The English localization of Animal Crossing is the only one that pussyfoots around the problematic words "male" and "female". All other languages explicitly spell out the options.
Thoughts on this? Why haven't you learned moonrunes yet?
The English localization of Animal Crossing is the only one that pussyfoots around the problematic words "male" and "female". All other languages explicitly spell out the options.
Thoughts on this? Why haven't you learned moonrunes yet?
i can't read any of this and i will not take your word for it
i have been tricked before and i will not be tricked again
They wanted to appease the large percentage of Animal Crossing fans.
You know which ones I’m talking about.
They literally removed the text under the icons.
But that’s okay, since you can’t change your gender IRL. So it’s “style”
America is the cuckest place on earth
>americans can't tell the difference between male and female icons
white people really do ruin everything
おとこのこ is in hiragana, so technically it could either mean "boy" or "crossdressing boy" depending on the kanji.
thats cool.
I don't give a shit because one is obviously a dude and one is obviously a girl.
everyone knows nintendo of america is cucked and they hire purplehairs to ruin their games because they dont care or respect the western market.
sex. the scientific term is sex.
Damn that's pretty good
>Why yes, I think it's fantastic that a minor rephrasing of a menu can mean all the difference in the world for transgendered players. As someone who used to be known as GigaCheryl, I know how it feels to be left out and I'm glad Nintendo of America is pushing for a more welcoming and wholesome experience.
It still says the same thing in Japanese though. It just says "Which you you choose? You can change it later. Boy. Girl." and is still interpreted as you being either male or female presenting. In fact it'd be redundant to say that in English since the picture already conveys that.
It'd be another thing entirely is it said "choose your gender" or something and you were locked into the choice, but the implication is still the same even if they removed the text that said boy and girl.
Get woke, go broke.
Oh, nevermind. It's Nintendo. It's still gonna sell. It's always OK when Nintendo does it.
On second thought, it fits. AC is the franchise fragile trannies use to protect themselves against evil M-rated gory franchises like Doom.
Why did Americans become so fucking gay and sensitive?
The point is that if they had presented the options with the "male" and "female" titles, twitter schizos would have complained that it's cisheteronormative by assuming that males have short hair and females have ponytails.
>all this shitpost about gender
>tfw all you closet trannies are playing as females anyways if going by all the screenshots posted on Yas Forums
It’s quite hilarious desu
>As someone who used to be known as GigaCheryl
Oh gee, I wonder who could possibly be behind this Yas Forumsnigger bait thread.
Same thing.
Yas Forums is 85% americans 15% UK and brown latinos
not even russian gopniks are retarded enough to be Yas Forums posters
I mean I understand the concern but honestly why not put your energy into something more worthwhile? Do you really care that much? I don't care about LBGTQIFIEPFAX as much as the next guy but holy fuck, I actually can not give a single shit about this problem.
Is that an actual word
rent free
wow you retards really exist, huh
yes user privyet you caught me, it is I Putin, I wish to destroy the west by complaining about you decadent toys on Yas Forums
I don't care, I just want a 500 reply thread.
Sure thing, Voba. Whatever you say. Wouldn't want to make your job harder or anything.
Goddamn slav chicken fucker piece of shit, go push your propaganda somewhere else.
>どちらかを選んでね !
>Choose one!
>Bыбepи чтo-нибyдь.
>lit. "Choose something"
I guess at least they're not re-translating the English version, but holy fuck in Russian that's an extremely weird and off-sounding phrase to use on gender selection screen.
not if you're an anthropologist, negroid
Yes. Somehow.
Imagine actually giving a shit about this inane bullshit
Why is this always said about the ones who say something about it, but never the ones who do said "inane" things?
supporting that gender fad mental illness needs to go.
I know it seems like a minor change to censor gender options but now I have to be worried that villager dialog translations will be changed too.
男の子 おとこのこ (Boy)
男の娘 おとこのこ (Crossdressing Boy)
Eat shit, faggot.
They removed Pink and Blue boxes for their names.
>Please choose your style
Oh no, the game is surely ruined now.
Villager dialogue was always dramatically different from the Japanese version.
EOP please leave
男の娘 is written as オトコのコ in kana
>Raaagh, I hate those russian untermensch, why couldn't Hitler of wiped them all out
Go back CNN, nazi
>it could either mean "boy" or "crossdressing boy"
dafuck you get your translation from?
gender doesnt exist
sex exist
can you show me a gender? i can show you a sex
nobody has ever seen gender. lots of people seen sex
i can prove sex exists
you cant prove gender exists
literally does not affect me in anyway, you took the time to create this thread?
Why in the fuck do you guys get so upset about "Are you a boy or a girl"? Every single fucking time, you pick the most inane shit to sperg out about.
Are there any other differences between the Japanese and North American releass? I'm pretty tired of the script changes often made in localization. Shit makes me feel like I'm playing an abridged version of the game.
I think it's kinda silly but I'm also not nearly enough of a bitch to whine about it
>literally does not affect me in anyway
Do people not know canada
Gender and sex have been synonyms since forever until Americans turned into massive faggots about 20 years ago.
They are still synonyms pretty much everywhere else though.
No, it isn't. It's not a loanword. It might show up that way in h-manga for emphasis though.
I think everyone in this thread needs to shut the fuck up
it's normallz おとこのむすめ
My thought is that why the fuck would it even matter.
not in anthropology. we needed a word to describe males who perform as feminine, so gender was regulated to "masculinity and femininity" while sex is and always was "male and female"
What are you seething about?
You can pick either look anyway, so who cares?
For something that doesn't matter and is "inane", people sure get pretty fucking upset when others don't abide by it and/or calls it dumb. Pretty contradictory desu
>It's not a loanword
How's that N5 going
the point is where is the line for changes?
like yeah censoring the gender is one thing, but how faithfully did they localize the rest of the game?
any sort of unneeded change has me worried and makes the question the whole thing
the kanji has two kunyomi readings, one is "musume" but the reading here is "ko"
Doesn't matter, it's forever cucked now.
>takes the writing at literal face value like an actual autist, instead of taking it into context to prove his gay point
>doesn't realize (or does and chooses to ignore) that it's written in hiragana because there are children who play this game that haven't learned to read kanji yet
>japan inadvertently btfo's nintenbabbies by writing alone but idc because game good
go spout your nazi rhetoric somewhere else
>(or does and chooses to ignore) that it's written in hiragana because there are children who play this game that haven't learned to read kanji yet
this, your very first interaction with the game says "heads up! we have ideologized this game and removed things that offend us."
personally I wouldn't pay these fucks and wait for a fan translation to pirate. I bought doom but only after confirming they didn't remove any of the shit that offended trannies at quakecon.
vote with your wallet, before your videogames look like your politics
Russians are literally on the same level as niggers. you are a victim race with slave mentality.
I don't care, I know what they mean.
I wish I had AC tho. No money after stocking up food.
Nope. One language too many.
> people sure get pretty fucking upset when others don't abide by it and/or calls it dumb
That's not what's happening and you know it. There's one of these threads for every single fucking game that lets you choose your sex because it doesn't fit some faggot's feelings on how a game is supposed to treat sex, or even because some faggot here thinks that even being able to choose your sex is "SJW shit".
Nobody's upset that somebody is calling it dumb, it's the neverending threads that get old.
ok why should i care
i dont care this has nothing to do with the quality of the video game
seethe and cope retard
I'm playing in Japanese as a learning exercise and I've also been watching streamers playing in English and the English dialogue is a lot more "spicy" and flavorful, sometimes to the point where it completely changes the tone of a conversation (K.K. is notably ridiculous in the brief intermission after finishing the introductory tutorial). The Japanese dialogue is much more plain and the flavor mostly comes from first- and second-person pronouns (oira, uchi, anta, etc.) and speech patterns.
you're on Yas Forums
you shouldn't. why the fuck should we tell you what to think? make your own fucking decisions.
Can I play with moonrunes if I change my system region to Japanese? This seems like a good game for learning.
>getting this made that russians won the space race
Also retard.
Also retard.
i don't really care but i'm asking why i should care to fish out what the problem is with whomever is getting bent out of shape about it
no, you have to import. the holidays are different as well.
The Russians are just as tired of this tranny shit as we are.
Fucking Americans.
oh. they're Yas Forumsfags. they're always mad, like a female to male hulk on his period.
i see
Damn look all those chink characters
Japanese is truly useless
They have fucked with gamers for the last time.
There will be a reckoning.
You don't fuck in animal crossing your sex doesn't matter at all. All this does is make your cool or cute
I don't care?
This is literally one of the smallest possible issues I could conceive.
Why can’t trannies just go to the hospital, bros? They’re sick, they need help. I’m worried for them.
It’s in kana because this is a game for children.
Boris and Natasha STOLE THE ELECTION
your choices are literally 男の娘 and 女の子
Also can confirm spanish and latino go with choosing aldeano/aldeana or "villager male or villager female"
it's a matter of american culture I guess.
>admitting your been trolled
That's both simultaneously, not a third.
>I don’t care?
Is that a question, or a statement? You seem unsure.
anyone else feel second hand embarrassment for these leftist zombies whose minds are so owned by their favorite propaganda channel that they allowed themselves to become the caricature of red-menace commie-fearing 50's dads that itself only ever existed in the leftist media they consume until they became it unironically?
>The Japanese dialogue is much more plain and the flavor mostly comes from first- and second-person pronouns (oira, uchi, anta, etc.) and speech patterns.
I notice this with a lot of Japanese games. Things like that don't translate well into other languages, so I can understand why English localizations are so heavily altered. It does make me worry about the accuracy though, which is why I started learning Japanese in the first place.
The leash on Treehouse may be wearing out.
poor yamcha
In cases where it's ambiguous, yes it's usually written as オトコのコ
that implies sex is on a scale. then you'd have sex sliders. it's a third sex.
Well which one is it?