Why is it so cheap on Steam?

Why is it so cheap on Steam?

Is it THAT bad? Tell me more of this game.

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It's good


Brainlets cant appreciate it
Filtered by a cointoss that doesn't exist

it’s just the same walking sim they make every time except they stopped pretending to have gameplay

It's literally Theseus's Ship,: The Game: The Movie.
I can understand people thinking this is novel, but at the same time if you've ever read a Greek, it comes off as sort of silly.

it was 20$ back in 2015 and its 5y old singleplayer with small playerbase

>you've ever read a Greek

Why does everyone think the story is so deep? Literally baby's first consciousness experiment

>cheap means bad
Spot a nintendo toddler. Apex consumers indeed.

The phrasing was intentional, user.

>Why is it so cheap on Steam?
Because they just announced their new game. SOMA has been free several times before anyway.
>Is it THAT bad? Tell me more of this game.
Good story and atmosphere. Bad puzzles and bizarre health mechanics. Sometimes you get caught by a monster but instead of dying, you get teleported to the next room with half your health missing, which means you have to crawl around like a retard until you find another healing anus.

It's actually a pretty cool little sci-fi story.

Remember when Ebert said games will never be art and gamers were declaring retarded shit like "We should make him play Bioshock! That'll teach him a lesson about how games really are art!"? This is the level the majority of gamers operate on. Adjust your expectations accordingly.

its not a super deep story but its a neat and engaging one, the gameplay is lackluster and without challenge though. It's basically just a pretty good walking sim, if you like sci fi stuff about transhumanism and/or AI and robots, you'll get a good kick from it

It's good as long as you don't mind walking simulators where you do literally nothing but walk from place to place. That walking is full of interesting story and weird stuff to look at, but essentially you are just walking and doing nothing else except pressing the interact button occasionally. It's definitely one of the best walking sims I've ever played.

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>Overwhelmingly positive


The story is kino gameplay might as well be non-existent it's basically a visual novel

If you can't come up with a new idea, why bother?

He wasn't wrong, considering that for all the boisterous words, we're still flocking over essentially toys for children. Expecting anything cerebral is just grounds for disappointment.

>Why is it so cheap on Steam?
Very old but also the devs discount their games as much as they possibly can
They do that with all games they release

It's bizarre to see them have so little faith in their product. Then again, I pirated every Frictional game so far, so maybe there's a point.

if you like penumbra/amnesia its more of the same

To this day people think the coin-flip is real, and not a lie to convince the protagonist.

I think they just need the money at this point
They make a game very 5 years and have a studio with like 20 people in it
It's kind of a shame because the atmosphere in their games is just too good

I prefer they don't get money, to be honest. Every indie developer eventually falls for the big cash and sells out to produce garbage lefty shit. They already made a huge mistake with Machine for Pigs. Good studios don't need money, they would do it out of passion and from a love for the medium.

>Good studios don't need money
then how do they eat?

Is it actually cheaper to buy the bundle then just the game?

By having day jobs. Videogames should be passion projects, not something to rely on as income.

>Good studios don't need money, they would do it out of passion and from a love for the medium.
You know the reason why we see so few of their games is because they don't have enough money to make games at the pace every other developer can right?

you're fucking precious. Never grow up, user.

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Yes, but at least the games they do make are decent. I rather a studio make one good game and go bankrupt, than 3 that are just "decent".

Fitting that you post with an e-thot

Fucking hell you're a nonce.

>I rather a studio make one good game and go bankrupt
>"hey thanks for adding to the medium I love and cherish, the benefit of your hard work will be complete financial ruin! also I hate girls"
wow you're a complete package, aren't you?

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Criticizing SOMA for not being original isn't a new idea so why bother?

It's great. It might be better if you mod it to neuter the monsters... gives you more time to read logs and explore.

>It's literally Theseus's Ship
It's not you tard

interesting story and fantastic environment/level design
gameplay is pretty eh but not terrible

the deep ocean is spooky as fuck and they take full advantage of it

The actual gameplay actually detracts from the game. It should've just been an atmospheric horror walking simulator with the odd puzzle like the prototype ark.

Yeah, the last section is great... and how you get there is great.

>hard work should not yield income

What kind of communist faggotry is this?

>I like this studio's games so I prefer not to pay them and have as few as possible
Perfectly normal logic

the cock sucking variety. Dude is a failure who's every passion project crashed and burned through 100% of his own fault and now he wants everyone else to fail in their endeavors too.

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I liked it, but it could have had your choices matter more. It seemed like there might be a downside to charging at the health nodes, but nope. As it stands, zero replay value. Not bad the first time through though.

I agree with you. Game should be free like buffalo. When you don't make a game to earn a lot of money, it enables you to do outrageous things instead of playing it safe.

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At least someone here understands

games aren't cages, you still got nutbars out there with your failure games you love so much. You're a fucking fascist for trying to convert the entirety of the medium to suit your goofy desires when the niche/free market is alive and thriving. Cunt.

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It was free on GoG. It's not bad it just barely feels like a game.

Literally just finished it first time a couple days ago. Cool story and shit, puzzles are completely ass. But if you managed to solve them it makes you feel like you have one billion iq. The monsters were awesome, except for that disco head guy, he was boring.

Should I play this if SS2 is one of my favorite games ever?

SS2 had a LOT more going on, friend. This is just a "hide from the ghouls" game with some interesting philosophical questions and spooky monsters. It's not bad though.

Is the game too long? Like over 20 hours? I don't mind story focused games as long as they don't drag on and on.

My playthrough was about 13 hours. But I really dragged my feet and looked for secrets (though it really isn't a secrets filled game). You should be able to complete it in less than that.

That's because retards that try to prop up 'art' games only really prop up stuff like generic walking simulators or shooters with mild philosophical themes. Shit like SS13, Dwarf Fort, KoDP/Six Ages, Drowned God, Eastern Mind, etc. come to mind when it comes to really good narrative based games.

Theseus's Ship would be more like if Fallout 4's synths were made from the people they replaced. Soma is different.

This game's sound designis fucking off the walls. Like seriously. If you play this try to pay attention to the amount of detail going into every sound around you. I mean for God's sake even the opening apartment scene sounds crazy good

if you rush, around 6 hours
normal speed, around 9
if you stand still jacking off, about 12 hours

It's a very good walking sim. You have to interpret that truth to know if it's a game you would like or not.

the studio has tendency to sell their older stuff for peanuts.
It has some of the best sci-fi stories AND its presentation period, but the gameplay elements are miniscule (it's effectively a walking simulator with very occasional, mostly braindead puzzles, and some hide and seek with an unkillable monster)

It is a cool game, has plenty of puzzles and the cat and mouse sections aren't always the same shit. Very atmospheric too.