*drop the mic*
*drop the mic*
Sony are gonna lose a chunk of their userbase. Goes to show you never know what's gonna happen when a new gen starts.
It's not fair to expect Sony to have Xbox One backwards compatibility
If xbox can somehow get the jap games on their console without the censorship it's game set match.
Will it really be all games? How will they handle games with multiple editions? For example, DS2 Scholar was compatible, but the original wasn't.
The games already released censored. You can't "uncensor" them with BC.
My question is what's the BC with Xbox and Xbox 360. Is it still just a limited selection of titles? Is it the same as Xbox One? Or are they starting all over again?
That article snippet is incorrect. The PS5 won't support ALL of the top 100 PS4 games, the keynote speaker said that "most" games will be supported. Didn't specify a number, but "most" usually means ≥50% but
all those amazing xbox one games...
Awesome now I can play all those great Xbox One exclusives, like Sea of Thieves and... uh....
That's a no, actually.
>The games already released censored. You can't "uncensor" them with BC.
Well yes, true. But was talking about how future games aren't censored on the switch compared to ps4.
>My question is what's the BC with Xbox and Xbox 360.
From what i know, the 360 didn't have that weird architecture the ps3 had, so they're probably all playable on the new console.
You can connect it via USB
All 3 of them?
how the fuck did this 100 games rumor come from? are PCfags and Xobts so desperate about loosing 15 years in a row they stoop so low?
Your telling me I can play Brute Force on my sex machine!?
If it's backward compatible already with the Xbone, yes
I wanted to buy a PS5 so I could play all the PS3-PS4 exclusives, and now Sony has shat the bed. Is there even any worthwhile Xbone exclusives?
>in 4k
>with HDR
He didnt say most WILL work, he said they EXPECT that most will work.
And there was no statement about how many actually work right now.
I can't wait to play those Xbox exclusives that I couldn't on my PC!!!!!
>it will support all Xbox One games
So basically nothing since Xbox One has no games.
>post Xbox games
>proceed to post multiplats on PC
Trash that are not even exclusive.
I'm not saying the PS or bing bing wahoo though have anything better. It's all vomit.
Since when was this not expected
>so they're probably all playable on the new console.
They weren't on the Xbone, why would they all be suddenly compatible on the new machine?
>complain about "movie" game
>post Ryse for Xbox
Nice games faggot
I just quickly went through these and the ones I've crossed out are the ones that aren't actually exclusive.
But why would anyone expect Sony to support backwards compatibility for Xbox games in the first place?
All of these console war threads are ironic shitposting right? No one's actually personally invested in console wars, right?
Xbox really doesn’t have shit
You niggers haven't learned from last time, huh?
The PS3 did exactly the same at the time it was being revealed and ended up being ridiculed for being $599.
Convince me the Xbox SeX won't be an overpriced piece of hardware with all the info that has come out now.
Now cross the ones you can't play for 1 buck with the game pass.
And add the ones that are backward compact on the PS4 and the Switch
Hahahah I was thinking the same thing
t. Xbox one owner
Pretty sure he meant uncensored ports like switch and pc get
Game pass. Backward compact.
It doesn't count?
For all of MicroJew's faults I can't fault their BC stuff. You can play OG Xbox games on their new walled garden PC tower. It doesn't affect my ability to emulate. They're not trying to sabotage emulation like Sony keep trying to do.
Like what? Nintendo is very pro censorship compared to Sony.
I don't know what this means, why would I add any of that when we're comparing exclusives.
>all x box one games
What x box one games
lol underrated comment
This is Microsoft's chance to make a video on par with the "Playstation used game instructional".
That would require either a patch publishing a new version, neither of which is going to happen. Backwards Compatibility isn't going to magically reverse the finalized content in the game.
Oh yes, all 2 Xbox One games.
>only actual exclusive is Halo 5
Now I know why they call it Xbox One
>No Exclusives
Also, this gen pretty much proved BC isn't a major selling point except to a small percentage of people.
They expected ps5 to support all xbone games?
The game pass is exclusive. So is backward compatibility.
Lol, no they aren't, nobody cares about backwards compatibility except Xfaggots because no gaems.
autism intensifies.
Yes, ponie, BC is such a minor selling point every single "leak" about the PS5 specs was using full BC with every previous Playstation gen as a talking point to boost the console. Fox and the grapes, fag, fox and the grapes.
Good. I'm still not buying a shitbox but the pressure needs to be applied on sony for there stupidity. Its absolutely fucking retarded how BWC use to be the norm for every console gen and once companies realized they could make a few bucks reselling us the same games we already own they purposely started gutting the systems to make sure they couldn't do it naturally.
We don't know what the price is going to be for either of them. I don't anticipate either one of them taking some fuck huge loss on each one sold.
Backwards compatibility for the shittest game library that you can play on PC is useless. PS2, PS3, PS4 all have high quality exclusives that you can't play anywhere else. Just like Nintendo.
>Our pc in a box will also play pc games from our previous pc in a box!
>But not the games from the one prior to that.
>Or the one prior to that.
other than ps3, i think ps1/2/4 would be pretty reasonable to expect. If xbox can do it i don't see why sony can't
It is. If it wasn't, the xbone wouldn't have had it's asshole turned inside out six times over.
From what I can tell the game pass is a subscription service that gets to access to games for cheap. Which is irrelevant, it doesn't make the game exclusive to Xbox One and you can still get those games on other platforms.
>So is backward compatibility
Backwards compatibility doesn't make non-exclusive games suddenly exclusive. Are you fourteen?
Back at you.
The difference is that I'm right and the game pass is indeed a game changer. As opposed to that one exclusive from years ago no one gives a fuck about anymore.
Are you stupid or what?
Ori, Cuphead, and Super Lucky's Tale are all on Switch.
>people were expecting PS1 PS2 AND PS3 BC
>sony can barely workout PS4 BC
imagine that reptile breaking into those girls rooms and giving them a birthday present
they need their whole catalog of games because they didn't put out any worthwhile exclusives THE ENTIRE GEN, despite re-releasing the same console thrice.
Can you play the Metal Gear Collection on your PS4?
Will it run them better than pc?
Looks like you're the retarded one user
I do. I owned a PS4 this gen, but they can fuck off with the PS5 :^)
That's called best case and worst case
We vot nightmare case.
Fuck yeah, Crackdown 3 confirmed.
The XOne burned the starting line and could never recover, BC or not. Now that a new gen is starting over they have a better chance than ever to recover and BC will give then an advantage over the PS5.
"MUH X-GLUE-ZIVIS" learn a new argument for Christ's sake, you people are worse than broken discs. Can't wait until Sony shoves every X-GLUE-ZIVI on the PC so that you troglodytes can finally shut the fuck up.
>from what I can tell
Yep, meanwhile I'm actually experiencing this huge catalog of games for cheap.
Keep counting your beans and seething everytime Sony decides to port a game to the PC because you evaluate the worth of your console by the number of exclusives it has.
Where my Sea of Thieves chads at?
Can you play it on the Xbox One?
The reason they never recovered is xbox exclusives weren't good and then they stopped having exclusives at all.
They lost because of games.
Yes. Also Sillent Hill and a few others.