Reminder that the Netdicks Castlevania takes place in an alternate continuity as stated by the director, so the games remain pure.
Also, a lot of anons are acting like faggots saying Symphony of The Night is ruined for them because of Netdicks.
The games have always remained pure because they're the same thing they've always been. They aren't going to magically change stop being some big baby faggot that cares about a cartoon on the internet
The point of this thread is that some faggots think they're the same thing. Game Alucard is a heterosexual anal virgin, but some anons confuse him with the netflix version.
The games are less known than the television show. Netflix Alucard is the canon Alucard now.
Netflix isn't canon to the series so Hector's still a badass, Isaac's still BDSM Joker, Dracula's still evil incarnate, Death and Grant still exist Alucard's still heterosexual, Dracula's Castle is still a creature of Chaos and Saint Germain is still a time traveling dandy.
A new game might rectify that and canon Alucard still exists in a shitty gacha.
No game will be more popular than the series, simply because almost everyone who played the games watched the series, and many people who don't play Castlevania or games in general. Won't be the same for games.
What's your ideal Castlevania game? Mine would be either a 3rd Sorrow game, a 1999 game, a game about Mathias right after Lament of Innocence or a Quincy Morris game.
On the bright side, exposure might mean more games down the line with the classic timeline.
>What's your ideal Castlevania game?
I'd like another Classicvania, preferably one with some fresh art direction. I don't really care about the story. Castlevania has had a grand total of 0 stories worth caring about, and Lament of Innocence in particular actively annoys the fuck out of me.
So you wouldn't mind a remake of let's say Dracula's Curse or the very first Castlevania?
So long as the game itself is different, I don't care. I don't want a literal remake like DXC or something, but something like IV or ReBirth that merely retreads the same story? Who cares.
>are less known
last time i checked bloodstained made more money than the entirety of netflix on its kickstarter
Same desu. Classicvania was always the best with the tightest gameplay. Just make another Robert E. Howard-inspired male power fantasy with horror trappings already. The anime garbage was always shite.
I see Konami doing that at some point.
You think Bloodstained 2 will go full Symphony of The Night and make O.D the main playable character?
>no Classicvania
>no Ghost's & Goblins
Fuck this gay timeline. I just want my spoopy, linear, hard-as-nails adventure game
everybody liked samurai snake more
Netdicks Castlevania canon doesn’t exist at all. It’s nothing more than a fan fiction.
If we impose all the castlevania timelines on a single one all at once then alucard becomes his own father and a fucking hyperchad
>Had sex with the first belmont
>also Dracula is the first belmont
>dad is also some random human kid
>more games down the line with the classic timeline
>new games take material and themes from the netflix show to appeal to the new audience. Thus making all this shit canon.
It's best to let it sleep for now.
The description of Zangetsuto says that Zangetsu's an inherited name for its wielders. Maybe they're the new Belmonts?
alucard is trevor in the lord of shadow
im pretty shit that was implied with the fact that he was the default character in the classic game.
Japs are conservative by burger standards, so I'm sure Bilucard won't be used at least.
If Bloodstained becomes a franchise with different generations, we might see a Zangetsu in every game.
>70k people chipping in 5.5 million once is greater than 150m subscriptions paying 1.5b a month.
netflix never made a profit in all the years they had.
Castlevania 1 was remade what, about 5 times already, they should make a new game with Simon and try some classic and modern takes. There's already so many versions of his tale that another one won't ruin it if it's shit but if it's good, would make a great comeback.
They made 1.8b in profit last year.
>Lying about easily produced numbers.
>straight vampires
you guys seriously believe this is a thing?
I don't know why people act so precious about the original timeline/canon anyway. It's not like it was good.
Lords of Shadow was a 3D remake of the very first Castlevania in its development stages, then they decided to make it a reboot instead.
since is based on the 30s horor movies
i completly belive it
What a shitty art style. Dimitri looks literally like he has the Zika virus
I just want a Castlevania anime produced by japs with a classic hero story because most western writers feel the need to be as cynical and misanthropic as possible when it comes to being seen as mature.
>straight vampires
>bram stoker dracula
think again faggot, he had 3 wifes , made a forth and and almost was in the way to make a fifith one
and HE IS CANON to the castlevania series
I will never understand the boob hair they gave him in that movie. He can use a bra as a hat.
Yeah, but in the end it was different, it was a whole new take in the lore. They just need to put the Simon we know whipping his way through Dracula's castle again, this time with modern graphics and gameplay. Kinda like what they did with Mega Man 11, that it's a sequel but has a simple story that it almost feels like a reboot.
It was literally in the book.
Read the book. Harker was also being sexually groomed by Dracula. In fact, one of the keystones that designates him as evil is his bisexuality and wanton sexuality.
Honestly, they might just do that. But realistically, I see another Alucard-centric game coming up.
The boob hair is still weird desu.
I just finished sotn and it was a great game, are the gba/ds games better?, in which order should i play them??
Ellis is a hack. I have no idea how normies are eating up Castlevania. The show is so unbelievably bad.
If only that movie was actually like the novel and wasn't somewhat shit. I love the look and feel of the movie, though. Cool sets and cool effects.
Anyway, vampires and male homosexuality weren't common, but lesbianic overtones sure as fuck were, even in movies (Dracula's Daughter). A very effeminate looking vampire man taking it up the pooper isn't all that crazy given that. I don't know why it bothers people so much.
>It was literally in the book.
Dracula doesn't look how he's described in the novel, and I don't remember anywhere his hair is mentioned looking like that.
Aria of Sorrow is just as good and I suggest Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin then Order of Ecclesia.
Meant to quote
How about Konami take the bombergirl route
>Ghost's & Goblins
I'm a bit surprised Capcom hasn't done anything with this series yet.
Because burgers are starved for cartoons that aren't pure comedy or for kids. They take what they can get.
Better is relative, they upgrade some things for sure, but in the end it's all about personal preferences. Honestly they're all worth checking out, but try Aria of Sorrow and it's sequel Dawn since they are the most similar to SotN.
The games are still fine but unfortunately all discussion on Yas Forums is forever ruined which honestly isn't that big of a loss
give me another belmont style game with a more open-ended progression. more alternate paths, secrets, shortcuts, and the overworld map should have lots of branching paths like mario 3.
I'd take something like Curse of the Moon again too.
One short scene of implied gay sex is enough to make you children implode. Lmao
If the corona shit wasn't happening i'd tell you to go outisde.
I want a game set in Galamoth's timeline with Soma as Dracula wrecking shit to get his throne back.
Op made it clear this thread is about the games and it's going fine, you're the one touching the subject. And it's not one scene, it's a complete shitshow that is making normies get the wrong idea of a classic franchise.
Hah? Are you dumb, cartoon Castlevania is a cartoon, game Castlevania is a game? It's like saying
>yeah, Raimi movies aren't comics Spider-man
Vampires don't care about anything other than feeding and power, why the fuck would they care about sexuality or even sex itself, they're corpses that can't feel like a person. How can a vampire even be raped? they're strong as fuck
This is so fucking retarded, I fucking hate Netflix.
It still taints the brands name. It'll just take one retarded dev being put into the shoes of designing a new Castlevania who only ever saw the Netflix show to make it worse.
Plus I'm pretty sure Alucard would be asexual since he hates his vampire half.
It's not really new to Netflix, user.
Alucard is a half-blood vampire
So he can still feel like a normal human? I'm sure he's still strong as fuck though, is he willingly having sex with disgusting mortals?
While I agree Netflix is shit too, let's remind that vampires are fictional and how they function depends on each story. In Castlevania, Dracula managed to make a baby with a woman before he was defeated for the first time.
In Castlevania Legends he fucked Sonia.
There have been plenty of old vampire stories that has sexual stuff though
>is he willingly having sex with disgusting mortals?
In the show, yes. The sex is consensual, the subsequent murder attempt was not.
Whats so bad about it besides the length?
Not canon
Man... that really sucks. I can understand the anger honestly
the first and second season were decent, it's just all the misanthropic edgy bullshit he introduced in the third. Also Hector's done dirty and Isaac's wanked.
>it's just all the misanthropic edgy bullshit he introduced in the third
like what?