Doom Eternal

Sorry for creating another thread but I just gotta now: How come the demons didn't attack Australia?

Attached: DoomEternalDemonAttacksMap.png (1920x1080, 2.93M)

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What for? Australia is a barren wasteland devoid of inhabitants.

We’re full.

Couldn’t get past the spiders and kangaroos

Demons are already there

>Couldn’t get past the spiders and kangaroos
Holy shit! What a bunch of pussies! No wonder Doom guy could kill whole hoards of them.

RAGE happening


It was too hard for them to get a working visa and you're not allowed to destroy the earth on a tourist visa in Australia

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They evaded the amazon forest because they fear malaria and Dengue

They've tried, but abbos stole all the argent energy and sad cunts got glassed

Australia is already Hell. Its redundant.

It's already hell on earth there

it was already on fire

>not even one case in Madagascar

>Britain absolutely JUST'd by Demons
It's over lads. It was a good run.

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Aus isn't worth the effort.

Demon's fear the EMU.

Because the demons only wanted places where humans live

underrated post

Australians are capable of destroying themselves just fine

they forgot

Ya ever seen the animals there? Even Hell knows when its outmatched.

The demons are trying to escape hell not move to another one

Demons could only improve Australia if they went there

Better question, why is southern Nova Scotia apparently demon free, despite being next to the Super Gore Nest?

In game reason?
Probably focused majoy city centres and dense populations before spreading out via staging grouds, though I have no idea how "dense" eastern Africa is in terms of populations so I may be talking out my ass here.
Aussie reason?
We'd 'ave smashed the cunts.

because the demons took one look at this fucking fair dinkum fucking full grown aussie and decided against it

They fear St. Tarrant.

They were censord from Australia.

aussies are morons banning games for using drugs

violence in ZOOM eternal was too much for them

Australians are the Argonians of Earth

They invaded the portal into hell just like the Argonians invaded the portal to Oblivion

>based Japan was spared
demons have good taste

>b back
>x close entry

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It's already filled with demons.

Whats the point? It's already hell on earth

abbos started huffing argent energy and turned all of australia into dreamtime

it was already on fire

Kaz, I'm already a demon

The game clearly states that the Demons are after HUMANS

Not Subhumans

Guess you'll be safe then mate

The place is full of Australians, they have it bad enough already.

they also spared japan
hmmm i wonder why

>Philippines completely untouched
Most powerful race on the planet confirmed

The Flips, Japs, and Aussies will rise up

Am I retarded or does borderless windowed mode not allow me to open other tabs?

I just want to mute the music when checking other shit without having to do it manually.

Vatican is pretty done for

>demons avoid sea and its neighbor australia
Really. What was the reason for this? Not famous enough?

Attached: doom.png (1920x1080, 2.74M)

even demons are afraid of the Vietcong farmers

Would anything change even if they attacked?


Japan is attack-free because anime is for sinners.

Because the demons have been here for eons already.

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yea it doesn't work for me also

you teleport there in the second last chapter

Only if they manage to beat the spiders living in their countries

>How come the demons didn't attack Australia?
to give enough time for the metadoom dev to finish the update with doom eternal stuff

How do I get in here

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the demons saw the abbos and said:
>sorry didn't know this place was already taken

based and The Kins pilled

backtrack to the entrance of the room and look around

The demons don't want to be upside down, it will turn all their reverse-crucifixes upright.

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