What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?

Attached: nosemesis.jpg (1400x700, 99.67K)

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just met him in the demo, holy shit
can't even run away from him cause he scorpions me and you don't even have iframes when attacked by another zombie he doesn't give a shit
makes Mr X seem like a joke

i truly hope the spiderman shit is just temporary and exclusive to the demo to keep him in that certain area or something. that shit is ridiculous, stupid and lazy

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First playthrough is going to be annoying as fuck not knowing where the Nemesis triggers are

What do you mean by "spiderman shit"?

His outfit is retarded. It's just black trash bags.

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the retarded looking tentacle grapple in to the sky he suddenly does while chasing you when you leave the area

That looks normal, what's the issue here?

That won't change.
I guess it's better than making a huge jump away.

Nope it's fucking awesome. You caught the gay. Better quarantine yourselves.

I like it. It's the logic step up from mr.x

Holy shit look at this new Mr X its so fucking cool

Its super lame how nemesis is just a remodel of Mr X

The problem with the nose is the same as with the iconic Alien™.
They originally wanted to give the Alien a pair of eyes but geiger (the artist) convinced them otherwise.
Removing the eyes gave the Alien an uncanny valley look.
You expect him to have some eyes on the top but he doesn't.

This used to give Nemesis an uncanney feel to him as well. Too bad they decided for this.

A minor detail with a huge impact.

Attached: hr_giger_alien_ii-copy.jpg (568x393, 86.61K)


>This used to give Nemesis an uncanney feel to him as well.
I don't agree on this at all, it always looked kind of edgy, even for the time.

That would be true for the lickers, but certainly not for nemsis.

>That looks normal, what's the issue here?
>half hookshots-half teleports through the ceiling
>seems normal!

It's RE2 all over again...


It's a fucking video game, what do you think?
Him casually leaving the building would be somehow even more strange.

Play the demo
The only reason he's walking is because the user who made that video is a fucking retard who thinks circling around a bench is playing the game.

I am more baffled by the lack of sharp teeth.

>can't even run away from him cause he scorpions me and you don't even have iframes when attacked by another zombie he doesn't give a shit
Throw a single granade. It stuns him for a few sec. Enough for you to run to the ladder.
It's gonna be much harder later, haha.

Also, as seen from the demo, there are lot of exploding barrels and knife is really useful on downed enemies. I fucking suck at dodging so hopefully it won't be mandatory to beat the game.

Looks like the city will be a bit more condensed in the remake with shortcuts added all over the place like in Dark Souls.

His appearance is more inline to how the T-103 series appear. Keeping constant with that pale, thin ghost white look while still having a disfigured face from the Nemesis parasite taking over the upper brain functions. Nemesis' skin all torn and his broken nose shifting away from his face makes it a bit more consistent to the RE universe of monsters.

I will agree the trashbag coat is shit though. Come on, they gave the damn monster tac-boots!

>My people need me.

>8 item slots in the demo
Why do I have a feeling we're gonna have 10 at that point when we play full game?
BTW, what's the number of rac. dolls in this demo? It says 20, but I assume it's for the whole area, not the small part we saw in the demo. I think I got four.

All 20 of them can and have already been found in the demo.

Fucking hell. My exploration skills really suck then.

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Fucking hell.

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I really don't understand why so many people say he's so intense. The dodge mechanic completely trivializes him.

Here Yas Forums, you can contact me on this

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Jill dog porn when


>The dodge mechanic completely trivializes him
so like in the original then, neato


It feels good to see RE3fags getting blown the fuck out, Tyrant is the OG and Nemesis is just a cheap Halloween costume in a quickly shat out spin-off, all is right in the world.

how do you dodge like a pro?

I rarely ever used the quick dodge in the original, I think I always either forgot about it or didn't get the timing down.

I know what a POS system is.

Nemesis-Man! Nemesis-Man!
Does whatever a BOW can!
Spins a tentacle, any size!
Catches STARS just like flies!
Look out!
Here comes the Nemesis-Man!

they weren't, never let into stupid koreans into your japanese company.

Judge use the dodge button when he's about to punch you.

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only works half the time do you need to dodge in a specific direction?

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Who's Jill's voice actor anyway?

I understand the point of this video, but I really like the subtle shift in direction Nemesis takes when Jill starts moving to her right a little. It's basic tracking, but it works really well to have the freaky monster hunting you down mirror your movement.

that's what happens when Art Director is a retarded gook that has zero understand about the game

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>clipping through the ceiling is more normal than just walking away

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please stop embarrasing yourself, it hurts to watch

I didn't really pay attention to direction, I just aimed slightly away from him and pressed dodge. When he was behind me and showed up on screen, I just pressed dodge. It's not even particularly hard to dodge him when he drops in front of you as long as there's room to get around him. Just press the dodge button and you'll fly by. His tentacles are harder for me to dodge, though I got better at those on my second playthrough.

That nation is made out of simps with micropenis


i just don't understand why you would let some stupid gook with generic soulless art be an art director, its becoming more apparent that RE is run by incompetent nips, the art director for RE2 was some hapa as well

*spider mans the fuck out*
i fucking laughed my ass of when that happened in the demo when i played it. that's just so retarded. this literally is demake no amount of shilling fanboys is going to change that fact.
also they removed the gore partially, it now only triggers when you do a critical hit which makes annoying as fuck effect.
shills gotta damage control and shill twice as hard for this steaming pile of turd not getting buried over doom eternals glory.

how come talentless hack like this got a job as a Art Director

damn, i was going to talk about his soulless art too, nice one user.

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Even when the original came out people were mocking how stupid Jill's new attire looked. The current reasoning may differ, but the outlook was the same.

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>generic industrial robot with round head
>generic lizard monster with multiple mandibles
At least the Zaku looks good.

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That's not even a clever rip off. It's just shit.

Do you get anything when you find all 20 collectables?

makes you really think why kojima latched onto yoji shinkawa, maybe he raped him and said if you ever leave my side i'll tell the world you are a gay

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100 ambassador points for RE.net or some shit