Fuck toilet paper and bottled water. Gamestop has classified itself as essential retail.
Have you picked up your essential vidya from gamestop yet, user?
Fuck toilet paper and bottled water. Gamestop has classified itself as essential retail.
Have you picked up your essential vidya from gamestop yet, user?
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they're fighting for what they believe in, what are you doing right now?
Give me one good reason for GameStop to close
>video games are essential to society
Gamers... Could it be? Have we finally gained our rights?
Gamers... We did it... We rose up
They don‘t wanna miss out on animal crossing and dooms release, so they‘re gonna do this shit to stay open for a few more days.
After they‘re done with the big game sales they‘re gonna "apologize" and close the stores. Screencap this.
Remember. China was GIVING people porn games in order to keep them at home. Vidya is absolute essential for making reclusive NEETs
So we can nostalgia about gamestop like the squirming hypocrites we are.
They'll wait until April 10th for that then
[citation needed]
Communists can't be that based.
I don't know how true it is but the GameStop employee I picked up AC from said GameStop's legal team is prepared to sue local governments if they try to shut them down. What a time to be alive.
So there in an inverse relationship between how important work is and the pay/benefits?
I've wanted to trade-in some games for awhile now but I feel it would be morally wrong given the circumstance
If Gamestop shuts down for the Coronavirus, it'll go out of business by the time all this shit clears up.
There making so much money during Corona. What are the chances this is GameStop’s second wind?
They aren't saying the games are essential, their paper thin excuse is that they sell PC stuff, which is important for people working at home right now.
The local and state authorities can still shut them down whenever they want. This means nothing.
I use Gamestop purely as a place to get NECAs. Those things are like non-shit Funkos. I just got the "Big Chap" yesterday, and I'm thinking about going back later this week, and getting either the Friday the 13th Final Chapter Jason, or the Godzilla from '63 Mothra vs Godzilla.
>GameStop declares itself essential
I can't wait to see videos of GameStop being dragged out by DPS officers
wtf I love Xi Jinping now
As far as I know, they're not "orders" just mere suggestions
people are free to do what they want, if they want to risk getting infected, let them
I just want my copy of re3
I've been going to the same gamestop all my life, even though it's just a corporate chain, it's a small store that felt like a more local business, especially since it's a small town, it was weird getting occasionally recognized there as I grew up, but it was nice when I stopped needing to permission to buy m rated games at 14, I still remember the first m rated game I bought without a parent it was prototype, shit was cash
I would be genuinely sad if it closed down
They are really fighting their fate until the last second, my guess is they can't afford to close for weeks at a time without going fully belly up. Good riddance.
It depends on where you are. A lot of places are just suggestion, but I'm pretty sure places like Commiefornia are under actual orders now.
gamestop is still in business? how have they avoided bankruptcy?
>As far as I know, they're not "orders" just mere suggestions
They're also doing really good business being one of the only entertainment things open right now.
Eh, most of the NY customerbase is rats anyway, not sure why they bother
>The second most Communist American organization hates Capitalism.
What's new?
So Gamestop has been closing their stores and circling the drain for years now. Now as a last hail mary they're breaking laws to stay open during a pandemic and risk being sued into bankruptcy by local and state governments, wonder what kind of galaxy brains are running this shitty company right now.
Fuck Gamestop. They deserve to go out of business because they have continually failed as a company. This is how capitalism works.
Gamestop is literally the one ones standing up to our tyrannical government. They should be applauded.
You wont be able to anyways. They arent allowing trade in at this time
Last dying breath so they said fuck it fuck the gov we open. Kinda based desu
Houston Law Enforcement has outright stated it will remove the license of any company violating the lockdown orders
>gamestop is still in business? how have they avoided bankruptcy?
Gamestop is the DSP of brick and mortar stores
New York City cops travel like herds of bison trying to catch people they can bully into obscenely-high fines. This is like using California as a metric for the rest of the nation.
>Le California liberals boogieman may may! XD
Thanks, Yas Forums. Stay absolutely fucking based.
user, most states are like this. Half the cops in Georgia are literal thugs.
If you have a problem with Yas Forums, go there and bitch about them, asshole
Dont post anymore
>Not buying from the bargain bin to use game manuals and covers as toilet paper
It really is essential. Did you know the average person goes through one whole roll a day??
While shitty at least not many very high risk people ever wander into a gamestop. Whens the last time you saw someone elderly inside one? Probably never.
How soon before the governor of Cali is an illegal immigrant?
Employee at our local shop is saying that GameStop/EB has run out of cleaning supplies and is not ordering anymore since it's not in the budget. He also was selling copies of games early cause he doesn't give a shit anymore.
Young people are ending up in hospitals now.
She's not even qualified to be a citizen.
As soon as one employee catches the virus they'll lose it all in lawsuits.
Ordered a bunch of games online for the Buy Two Get Two Free Deal. Almost every game came in a black DVD case.
Those funko pops and """gamer """ merch they fill more than half their stores these days are the only thing keeping them in business.
Should we prevent immigration? Our team of illegal immigrants say no.
Should taxes paid by lawful citizens go towards public services for immigrants? Our team of illegal immigrants say yes.
So can we hire murderous pedos as our abortion experts since they're the most qualified person to know the ways to kill babies?
They’re already on life support. They know that if they don’t stay open that’s it for them now. Kinda sad.
My company has classified itself as essential retail even though all we make is lighting. The CEO keeps calling us a skeleton crew and I'm pretty sure it's because he knows we're going to die.
Is he Mr. Bones?
Must be because this wild ride shows no signs of stopping.
Alright, Cletus. Chill out, tell your wife-sister you need a break from the internet and walk around the trailerpark for 10 minutes. Get anymore worked up and you might get yer daddy's shotgun and shoot the modem again.
Target sells NECAs too.
To be fair, the definition of essential is pretty broad right now. If Pennsylvania is anything to go by, there's "essential" and then there's "life-sustaining" which is more like the bare minimum.
It's not that younger people aren't at risk of carrying the virus, it's that they're less likely to die from it. The threat it still the same. Neet walks into gamestop, gets sick from other neet, takes virus home to parents, parents get sick and before noticing symptoms also infect someone else.
Yeah im not worried about it. I kind of like it. I did have a bit of fomo because everyone I know is hanging out at home, but the fucking world is a really great place when there's no one around on the streets.
I wish Arnold was still the governor. There'd be some good jokes coming out of this otherwise