>be avid gamer
>birthday soon
>co-workers give me the whole happy birthday thing
>cute girl emails "What level are you starting? ;P"
Do I even respond? She doesn't even play video games so I'm barely interested in anything sexual but I don't want to be seen as autistic
Be avid gamer
You’re being autistic right now. Respond you fucking virgin.
>I'm barely interested in anything sexual
Weeb, goddamn
With what? My age? I've been working remotely for the last week so I was thinking about making a comment about how HD the graphics are outside.
Just casually respond her, you fucking sperg. If you work with people you should at least have a semblance of social skills.
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure she's just asking you what age you're turning while being the socially accepted level of quirky
just respond like a human bean
>just respond like a human bean
how do I do that, i barely even qualify
grab the axe
What does that even mean? “What level are you starting”? Level of what?
>get one email
>immediately think she's hitting on you
Turbo virgin
She clearly doesn't actually want to talk about games if she asks something that silly. Just make a joke of how irl looks better and you want to see her favorite lunch spot.
Normies don't know how to talk like a nerd.
answer her dumbass
she just doesn't know anything but that's understandable if she hasn't grown up playing them
just ignore her superficial question and answer her in a language she can actually understand
for example "I just started haha what are you doing?"
>haha, I'll be turning x
it's that easy
Don't respond you simp
Haha what if op answers with his age when she was asking about the game he's playing or if he answers with the level he's playing when shes wondering about his age.
Please just don't bother, you've already embarrassed yourself. You are literally autistic. If you try to flirt you're going to scare her.
You talk like you're 17, have zero life experience and freeze up in most social situations.
But I haven't said anything
"I beg your pardon?"
this, i can promise you she isn't hitting on you OP
I'm sorry but the overly familiar tone of your message made me feel uncomfortable and I shall be reporting this matter to HR. Please do not message me again.
The goal isn't to flirt, the goal is to not respond like a fucking retard. Luckily no one at work also browses Yas Forums so I'm safe here and can be as retarded as I need to be to get my answer
>I'm pretty sure she's just asking you what age you're turning
Holy shit, are you serious? Good thing I'm not OP, because my answer would've been Nioh 2 related.
Describe to her in great detail the most recent level you've played in a video game.
If you say it confidently enough, she'll suck your dick.
Don't respond, she's being ridiculous, it's meant as a flippant thing not to be taken seriously. If you respond in ANY way (for that implies you think she actually gives a fuck) you fail a shit test. Ignore it you simp.
>High enough level for you, bby ;)
Why the fuck would you not respond
Just send a mass e-mail to everyone who sent you a message thanking them for the birthday well-wishes. Don't respond to them individually. lmfao whattttt
"Tits or GTFO roastie"
Wow that was so hard
Here's a big, fat, veiny purple level 6'er for your fucking ass, bitch
I caved and told her my age: 28.
>"I think we’re playing different games cause I’m almost at 23 and it’s not getting easy!"
>"Nobody likes you when you’re 23 anyway (Blink 182 song… in case you don’t get that)" [OP
note: I didn't]
>"Aww this is so sad!! I want to bug you at your desk (Sad face) [OP note: Reminder that I'm working remotely while Coronaids spreds]
Now what
I initially sent a mass responding email stating that I'll probably forget it's my birthday by tomorrow.
Tell her to send tits or gtfo
I got you m8, hit her with a solid
>haha well, g2g
and then block her
>I initially sent a mass responding email stating that I'll probably forget it's my birthday by tomorrow
Uh buddy
It's mean to be:
>Thanks to all who sent well-wishes for my birthday. Here's a productive next year! :)
Not this... simp shit. Saying you forget your own birthday? Doesn't that make you sound like kinda sad?
>I want to bug you at your desk (Sad face)
>Saying you forget your own birthday?
But it's true. I totally forgot.
You ain't getting that cunt brah
How the fuck is he a simp for saying he forgot his birthday? Lots of people don't give a shit about their own birthdays.
It sounds like she really wants him if we're honest.
>I want to bug you at your desk (Sad face)
Nice, can't wait to see how OP manages to snap defeat from the jaws of victory
if you think you're going to be alone with no end in sight just kill yourself guys. honestly will be better than getting pathetic hope from the smallest nothing like a girl smiling at you
It's not appropriate workplace communication and makes you look like a sad sack of shit
Yeah but like, what if she ONLY wants to bug me at my desk and not anywhere else?
Pretend you died of covid-19, write "This is user's mom, regretfully user has just passed away due to the coronavirus and can't reply to you so don't message this number again, thank you"
That's the joke she's going to get this fool sacked
Doubt it
>I want to bug you at your desk
She's probably only saying that because you're working remotely. That said, I'm so you may want to look elsewhere for advice.
Good luck, even if it's just a friendly chat.
It's like saying you're a virgin. It looks really sad and you lose public face. It makes normies think "why the fuck would you say that?"
The truth is they don't CARE if you are a virgin, they just want you to observe social norms.
Call her a retard then ignore her forever
Trust me
>make story up on Yas Forums for attention that he isnt getting in real life
>"am I autistic"
"Well I got got a desk right here ;) P.S. bring toilet paper I've been touching cloth for hours now"
>Touching cloth
Over here it's called turtle-heading
>they just want you to observe social norms
But what about "just be yourself"?
Tell her you like the cock.
He says while begging for birthday attention on Yas Forums
Yeah be yourself while observing social norms. You can be as quiet or as loud as you like, warm or as distant as you please, but for fuck's sake don't break social norms.
>Level 28. The game just keeps getting easier.
Damn what a Chad response.
ok but is she hot?
Yeah but I still don't know how to respond. I'm about to say "Yeah well I'll be back at my desk soon enough." After thanking her for explaining my reference.
She's cute, that's all that matters to me. So I guess not.
Chad reply.
>Yeah well I'll be back at my desk soon enough
Damn she's sure to come and visit after a belter like that
>She doesn't even play video games so I'm barely interested in anything sexual
>thanking her for explaining my reference
oh no no no bros ahahahahah
this is almost like that dude who made smash bros jokes / boasts / flirts
The amount of power crammed into this response is awe-inspiring.
based, go up in her guts OP
That's what I'm saying, I have no idea how to handle this situation. And with coronaids going around, it's hard to say "Want to meet up after work?" I don't even know if places are still open.
No, I can't be THAT bad... And I meant to type "thank her for explaining HER reference" because she knows I don't know music.
Level 28 soon. The game just keeps getting easier.
What an absolute chad.
>thank her for explaining HER reference
I know. A correction of a type doesn't change shit. If you correct that typo in your chat with her she'll fuck you dude.
so hot