bros how am i supposed to play video games when next gen hits?
1 TB 2.4 GIG NVME costs 100 POUNDS I can't afford that
Bros how am i supposed to play video games when next gen hits?
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Why would you not just buy a normal SSD?
Get better at "money".
100 pounds of what?
wait consoles are finally getting ssds?
>wait consoles are finally getting ssds?
30 years late, but yeah.
of sterlings.
Pretty sure the PS5 won't even support this gen so you'll have to wait for the more expensive upcoming ones.
>I can't afford that
dude that's like a day of work???
NVMe for gaming is a meme
The Xbox doesn't have the fancy SSD tech, so multiplats will work fine I'd imagine. PS5 exclusives however may be a different thing altogether.
Yeah, a 30 minute ted talk about ssds was the nigstation conferance
SATA shit will barely keep uo lol
you're a moron it does have a fancy NVME SSD that otps 2.5 gigs a second thats half os PS5 but still incredibly fast
That's...not expensive, user. Doubt your McJob could afford a PS5 either. If you live at your parents house maybe stop eating your money and save up, lardass. I bought a 60 GB PS3 on launch and built my first PC at 16 years of age making pizza part time.
i bought an nvme ssd at christmas, and while i don't necessarily regret it, i noticed next to no difference compared to my normal ssd that i bought years ago. apparently it's good for installing windows on but as a game storage drive it's no better than my sata ssd in my testing
You wait till they release and buy cheap new SSDs with faster speeds. You want to buy technlogy that isn't yet available to the public.
>SATA shit will barely keep
Thats just a meme, the difference is barely noticeable
youll see a difference when next gen hits i agree that NVME tech right now is barely used but with next gen everything will be deisgned around that SeX NVME
That SSD isn't fast enough to match PS5's
Neither is any MOBO in the market currently, it'd bottleneck it.
Man I really should upgrade my storage drive to an SSD
we dont need to match PS5 we need to match SeX everything will be design around SeX
Ya I fell for the gen 3 nvme meme. Will have to get a new one when Intel stops shitting the bed.
now way these are that cheap?
You're right, multiplats get designed around the weakest link.
I was just pointing out that it'll still take a good 3-5 years after PS5's release for PC part makers to come up with similar standards and PCIe4.0 optimization between all parts to match PS5's speeds. Even once similar SSD's release shortly after PS5's release, the MOBO and all I/O will massively bottleneck it.
>oh em gee guys five gigabits per second of bandwith!
>imagine all the graphix you can make with that!
spotted the sony fanboy
Your perception of my character doesn't change that fact.
Cerny himself said by the end of the year pc gen 4 will be maxed to 8k megs a second. You can just bruteforce anything with that.
>falling for the memes
Bruh it's just loading times. It doesn't effect the actual gameplay. You can survive without one.
JESUS CHRIST you do realize that games can be DESIGNED around that 2.4 gigs games this gen were designed around HDD thats why NVME tech is useless
>doesn't list RAM speed
You think that's going to happen on any planet, in any timeline, you stupid fuck? What would even be the benefit or purpose of designing something so asshatted to operate this way, you absolute buttclown
>games can be DESIGNED around that 2.4 gigs
No they can't.
>gen 4 will be maxed to 8k megs a se
The SSD's, not the entire I/O between the SSD and the components it communicates with. Doesn't help that for the most part you buy from multiple manufacturers. Your SSD, MOBO, CPU and GPU are often all from different brands - all of these brands need to come up with a good PCIe4.0 standard as to avoid bottlenecks. Despite PCIe4.0 already being out we all know it's bottlenecked to hell and back, with only slight differences in speeds (in relation to games at least) instead of the blowout it should be compared to 3.0
What is a meme
>it'll still take a good 3-5 years after PS5's release for PC part makers to come up with similar standards
It doesn't matter speed is speed. An 8k speed ssd will either outperform or be on par with the sony 5k.
What does this even mean in practice?
Stop repeating some meme you just learned and explain precisely in detail how what you are proposing would come about.
You know the way emulators for ps1 games still have slow loading times.
>all of these brands need to come up with a good PCIe4.0 standard
>a good PCIe4.0 standard
PCIe 4.0 IS that standard you fucking idiot
>What does this even mean in practice?
It means you can stream more data more quickly during gameplay, freeing up resources to render what's directly in front of you instead of everything around you.
"normal" SSD is super-fast storage. however it's true potential was gutted due to SATA limitations
nvme SSD transfers info not through SATA (which was designed with HDDs in mind and was never meant for SSDs) but through PCI. as a result SSDs can now show their true potential rather than being designed around fucking SATA cables.
and yes the average soccer mom or normalfag who uses their pc for farmville and Instagram will not notice
>but my nvme is as fast as a sata ssd!
look carefully at reviews and specs before buying. intel 660p for example advertises 4-5x speeds of SATA SSDs, but actually falls disgustingly near HDD levels during long tasks. that's because they used inferior tech that makes it affordable to poorfags (QLC), but in exchange obliterates performance and reduces durability
By getting a PS5 :^)
Jesus, console cucks are literally retarded. They are ACTUALLY buying Sony's SSD bullshit. This is the Cell processor all over again.
I also keep hearing that you get 2080(ti) performance for 500 bucks. AMD isn't even close to that today with GPUs, but somehow they sold Sony an APU with that performance, a year ago. Fuck me.
Literally every iteration of the Playstation you retards fall for their marketing, and every single time it falls short. You'd think after five times you retards would learn, but nope.
Hey buddy, are you retarded? Can your peanut sized brain understand that having faster SSD doesn't actually mean much in a game setting, because there's a limit on how fast your CPU and GPU can work with that data? Sony fucked up and Microsoft is going to take the performance crown this time, deal with it.
But most graphical assets needs to be kept in VRAM either way
We already have asset streaming
A video is not an answer, if you can't answer with your own words then you have no argument.
Not only that, but answering with a marketing video.
I did a new build this week and ordered a 1TB one and they sent me 2TB by mistake. Very confused when I booted and saw two 2TB drives instead of the 1TB SSD and 2TB HDD I was expecting.
>We already have asset streaming
Yes, but it requires design tricks to work, like having your character run through a long hallway in order to load a new area. The idea here is that you can load all assets in the split second it takes to turn your character around.
>implying we will be alive next gen
Did they over promise anything with the PS4? I feel like the marketing for that was pretty realistic, but maybe I'm forgetting something.
No idea why they are going back to snake oil this time.
They way cerny was talking is that the ssd would load a room with 4k textures on everything then when you leave the room it would load the next instantly. No need for texture caches which would put less strain on the gpu.
All my games are on HDD, as long as your OS is on an SSD there's enough improvement. Unless you're playing shit like total war.
Absolute pipe dream,why would you even do that, why would you offload graphical assets that are right behind the player?
>dude that's like a day of work???
$150 is my monthly salary, dude.
*unzips* 100 pounds of this cock
People keep saying this, what does this even mean
To make significantly more detailed environments. No, it's not a pipe dream.
>SATA shit will barely keep uo lol
>everyone gets paid the same amount of money
lmao, fucking americans.
Yeah yeah, let's see about your split second loading in reality.
I was going to tell you to move out of your shithole, but then I remembered we don't want you here in the human part of the world.
Bring it
>we haven't seen it happen with current sdd speeds, so it's also going to be impossible in the future!
This is really your argument?
I'm glad I'm not the only person that understands that. There are plenty of reasons to hate and laugh at Sony but the retards with their jokes about consoles finally getting and SSD clearly don't have any idea wtf they talking about and are just shitposting their brains out.
>No need for texture caches which would put less strain on the gpu.
And that logic is absolutely retarded, because the GPU would still need to process the data anyway, you're just changing which component is delivering that information, and from something which wasn't even a bottleneck anyway. Cerny is a fucking hack and it shows.
Judging by the speed they claim new gen will have, it will be PCIe 4.0 and those things are hecka hot. Heater+4k bluray player combo. Only $399 plus tip!
sure buddy, based cerny, let's do needless offloading and loading ever split second because the power of the cell!
Can't believe people are buying into this whole thing. I had SSD in my macbook 10 years ago. Granted it was a small one but its 2020 now, even my grandma has SSD in his netbook. iPhones have NVME drives too. Consumer electronics is not being sold anymore with HDDs. At this point this marketing is scam artist level
It was already explained to you in exceedingly clear detail what it's needed for.
> Omg I can't believe cerrny's cum tastes like strawberry, yes master, oooooh fucking god im gonna consooom ahhh uhmmm fuuuuck
I accept your defeat.
1080p 60fps as the standard
Do people actually think the SSD itself is also rendering the scene?
You're still bottlenecked by the GPU's memory clock and capacity. The only undoubtable benefit for superfast SSDs is rapid file transfer between drives, but unless you slap another NVMe drive in there you won't see any benefit.
Seriously stop trying to talk about shit that is clearly way out of your depth.
more like months, there's already a 5GB/s SSD you can buy now
The absolute state of consoleniggers.
even cerny himself suggested it'd be soon after launch for matching 'Sony Certified' SSDs to come into market.
The GPU will only need to render data directly in front of the player, as opposed to their entire surroundings at once.
Hold up, the Snoystation isn't even shipping with the SSD? You have to buy it separately?
lmao fucking scammed
But it goes faster than the speed of light, loads games before they're even created and is about 500 years ahead of all current technology! It's totally worth it! Based Sony!
> what is frustum culling
Uploading data to the GPU isn't free
how do people keep getting taken by these conartists
Get on my level console cunts.
of toilet paper