How do we save Digimon Yas Forums?
How do we save Digimon Yas Forums?
You stop comparing its profits to the #1 most profitable media IP of all time, and then you realize it doesn't need saving.
Just tell Bamco to make Survive good, make an actual effort to market it like they do with all their Dragon Ball shit and other assorted anime arena fighters, and most importantly
Have a "main" game series with consistent gameplay between each title and release them consistently.
Digimon Story games are already the "main" series.
>Next Order PC port never ever
More Renamon.
digimon survive will be good and CS sold really well on PC
>main series is a shitty elemental rock paper scissors JRPG with dime-a-dozen "chosen one saves the world" garbage story that somehow manages to be even more casual than pokemon
oh no no no no
And yet you wanted that gameplay to be "consistent" instead of changing and evolving into something better.
Nice advice, genius.
More male Digimon with big feet
Not the same user.
DW3 remake
Except its done entirely with sprites.
here's your wargreymon, bro
Is there a way to get the corona/luna egg in the 20 anniversary digivices without connecting to other 5 unique digivices?
I swear is impossible to get them in a 3rd world shitty country on lockdown
What the fuck
>My Hero One's Justice 2 was good and had actual effort
drop the turn based rpg and pet simulator trash and make a third person action game where you control the digimon and the tamer just supports you
>digimon survive will be good
Stop doing RPG statshit and make it more like the actual source material where they digivolve mid-combat due to effort and stress
The anime is not the source material.
First of all, is that a statement of your own or who are you quoting? And second, what was the point you were trying to make?
When this plage passes make a new Tamagotchi that lets me fight people online, has color, and is backlit. Maybe make it so I don't have to wait for midnight to put my Ultimate/Mega digimon to bed.
More x-antibody forms.
>tfw somehow didn't want to fuck renamon but her trainer had me diamonds
I think I made it out ok bros
how do we get autistic shitposters to stop pretending an active multi-billion-dollar franchise needs "saving"?
use digital monsters to kill god with the help of stephen since he may canonically visit digimon universe
Agumon isn't getting into Smash faggot
Yeah, Omnimon is.
nobody mentioned your party game, schizo. take a shower, you reek.
>that feel when every shitmon in existence gets an x version, but Saberleomon doesn't
World 4 is the best digimon game. And that's sad.
At least BanchoLeomon can go super saiyan
i hate how some of the X versions don't even look closely to their original verisons
>Leomon X
>Garurumon X
I really really like these old designs whit the cables, plates and wall-eyes. I might never experience the rush of spotting a new old digimon ever again.
No the digimon world games are
Those shameless fucks over Japan are making the games for us old farts who were alive when adventure aired. It is basically otaku money.
They should make a digimon game with a lot of TnA, design some new TnA digimon redesign angelwoman to be thicker etc to grab maximum otaku bucks.
There's this guy he's a suitable substitute.
Leomon X is just Leomon with metal pants and a Dukemon's cape. Sure he's drawn differently but saying they don't look similar is just a lie.
More digimon world like, less humans and no more teenagers add more cunny. Also make it more horror and gory.
Why is furry agumon sad?
Also, for anyone that cares, all the main characters and their partnermons are now revealed.
I like most X antibody digimon but this one is undefendable. it's scores of LEDs, the stupid gun swords, and the tiny six-pack keeps me from liking it. and Rizegreymon is one of my favorite greymons so it just hurts me a little.
They should postpone the next "mainline" games release till it has the largest roster of digimon yet
Unfortunately by making more digimon story games.
Since this thread is going to die I'm going to put it on life support and dump my Sinobali folder.
i blame the entire failure of digimon on agumon.
he wasn't nearly as marketable and cute as Pikachu.
both anime and digimon games were superior to Pokemon (and still are)
I hope the remake is better than the teasers.
they should have kept going forward, trying to get even more nostalgia bucks from now adult fans
jesus fucking christ thats ugly
We don't.
My favorite type in pokemon is bug, and there are plenty of them. Does digimon have a lot of cool bugmon?
Quite a few