Now that Animal Crossing seems to be done, do you think Nintendo will start working on the next Splatoon game? What do you hope it'll be?
I hate splatoon. Its so ugly.
Shit story. There's no character design possible that actually looks good.
> Nintendo
> Working on anything
AC was the last game that had a release date
Get a load of this Squigger.
Splatoon 3 is absolutely going to happen. It's been Nintendo's first successful new IP in years, despite relasing on the ill-fayed Wii U.
>There's no character design possible that actually looks good.
But the character design is one of the reasons the game got so popular.
But will Splatoon 3 happen on the Switch or its successor?
I think we might get a spinoff first
If we do, what would said spinoff be? I think an interesting tiny title to put out would be an expanded version of all those arcade minigames in 1 and 2.
Also, please don't get this thread deleted.
>Now that Animal Crossing seems to be done
Did you forget who was working on the game? The direct confirmed they're going to be updating the game for at least a year because they forgot to put in holidays and judging by how empty the base game's files are it's looking like it's getting the same treatment as splatoon. We'll be lucky if the next one is even on the switch.
Yeah, but the base game is done, right? So a smaller team will likely be working on the updates while some of them begin work on a new Splatoon project. After all, Animal Crossing was being developed while Splatoon 2 was being updated.
We're not talking about Furfag Crossing, no need to bring up ugly designs.
But what if I like both, user?
Then you're gay.
wake up
fap to woomy
eat breakfast
fap to woomy
play splatoon
fap to woomy
eat dinner
fap to woomy
fap to woomy
go to bed
dream of woomy
I'm on step 7
They promised a minor balance patch in april
Rhythm is my first choice
QUICK! Post your favorite weapon and why you like it.
For me, it's the Heavy Splatling. It's so satisfying to be the king of turf/zones and splatting people, and 1's hug animation was peak adorable. I'm still upset they removed said animation in 2.
The base game is finished but going off of Animal Crossing's current state it seems they won't be starting development or at least focusing that soon. I wouldn't expect any news about a new Splatoon until at least late next year.
I wouldn't expect news until 2022 at the earliest. And personally, I'd be hoping for that date to be 2023. They should take their time with the game so we don't end up with another rushed situation where the game releases with a short singleplayer and barely any maps and weapons for multiplayer.
Splatoon 1 will be the only good game of the entire franchise, mark my words. Splatoon 2 is actual definition of soulless.
I did like the rhythm game more than the actual game.
I too, enjoy mowing down little baby men with the splatling.
Splatoon 1's terrible balancing prevents it from being "the only good game"
Those overpowered specials and Damage Up + E-Liter, jesus.
Post more TF2/Splatoon crossover images.
Don't die on me, thread.
And yet somehow the meta is far more diverse than Spla2n, and 2's specials are neither so broken they are fun nor weak enough to be balanced, resulting in unsatisfying mess. Couple that with no depletion system, generally inexpensive specials, lower effects of abilities and worse tickrate, and 2 doesn't even match 1, nevermind surpass.
Post Marina.
Maybe after you Splatoon fans go to jail for diddling kids Nintendo will release a new Splatoon game
Spinoff on Switch, Sploon 3 on the next console
You're ugly.
>The meta is far more diverse
Since when? Splatoon 1's meta was dominated by chargers, shooters, Damage Up and Quick Respawn. 2's meta isn't completely dominated by one type of weapon and has a large variety of weapon classes at the top.
>2's specials are neither so broken they are fun
Things don't have to be broken to be fun.
>nor weak enough to be balanced
The only real problem is Stingray. The rest are fine.
>Couple that with no depletion system, generally inexpensive specials, lower effects of abilities
I think these are good changes fitting the lower power specials. Though I'll give you the lower tickrate.
Also, 2 has better maps by far. MakoMart and Inkblot are pretty good.
They are barely lower power, and what they lack in S1 specials' immeiate gratificaion they more than make up in versitality. Versitality coupled with low cost result in blatant spam being a thing.
Absolutely. Nintendo knows they can make billions off Splatoon easily. Them stopping Splatfests and Updates, means they're already thinking about/working on the next game. Supposedly it isn't hard for them development-wise either, since they don't have to build the whole game from the ground up.
I want a squidboy to sit on my face.
>Then you're gay
I have a good reason, I swear.
Fuck off Splatoonfag
You already got your game on the Switch
Let others get a shot, or bigger, better franchises get a 2nd installment
That doesn't sound comfortable
Absolutely but kys
Nintendo's Call of Duty.
How is it that when only 2 games have come out?
It wasn't until the final splatfest that I learned how broken OP heavy splatling is
like holy fuck, it really is the king of turfing/killing, literally just hang back and mow down anyone who dares to poke their head out from behind cover
user's low quality bait.
>using a tenacity build with the Heavy Splatling Remix
>throwing Booyah Bombs every 30 seconds
I just run full Run Speed Up with some ink saver main and ink recovery
and then charger comes by and just shoots you
or jet constantly steps on your toes and never lets you show your head
hell, even 3-liners bully heavy like it's a school nerd
>letting enemies get that close to you
>reading comprehension
Chargers should not exist
there's a certain food chain among the big guns
heavy is a large herbivore, feasts on small arms that can't touch it but loses to the predators
chargers and jet are predators, they aren't as good at eating grass but they can get past heavy's size and consume it
if there were no chargers splatlings would've been too powerful
>they aren't as good at eating grass
They're still good enough at it to be a massive problem, and they lock down areas in a way Splatlings can't since they can kill in one hit.
AC's going the regular updates route meaning Splatoon will be heading for spinoff land like AC was while Splatoon was the focus. Hopefully the team will be able to think of some better spinoffs than they did for AC.
>splatoon mobile game
you don't a woomy room companion app?
Considering Nintendo's current mobile games are all just as scummy and shit as the rest of the mobile space, complete with horrible whale fanbases, I would really rather not see a mobile Splatoon game of any kind.
If you thought waifuposting here was bad before, imagine how bad it'd get if a mobile game happened.
holy FUCK squids look like THAT?
damn my squid got deleted
Did you pick Order or Chaos?