Less than half of the people who started Bloodborne ever defeated Gascoigne

>less than half of the people who started Bloodborne ever defeated Gascoigne

Attached: gas coin.jpg (1280x720, 163.06K)

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Because snoy normies were expecting a movie.

Attached: Laurence_Roar.jpg (1920x1080, 383.66K)

I quit the game after defeating the gatling gunner. Never looked back. It just wasn't for me.

it's almost like Yas Forums wildly overrates this and dark souls

>trophy stats
This is true of any game you tard. If anything I would say it has an abnormally high completion rate all things considered.

All Souls games are shit.

Yea. I decided the game was too ugly to play considering how hard it was and how much I had to grind to beat him. I’ll play again when they release it for pc.

Anyone else played BB after all the dark souls games and felt like parrying was way too easy in BB?

because sony gave it away with psplus

Game nosedives after bsb then leaves the atmosphere in the dlc

you mean father gas'kwan? he's easy

It was free. You're not good lmao

>less than half of Yas Forums could beat the Cleric Beast

Not because it's hard, it's just really that fucking boring.

>after BSB
Fuck outta here with that nonsense. BSB was shit, halfway between a tutorial and a senseless ass-pounding. Cainhurst was peak kino, and Charnel Lane was like a grown-up MediEvil. The Unseen Village, when the Amygdalas are first revealed, is mint and unforgettable. Also, Brygenwerth was pretty cool and the Rom fight, while a bit boring, was pretty.

based gascoigne

Attached: 1569356168463.png (646x759, 355.29K)

>beat gascoigne first try after not playing a souls game for like a year a couple weeks ago
what's wrong with people

Pretty much all countering moves have been made increasingly easier as the games have progressed, at least in my opinion.

It's the only game I can parry in. It's beyond broken, especially with the right runes.

A minute-long boss fight is too boring?

bb was my first from game and defeating gascoigne literally took me like 5 days lol

Hes probably one of froms best first bosses

BB has the lowest completion rate of all Souls games, the lowest of all PS4 exclusives and the lowest of all games I have (a bunch).

This. Big part of this never-defeated-Gascoigne-half just has this game but never played it.

>a console exclusive has the lowest completion rate of all Souls games
water is wet

>Americans think it's pronounced "gas coin"
Why are Americans so stupid?

stopped playing after the giant spiders show up
>hell no im not playing that shit nigga

You stopped playing at the last level?

these spiders or rom?

Attached: 1.0 spider.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Same. I might never understand what people love so much.

Yeah that's pretty much exactly where I stopped enjoying it

you can get to big spider in chalice dungeons pretty fast


That's literally how it's pronounced in-game.

Yeah, but even if you look at other easier games, a lot of people begin them and don't beat them. Normies don't beat their games, it's not Souls exclusive.

>enjoying the first area

Cleric Beast was the first boss.

But does any one play co-op still? I’m trying to have a different experience with this game.
Unfortunately, I’m at lvl 240 so definitely willing to start over just to GAAAAAME

>souls game
What the fuck are you talking about?

>was given for free on ps+ or whatever its called
>expect people who just try every game to even play it past 3 minutes if they dont enjoy the gameplay

It's entirely optional though. First mandatory boss should count as the first boss.

He's a real trash boss.

>Infinite ammo
>Random hyperarmor
>90 parry frames per attack, the music box and grave clipping meaning you're encouraged to cheat

One of the worst first bosses in any game ever.

retards grind vials
dont talk with people with mental discapacity

I'm sure a good chunk of those people got killed by the scourge beast in the clinic and decided that was enough of that.

>Infinite ammo
every game ever so every game ever?

>not enjoying Central Yharnam

I suspect Bloodborne would be less overrated if it got ported to PC.

Completion rate is in percentage you nigger

Same. Moped the floor with him in NG+1

>music box

based stroke poster

we would have less faggots crying about exclusivity then and allowing more people to play it so no, it would become even more popular

>here's your infinite mobs bro

Attached: 1572433252961.jpg (440x248, 28.1K)

>But does any one play co-op still? I’m trying to have a different experience with this game.
Unfortunately, I’m at lvl 240 so definitely willing to start over just to GAAAAAME

and the game would be shittier for being made with every platform in mind

>infinite mobs
did you play more than 5 minutes?

It's just the normie fags who are too dumb and lazy to parry him. The window for parrying him is generous even, but casuals know only how to R1 spam.

I don't see how "runs above 720p 20fps" would be shittier

>played the psnow version

Also, the whole point of that was to teach Souls newbies that you don't just run in and hack and slash at big groups. A lesson you didn't seem to learn.

Parrying is actually the most casual thing you can do. It's for people who are unable to play the game properly and need to cheese hard bosses.

beaten the game like 10 times now, that first area was a real pain in the ass the first time ESPECIALLY that one lond corridor-like street filled with sleeping/trap enemies and dogs and fucking snipers

>using mechanics as intended is cheesing

bb was my first from game, but my brother (dark souls player) did get filtered and stopped playing there

It was free on ps plus and he's not like Asylum Demon, it takes quit a bit till you even get to his area.

based, your brother is a bitch

It is indeed an intended way to lower the difficulty for bad players.

Just summon Yas Forumsro

what's even the point of the asylum demon, you fucking do half his health with that drop attack and then you hit him like 10 times and hes dead

I beat him first try. The game only has grinding if you're truly terrible