Zooms will never know this feel

>Zooms will never know this feel

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>fucks up your discs
Why not just keep them in the box retard?

>fucks up your discs
t. literal moron with no hand-eye coordination whatsoever

so did you throw away your boxes to keep the cds in that pouch you neanderthal?

Only retards used those cases

plenty of zoomers had things like this to hold cds.

>Be a zoomer
>Know this feel exactly

Get fucked retard. Also, no hand eye coordination in the world is going to keep you from scraping plastic on plastic. Not to mention that they're getting a lot more air than they would if they were in a fucking box.

I’m gonna wait for your post in a couple years when you talk about being an emunigger because your games got fucked up

You obviously don't know the feel, because the backing is not plastic, dipshit.


>Keeping your games in a folder instead of in their respective cases
Who does this, and did they do the same thing with DVD’s?

>Rock raiders

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I don't miss data donuts one bit
Every single ODD I owned between 2000-2010 was a nightmare, at which point I replaced my ODDs with more drives and never looked back

>CD case
>not keeping the disks in the jewel case and having a rack

mom, stop browsing my anime imageboard.

I'm a zoomer and I remember that
used to have motocross madness, midtown madness, cod 2, hotwheels velocity x, and nascart 2000 in a case like that

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Thank God i wont

But did you have a shareware CD?

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I still have all my demos and cereal box games.

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>Put all the games in a case
>Throw the boxes
How are you supposed to play multiplayer?


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where the boomers at

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Anyone who didn't have a fuck ton of free space did this. PC game cases were usually just shitty jewel cases inside a giant cardboard sleeve that only took up space. A lot of them didn't even have the pretty looking sleeve or a real case at depending on where you bought them. Point is, there was nothing special about the cases and they took up space. So, you throw them away and put the discs in a binder for easier access. People did this for games, DVDs, and especially CDs. It's not as common of a practice anymore since a lot of people seem to care more about the aesthetic of having a wall full of games than convenience.

And this is why dumb westerners charge a premium for a game that comes with its box when it should be given a huge discount for having the box thrown away.

How can you afford binder sleeves worth of games but not a simple shelf to store games on?

call me a retard then

I just don't have the space for boxes

It would have been better with floppies. Zoomers objectively don't know that feel. Early Zooms still had CDs, but you would know that being one.

So move into a bigger apartment

Seriously only mouthbreathing idiots used these things.


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>that kid who would put their games in the cases of the previous game when they changed discs

nigger you can't pirate a physical disc lmao

And they are fortunate. Physical is stupid, wasteful, old technology and needs to be phased out.

Keep on zooming my friend.

God, floppies were a shit format. Fuck that

Nah fuck this shit. PC is the only place where digital makes sense.

>you wouldn't download a compact disc

Fuck disks, digital is far superior
Fuck CD cases
Fuck CD poaches or whatever this shit is called

>not a zoomer

yup. elvis in space was my favorite game.

you betta upload first warcraft iso on archive.org my black person

>had it all and lost it

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>a zooma zoom zoom

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Bro lego rock raiders, are you me as a kid?

i'm glad they don't - those were quickly turning into pain in the ass to browse.
I'm glad HDDs became so cheap and accessible.


Yeah let’s get rid of physical furniture too you can just sit in a VR bedroom it’s stupid and wasteful

This but with hundreds of pirated PS1 games.

>getting rid of the boxes

>>Zooms will never know this feel
The feel of hindrance? Nuisance? What exactly? I'm old enough to have dealt with all that physical media, it was fucking obnoxious. What feel are you talking about?

>toss boxes away
>put your discs in a binder
Literally subhuman practice

>the virgin remake
>the chad og disc
keep on op

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That makes absolutely no sense. Are you one of those guys who wears a helmet at all times?

How do the teens these days feel about kids younger than them? I actually feel disgust when people here mention they're under 30. They're like a completely different subset of human, they will never understand a life without smartphones and facebook. They don't know what it was like when games were revolutionary in 2D, and the 3D boom that blew audiences away. To them it's simply always been. Do you feel like those younger than you also "don't get it"?

Still have on of those. Haters can go eat a dick.

>doesn't have Beyond the Dark Portal
You're a zoomer posing as a boomer

Vr rooms are pretty comfy I must say

>LEGO Rock Raiders
Fucking based

> Things Millennials will not know

Being outside during Spring Break because icky-poo Covid-19. Making you and boomers seethe.

>Lego Rock Raiders

A man of taste i see
