He does it for free
He does it for free
Other urls found in this thread:
>try to walk down the street
>get assaulted by giant ducked futas
>can't please them with my tiny shota dick and am forced to become a mouth slut so I don't get my asshole gaped
>futas ripped off my clothes and panties in the struggle and I get raped by a dog anyway and lose my anal virginity to his knot
If you get throatfucked do you lose your halo?
Where do I download it?
Is the game free?
Degrees of Lewdity. A simple google search is all you need to find a download.
amounts of perviness
dropped it after it officially became a tranny game
Just turn it off nigga lol like just close your eyes lmao
And that's a good thing
cant turn off the new bone structure stat or the upcoming hrt patch
It had crossdressing in it from very early on, are you retarded?
... Wait what?
Here‘s the new fag who don‘t understand that half of the fun for this thread is to make up random three words names for this game.
the main focus of the game is now trying to pass
Fuck you I want more people to play this game.
Call me a tremendous faggot but this is actually kind of a cool system and you can keep your corresponding bone structures if you want. If anything this just gives players more agency.
Do you not like more agency?
still more frequent updates than liliths throne btw
everything updates more frequently than liliths throne
Dropped it because you can't really make a delinquent or be a bully. Having max stats plus wolf transformation ect doesn't matter because some rapists are super human along with the game constantly forcing you into rape loops that you can only escape by save scumming.
Don't be gay user
its a shitty game made for subs and abusefags what did you expect
make sure you pc is max size
also be defiant so that you get the demand ability
I've been able to fend off two people who are pressing me down and covering my mouth by just kicking and struggling
I somehow doubt that you ever liked it to begin with
Go find a different thread
Kind of this. What's the point of grinding physical attributes if you can't become the rapist?
That's not the point I think, I think he means "Why can't you be the aggressor."
being able to rape would be nice
like you have to be promis 4 or something to do it but you always get a massive boost in control and lose a lot stress but lose a lot in purity and maybe a tiny bit of trauma
It's called Degrees of Lewidity, not Weekend at Glasgow.
>there's pregnancy in the game
>but it's only anal parasite 'pregnancy'
godammit, that isn't what I wanted at all
too bad samus
At least it allows for mpreg.
Post characters.
Be that as it may it's a game about rape and you can only go on 1 side. Corruption of Champions, which was a game I can only assume inspired this one, went on both sides. I just want the option. Not all of us are subs, and this is a very good game. I want to be a crossdressing shota rapist.
Is there any way to save people from the pillory?
>Shota rapist
Patrician taste.
Last time I played this game was the first clothing overhaul update. Did they add enough for me to try it again?
It was always a tranny game.
Why do you think the faggots here like it so much?
I like to imagine that after a night of thievery the pc take a bus to landrys like this
jesus fuck
Stay safe out there.
>all these degenerate male playing crossdressers
maybe if jannies stopped deleting our threads we could talk about the game in peace
>It was always a tranny game
>you have to go out of your way to cross dress and its never required
>option to completely remove males or females from the game
At least your asshole is normal.
Suck my fucking dick and choke on it jannie.
user, the playerbase for this thing genuinely likes the game, and they talk about it.
what is this game and why does its artwork look so aggressively subpar? what justification do people have for spamming this stuff?
Stop playing this shitty game and play a good one like Rally X
trannies are using it as a conversion tool
Nice art. shading mod when?
If you actually believe this you are insane, and if it genuinely has that kind of effect on you you are weak-minded
I don't want Mpreg, I wanna make an orphan girl knocked up
When is the government going to outlaw permanent magic markers?
>the Yas Forumstards are here
Welp it was good while it lasted.
Don't reply to the obvious bait
every update makes the game worse
>crossdressing is now tranny-shit
I fucking hate trannies for what they've done to the various fetishes.
this shit is fucking hot
My pp hard
This one and free cities are so fucking good
>Do you not like more agency?
Not when it comes at the expense of an otherwise cute experience.
Now it's filled with insecurity-abuse instead.
I only played the update for a little bit but it was concerning how often people write shit on you.
Especially given how fucking often I get run down by the robed people on the street because despite having max fitness I still can't run from those faggots the majority of the time. Then they just whip out the marker.
why can't this happen in real life?
You can disable it if you want.
I wish there was a way to get rid of permanent marker stuff besides waiting though, it can cost a bit of money.
Updated sprites when
your leggings go terrible with the rest of your outfit m8, I'd switch to plain white
Anything significant been added over the past several months?
>You can disable it if you want.
it becomes a problem when you have to do this with every new "feature" thats added
Sissy white boys belong to black cock.
I enjoy the marker stuff. My marker stuff goes away after a bit. Is it based on number of baths?
The way the gender system works now is that you can have a default, masculine, or feminine posture which impacts your perception, along with your innate bone structure, your muscles (which is based on how much you've exercised, it goes down over time), and your clothing. He just made it more complicated than "I'm wearing a skirt, everyone will think I'm a girl now".
Shoo shoo idpollers.
>not playing as a girl in the first place
you're already a tranny, tranny
>this stat means my char can wear boy clothes and still be recognized as female
literally anti-tranny, kill yourself faggot
Just checking
There's regular and permanent markers, regular will go away with a bath, permanent you just have to wait, not sure how many days.
>Shoo shoo idpollers.
>anyone who dislikes my OC is Yas Forums
like a broken record.