DOA Thread:

>self quarantine
>working from home
This is the perfect time for a PVP event.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.03.18 - (2560x1440, 585.26K)

remember when DOA was a fighting game ?

that was a long time ago i guess

>Everybody's dead, Dave

Attached: DSSxs3OX4AAyNZy.jpg (512x384, 13.76K)

oh smeg...

Currently grinding out Gravure Panels because of half-cost.

Attached: GP.jpg (1920x1080, 487.25K)

I love Luna!

Attached: carefree bunny.jpg (2160x3840, 918.23K)

Attached: the weak must fear the strong.jpg (675x1200, 115.62K)

Attached: 1578541030137.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)


Attached: 1555371320058.webm (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Sleep until everything passes

Attached: ETYMCivXsAEtNT4.jpg (1920x1080, 276.84K)

Wait a minute...

which tier mission are you using to grind your gravures?
i heard c tier is the most efficient exp to fp wise

Yeah, I'm using C Main missions for 24GP per 5FP.

Attached: Fiona 3.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

What's that?

Attached: 1574179569916.webm (1920x1080, 2.4M)

I love Kasumi!

Attached: My waifu.jpg (3840x2160, 1.31M)

Something is out of place here...

Attached: BIOHAZARD_6_20120621_004.jpg (640x270, 54.91K)

Imagine if happened in this thread

Would be funny.

Attached: Bouncy.webm (482x702, 2.77M)

I don't know what you're saying.

Attached: 1561716819089.webm (1600x900, 3M)

Attached: Gimme a HELL YEAH.webm (1020x1080, 3M)

That oni sure is cute

check my 500000000

Attached: monica 4.jpg (2560x1440, 733.16K)

Attached: Dflk4doUEAA34wA.jpg (1920x1080, 258.51K)

Monica-get LOL

Attached: fucking bitch.jpg (2560x1440, 619K)


Attached: 1574813397148.jpg (1920x1080, 240.8K)

Attached: 5.jpg (2160x3840, 1.31M)

Attached: 15.png (1920x1080, 1.77M)

That she indeed is.

Attached: Purple Oni.jpg (1080x1920, 338.82K)


corona-chan wins again

i like momiji

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-11-21 18-22-30.jpg (1920x1080, 256.68K)

I love Momiji.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.01.27 - (1440x2560, 481.38K)

Attached: Kanna 3.webm (658x700, 2.93M)

See you all for the six millionth post in 5 years.
I was only 18 off, damn.

Attached: sniffffff.jpg (3840x2160, 1.32M)

DOA deserved the get

Attached: marie_zipang.jpg (1080x1920, 1.34M)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_200320_145435.jpg (2160x3840, 1.01M)

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-12-26 18-15-27.jpg (1920x1080, 327.74K)

Just noticed that you were one second off, shame.

Attached: Beach Oni.jpg (1920x1080, 308.82K)

Attached: DOAX_VV 2019-09-10 18-59-22.jpg (1920x1080, 292.25K)

Attached: wiggle.webm (1620x1080, 2.94M)

Attached: Sayuri.webm (656x700, 2.98M)

Corona awareness event featuring her when?

Attached: Misaki.webm (960x1080, 2.83M)

>best SSR is behind a paywall

Feels bad man.

Attached: 86.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Stop putting title in the subject, retard.


When are they gonna announce the new character? We're closing in on the number OCs being almost equal to the OGs.

Attached: 178_8_m.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Should be in like 2 weeks.

For reference:

Monica was released for free plebs on 11/23. Sayuri was announced for paypigs on 12/06.

Sayuri was released for free plebs on 3/17.

So around April Fools'.


monica and sayuri don't get enough pics posted

Post more wet Momiji

They are ugly.

Attached: DOAX_VV_2019-12-26_00-05-19.jpg (3840x2160, 2.47M)

Attached: DOAX-VenusVacation_65.jpg (2160x3840, 1.21M)

I love my wife Helena.

Attached: helena_douglas_by_efrankenstein_dc9bvmu.jpg (2048x2048, 704.02K)

Attached: 1578508652693.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: 1580382797842.jpg (1440x2560, 474.9K)

Post more Helena


With pleasure. She is divine after all.

Attached: helena_douglas___lady_in_white.png (831x1080, 923.91K)

Attached: Helena 2.webm (1156x650, 2.98M)

Literally perfection

Attached: 1540675165497.jpg (1920x1080, 171.54K)

>too old
>saggy tits
>puffy vagina

>puffy vagina

>implying puffy is bad

>too old
>21 years old
Fuck off Mariefag. Go spam another thread with your lolishit along with the other pedo autists.

Attached: Imgur - _RzdPC4N.png (1080x1920, 2.07M)

>23 is too old
>puffy vulva being a bad thing
Begone, homosexual.

Attached: 1558313201805.jpg (2160x3840, 1.37M)

A cute!

Attached: 1529883133971.jpg (1093x2000, 298.8K)