Superman did nothing wrong

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well..yeah, he's a boy scout

Don't the comics literally go with "well if Superman did it, then it's not wrong"?

Maybe, but he still couldn't pin John Cena clean.

>it's a "Superman goes evil" episode
>it's a "Batman is still the good guy" episode

Is there a reason comic writers love shitting on Superman to wank Bats?

No, but it did go out of its way to show how Batman's indecision and subsequent abandoning of his friend made everyone worse

>bro if you kill an insane clown who just nuked a city with millions of people then you'll become just like him

Because Supes has been jacked up to the point where him going evil is or Darkseid showing up are the only real threats to the universe.

I think in most of those cases, it's an exhibition of the fact that if Superman said "fuck it" and went on an ego trip, Batman is the only person who didn't completely trust him and planned for every possible worst case scenario.

>Superman 64: hold my fog.

That was Shazam's reason for sticking with Superman, yeah.

because bamham is far more human that superman, both in a literal sense and narrative sense.

superman is the perfect boyscout at all times, so having him break bad feels more natural.

batman is already an unhinged, obssessive maniac with more money than god, not to mention his own rogues gallery has a lot of overlap with his own doing.

superman is more of an ideal than a person, batman is already a person and not exactly a stellar one

Everything that went wrong was because Batman didn't console or even attempt to talk it out with Superman.

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Because batman is a boring bullshit Gary Stu that can defeat darkseid with a firearm if he wants to. DC powerleves are just garbage

>the guy who tries to uphold American ideals and be a good person is less human and relatable than the violent billionaire who is a master martial artist, a super detective, can beat everyone with prep time, barely sleeps, and regularly punches his sidekicks in the face

I know Superman is an alien, but come on.

Wasnt Red son Batman a huge dick?

he killed billy

Yes, but he’s still depicted as in the right since he’s opposing evil Communist dictator Superman.

I was really hoping theyd fix Sinestro in 2 instead of just fucking dumping him

>because bamham is far more human that superman
bull fucking shit
the whole apeal of superman is that he is the most human superhero.

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Best Superman is the one alternative universe where he ended up being Zod's son.

if batman had been there for superman instead of chiding him for finally putting down the clown, he probably wouldn't have gone off the deepend
also, yellow lantern supes is dope

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i want a Teen Titans fight game made by capcom

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And then Superman killed Billy.

Would have been a cool skin for sure

Talking about cool skins.

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>kills his girlfriend
>gets mad because his girlfriend is dead
500 IQ

How did Supes escape from his prison in Injustice 2? How did they defeat him in the end? Did they just put him back or did he end up with a more permanent fate?

the biggest crime of injustice 2 is that we never got yellow supes and red kara

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atleast we know he-man will be the main character from injustice 3

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Super woman and his other members tried to break him out but in the end Batman released him because of how things were getting with the Brainiac invasion so they formed a temporary alliance. Of course it falls apart after defeating Brainiac and they all fight

Some of his old allies attempted a prison break, but ultimately Batman released him willingly to fight Brainiac. If you choose to side with Batman against Supes at the end they fight it out, and Batman permanently removes his powers with gold kryptonite, then sends him to the phantom zone for good measure.

>How did Supes escape from his prison in Injustice 2?
He didn’t. Batman let him go because he needed help defeating Brainiac.

>How did they defeat him in the end?
Batman prepared a special kryptonite-infused batsuit.

>Did they just put him back or did he end up with a more permanent fate?
They send Superman to the Phantom Zone. Tho he threatened he would return.

how does he stack up to the other big hitters in dc?

He-man is the strongest character ever put to fiction having a pefect 3x0 score against superman

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I always wanted a balance of good and evil supe skins so id love blue lantern aswell

In IJ2, Wonder Woman and co. breaks in Red Sun Prison then fought Blue Bettle and Firestorm. The latter were losing so Firestorm decided to go nuclear until Batman intervened and released Superman to help them fight Brainiac.
Superman ending is the canon ending if you read the He-Man comics.

>Superman ending is the canon ending if you read the He-Man comics.
Hold the fuck up is He-Man fucking canon in the DC universe now?



he-man ANd conan
conan bangs wonder woman

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Adam's so fucking cool

Conan: Serpent War is good, who could have thought. It's by Marvel though.

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Whoa, Supes, cool it with the edge.

How could he? Superman killed his gay clown lover!

How do you find IJ2 game mechanics? Planning to play it.

is shit just like MK9, MKX, MK11
is clunky heavy and slow

Shut up, Gordon.

Thanks. I'll move on to other games then.

Did Injustice get a 6th year ending? Been out of the loop a while.

this, the inverse of this scenario would be much more interesting.

who was in the wrong here?

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>actually willing to kill someone to save the lives of many but doesn't take pride in it
Never watched anything He-Man related, but this guy seems kinda cool. Better as a character than Batman ever was.
What's a good place to start with He-Man stuff?

So when's that superman game coming out?


bros where did irredeemable go wrong

never because rocksteady is too incompetent to make one

fuck you

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Superman doesn't do anything wrong. Unless you are talking about injustice supes, in which case you're a faggot.
>Baww muh waifu died a bloo bloo bloo
Superman literally fails to save people all the time, he's used to dealing with loss.

yeah but he never foced to killed his own pregnate wife
people aways forget that fact

>the inverse of this scenario would be much more interesting.
Batman's just Lex Luthor as a ninja wearing a cape. Take away his kryptonite and the fight is essentially over.

Captain Marvel was being an idiot and should have seen what superman was doing was wrong way earlier than he really did. Flash was stupid for taking so long to do anything at all despite seeing how fucked shit was

>>because bamham is far more human that superman, both in a literal sense and narrative sense.

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why are dc stories so much better than marvel stories?

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luthor doesnt have the power of bullshit on his side

batman can aways take a magic red sun that is actualy green out of his teeth or something like that

a man that has a plan for anything is WAY more dangerous than superman

Yes he did. He absolutely fucking did. I shouldn't have to explain what superman did wrong in the injustice series
>heat lasers a bridge of people because he doesn't like that people started questioning his authority when he killed lex
>kills billy, a fucking child when he says he has an issue with slaughtering masses to ward off bad publicity
>mind controls hawkgirl (and doomsday) because there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
The injustice storyline and universe were always garbage, the comics are limited by having to lead into the games and then the games have conflicting continuity with said comics, injustice 2's opening where robin kills zsasz when zsasz is sent by superman to kill Alfred for instance.


marvel is people we relate to
DC is people we inspire to be

superman is both

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With the Alien Arc.

Red Son Luthor was based though
>ALWAYS two steps ahead of Superman
>singlehandedly turned the US into a paradise equivalent to Superman's using a brand new ideology that he made
>lets Superman get all the way to the White House only to dunk on him and his beliefs with a single note

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I remember on resetera fag saying Batman is more popular, because "Superman is the American Dream. Batman is the American Reality!"

Best superman coming through.

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>Implying I don't aspire to be a Marvel citizen

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>DC feature films blow asshole
>DC animated films are gud shit

>batman is the american reality
batman/bruce is a psychopath, no wonder era relates to him

the only saving grace from mavel is spiderman

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I’m not going to actually read fucking comics but I recently read a wiki page about superboy prime and concluded he is extremely based

>Be Marvel citizen
>Hate a mutant kid just for existing
>Hate a low level street hero for just doing his best
>But muh Avengers are fine

You're right, but Wonder Woman is the real antagonist for taking advantage of the emotionally and mentally vulnerable Superman to twist him into becoming a tyrant and his girlfriend.

and daredevil

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With all that noise pollution it's a wonder he isn't deaf.

They'll probably find some way to restore his powers and break him out in Injustice 3.