Is the PS5's SSD specs that much of a game changer compared to Xbox Series X?

Is the PS5's SSD specs that much of a game changer compared to Xbox Series X?

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>1. Games.

Sony shat the bed with the hardware. Problem is ms still doesn't have enough worthwhile games.

1.) SSD speed

2.) ...

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In theory but it's something we'll only see in PS5 AXCLOOSIVS since multiplats have to work on both consoles

really depends on how the devs use it. personally I care a whole lot less about unnecessary graphical bells and whistles like 4k60 than quick and snappy menus/loading, but we all know people are going to focus on which has higher fps/resolution.

It's not even a factor. Enjoy your 9.0tflop movie machine and be done with it.

as a Sonyfag, no it's not...
as a concept, alone, yes it is, but it's not when compared to Series X because they offer the same concept.
the only reason people are saying it is, it's cause Sony did a horrible job at "presenting" the PS5 and focused on the SSD.

Even if it was, nobody makes games only for PS4 so no game will really use it.

I can promise you not a single reply in this thread comes from someone who actually knows anything about anything

>almost as fast as ddr2 ram from 2005

No. The SSD speed is negligible. It is like comparing 1.1 seconds of loading to 1.4 seconds of loading time.

It won't make a difference, because making a game that actually requires fast load of that much data directly from the SSD is actually impractical, and the GPU, which is already weaker than the SeXbox, wouldn't be able to handle it anyway.

It doesn't take much to understand that you can't use ssd as ram.

>PS5 'superior' to Xbox Series X in a lot of ways

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They have different strengths and weaknesses, but the end result will likely be pretty similar/identical across the two consoles

you don't even understand what you don't understand cmon

you watched some unity tutorial and read some stackoverflow thread and now you think you understand everything about how a game works on engine level

>when it's so superior that it's 'superior'

The SSD is twice as fast so you might see load times reduced by half. Other than that, no. The xbox is more powerful in every other way.

Why do you faggots argue all day long which console plays no games better?

Its like when incels compare their dick length when they get sex.


resetera is literaly burning after the announcement

>I care more about menu screens than the actual game
Fucking crackers and their stupid ass opinions.

*never get sex

>worse in every single other department that actually matters in games
>we're gonna beat them by streaming our movies faster
kek. fucking embarrassing

>when they get sex.
You had one job user and you couldnt even do that right.

>call anons on Yas Forums incels
>pretends hundreds of games are not games

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Remember when PS3 was superior to 360 because muh power of the CELL but all multiplat ended up worse on PS3?

>pretends hundreds of games are not games
What hundred games?
the fuck

No. LTT did a side by side of all the different types of ssds. The improvements are imperceptible beyond a decent 2.5" drive. They're just cope milking the one thing they have.

Yes but only their first party titles will take advantage of it while third party developers will limit their games so X-Box can handle it.

>my ps5 game loads 1.5 seconds faster than your xbox

on PC you are bottlenecked by your CPU not being able to handle the data fast enough while these consoles have dedicated hardware to handle everything

in the sony video cerny goes through this and even explains that on PS4 if you have a 10x faster SSD installed, games will only load like 2x faster, this is due to many different bottlenecks in the hardware elsewhere, these new consoles have dedicated hardware to handle this shit

watch from 13:30

HAHAHAHA fucking Sony Press in full damage control mode.

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Because there only was 1 generally available multi-plat engine and it was developed initially for Gears of War, y'know, that little old microsoft money hatted series?
And a few years later pretty much everything was a little bit better on the PS3, even Unreal 3 games.

>on PC you are bottlenecked by your CPU not being able to handle the data fast enough while these consoles have dedicated hardware to handle everything

Microsoft could shoot themselves in the foot if their powerful console costs a shit ton more than the PS5.

I like that the PS5 will let you use off the shelf SSDs. XBox is doing proprietary again which is annoying.

>on PC you are bottlenecked by your CPU not being able to handle the data fast enough

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well I have a fast SSD and games aren't loading as fast as the speed increase is

Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of the super fast one?

but the xbox has no games

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Yes. It's not just that, either. Zero bottlenecks. Also, all these people who scree about TFLOPS and have no idea what the metric means, and that how you arrive at the number meaning more than the number itself makes threads and boards like this actually insufferable.

Not buying either machine though, since I'm not into walled gardens and censorship, but everyone here that's not just trolling is stupid as fuck and showing their ass to everyone while smugly imagining their superiority.

Wrong test. The way the PS5 /AND/ XBONX are using the SSD is not currently available on the PC. The drive will for all practical purposes function like an L4 cache. Data will be streamed in from the SSD just before it's needed. Remember when early Unreal 3 games had texture popin up the ying yang? That was because their fantastic idea was to over subscribe memory and let their paging system handle it. But the storage was FAR too slow back then so it looked like shit. Now that would simply lag by a frame or two in the naive implementation and not at all if using the new API.

The fastness comes from their I/O controller.

No, you can use an off the shelf one, but it has to conform to their minimum transfer rate. The XBox takes the Vita approach where they make it proprietary so you can't try and put a shit one in.
I suspect it will be like the 360 where you could put a USB drive in and it would test the performance and tell you your drive was shit and stop you using it. I expect Microsoft have bad support memories of that so didn't want a repeat. Sony are doing the other thing.

Sort of, their special sauce is that the SSD has 6 priority levels and a regular SSD has 2 (apparently? I never heard of this but that was in the conference). So you do miss out on the granular loading priorities, but you retain the high / low priority loading and transfer speeds for off the shell drives will likely go up over the life of the console.

What SSD do you use and how is it connected?

SSDs are still slow as shit compared to RAM, which is where the data has to be loaded into and sony has cheaped out on a shitty 256bit bus. that'll prove a massive bottleneck.

mechanical to SSD is a big deal, SSD to faster SSD doesn't mean shit in any real world scenario.

your moms pussy on my cock

>L4 cache

fucking hell, you have no idea what you're talking about do you?

That's literally true. Most of the time spent loading when you have an SSD is the CPU processing the data. You can't just page 8GB into RAM and go, everything needs to be "cooked" first.
The best engines cache this cooked data so subsequent loads are faster, but many cheap out and just reprocess everything every time for safety and because most people don't have drives fast enough to matter.

X will be better at raytracing performance, but that's about it.

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I love objective journalism with no opinion in the motivation!

literally damage control. sony california has had their damage controllers over this board for weeks talking about 15 tflops as well lmao

Thank god I'm not this retarded I can't do simple maths. You probably have to manually breathe you retard.

>A dedicated DMA controller (equivalent to one or two Zen 2 cores in performance terms) directs data to where it needs to be, while two dedicated, custom processors handle I/O and memory mapping. On top of that, coherency engines operate as housekeepers of sorts.

so this is what allows the hardware to actually make use of this fast SSD speed, right?

I said LIKE an L4 cache. LIKE ffs. My point was you don't have to LOAD data through a file access API designed for slow spinning rust. You MAP the data into virtual address space and the data gets pulled in using DMA when accessed as if by magic. And you hint the coming accesses to make it faster than usual VM file mapping.

>Most of the time spent loading when you have an SSD is the CPU processing the data

So going by this logic, a faster processor should give better SSD performance?

Yes, right up until there's another bottleneck.
The console's trick appears to be using custom DMA hardware dedicated to the task. Plus the static hardware means less "cooking" of the data at runtime since it should in theory be identical every time.