FOW gets.


It was supposed to come out spring 2019, then they said early 2020, now 2021.
So pick a wild guess.

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I can't wait for them to get fucked by a black guy and see all the rage it would cause

No thanks, the art looks good and the gameplay looks like it will be fun. I just don't like the fact that some of the ntr/cuck shit is unavoidable. If it was I'd have no qualms with the game. Hope you all have fun jacking it to though if that's your thing.

Behold, Fow intricate and subtle talents

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Nigga that's literally just porn who fucking cares what's fucking the robot I just wanna bust a nut

I love my robot-wife Demi


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The crew also love your wife, user.

But it already came out...

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suck my cock I live in italy and we don't give a flying fuck, we work like always, people who die are scrubs who kept going to get groceries 20 times a day because they are fat fucks, people with brains go 1 time a week, grab all groceries then fuck off, they deserved to death

>I live in italy and we don't give a flying fuck
Guess that explains why Italy have a bigger percentage of infection and dead than fucking China.

I love these threads for how mad incels get at the sight of a woman that's not a moeblob sucking their cocks 24/7.


>Now this is what a competent videogame devs are
heh, they can claim 50000 devs are working on it all day and night including your mother and turmp. Who can say if any of it is true or not while they hide everything? If you want to see how it's done look at wild life where the devs don't hide in anonymity.

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It's probably because their developers are all men that they have to isolate.

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>brown rice
gay retards, white rice keeps for like 10 times longer

I can't wait to get cucked in real time by The Scout.

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Gross desu

It's fow's fault. In videos you don't have player characters. They should just have done it without one.

>5 animations between 10 characters and 3 outfits
Shit game.

stay mad cuck I was speaking rethorically, we take measures to avoid infection but retards will be retards and die like idiots, it's like telling someone not to walk on a minefield, some will say DURRRR and explode, you can't get mad at those niggas they dumb lole

That desert game looking spicy

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>5 animations between 10 characters and 3 outfits
They have way more also what did you get from fow so far? 0.5 Animations and a few character teasers with 1 outfit.

Cuz bitches sit home and do nothing, while men go to fucking work every day.
Bitch ass feminists should all fucking die.

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name of the game ? I forgot

unruly wife.