*ruins video games*

>*ruins video games*

Attached: 1a9af177bdcd0bd93568e59bb7600cbe.png (1000x1145, 52.33K)

How? It's just a chat client, it's functionally no different from Ventrilo
If anything, Reddit has ruined games by supplanting forums while being worse than forums

that doesnt look like any game that came after bubsy 3D since they couldnt live up to the greatness that was bubsy 3D

>this voip program ruined video games because I don't like it


GameFAQs ruined videogames.
Yas Forums ruined videogames.
Reddit ruined videogames.
ResetEra ruined videogames.
Videogames ruined videogames.

How? It's literally just mumble or ventrillo but not absolute fucking garbage

i mean dude for years we've had
how did discord do anything that these previous 4 didnt?


>data mines all users
>protects pedos

Gamefaqs was amazing though

i would blame matchmaking more than discord
discord fill the void of finding chill servers to play in regularly

What's wrong with it if you just make a server for your friends?

what is resetera?

>Reddit has ruined games by supplanting forums while being worse than forums
And then Discord did the same to reddit, making it even worse in process

Ease of use to the unwashed masses.

Same reason Yas Forums is garbage now compared to 10 years ago, and same with the internet as a whole. The problem isn’t the medium itself, the problem is the people using it.

Only people who complain don't have any friends and get bullied everywhere.

discord is for soi guzzling tranny numale liberal gangsters who want want to spread their gay furry tranny agenda and corrupt the youth with their crossdressing clique diamond dozen bastards and sell your data to big corporate god-entities and learn everything about you so they can track the average consumer relentlessly in cyberspace with sophisticated ad campaigns designed to cozy them to the idea of taking hormone pills and having sex with monkey negroidic ape-like creatures as part of the elite's scheme for a new world order.

you're joking but I actually believe this.


It was great for wow guilds though, provided an out of game chat, private chatting out of game and a voice chat.

I just see it as a cross off teamspeak /vent/ mumble and IRC.

t. loser with no friends

Twitter is arguably worse than Discord because it gives the most shitty people ever a voice, and all those lefty/trannies/SJWs do is complain but they don't actually buy anything

>like a game
>join devs' discord
>end up hating the game

This is largely unironically true.

t. High-pitched voiced NEET-weeb that has a mental breakdown every time someone doesn't agree 100% with him

This. It's just like anime (aka something primarily for trannies). For example, pic related is how Yas Forums anime trannies view themselves.

Attached: 1557178676431.jpg (760x512, 146K)

joining any fanbase is bad if your enjoy said game/anime/show/whatever
just stay away

>Yas Forums

Attached: 1521731325091.png (1093x1077, 1.6M)

I know, user. I just wasn't expecting stuff like how quickly fanart discussion turned from cool art of main characters to tangentially-related hypno-porn straight out of dA.

Attached: 1575984114566.png (1200x1200, 15.06K)


Attached: 1571257763842.gif (397x400, 804.01K)

the pedo rapists of neogaf fled and funded resetera hiding behind some pride flag or whatever

This. Discord is literally perfect if you're not a fucking loser who only talks to randoms.

if anything it improved it, much easier to keep dead games alive now vs forum communities


yes Yas Forums are, you'd know this if you weren't a tourist

*ruins the internet*

Attached: MSN-Messenger.png (710x713, 188.31K)

i miss msn.
>no more late nights talking to chubby mall goths from gaia

The real thing that ruined videogames is the inability of understanding what makes the games actually good from the developers, publishers and boomers.
Modern games are a katamari ball of everything single mistake and compromise made by games that were popular in the past.
Stealth minigame from zelda OOT, collectaton from Mario 64 (which was just meant to extend the tiny 8MB to several hours of gameplay), regenerative life and two weapon systems from halo (which was a compromise made to make the "RTS you play on foot" work, and was just a regen shield, not life), RPG grinding, gambling shit...

This was a fun ride, microsoft trying to make it worse and worse and worse on every new release, at a point there were several guides on "how to force older, better versions of the MSN to run" and then microsoft ran out of ideas on how to make it worse, then they bought skype and forced everyone to move to it until skype got so bad, everyone moved to discord because it was the only widely known chat program that didn't fucking required a celphone to create an account.

I remember at one point a hacked version which restored a lot of customization features MS stripped out became the new norm.

>tfw miss Yahoo! Chat

Why did chatrooms have to die. Fuck you, Facebook.

Ok tourist

Creates more hitboxes that destroys communities

>and get bullied everywhere.

you see these types very often on bigger servers for games
usually they barge into an ongoing conversation with a really stupid off-topic remark or cringey "joke", get shit on by everybody for it, spend half an hour fighting about it, and then either get banned or leave because mommy said tendies are ready
then straight on to Yas Forums to complain about the evil furry trannies and their diabolical new voip app
the faggots almost always have an anime avatar as well kek

>no u
worked hard on that comeback didn't you?

this. chatrooms were where i used to make all my friends. internet culture was more synonymous through chatrooms back then


What will be the next bogeyman after trannies?

it will always be jews, women, fags, and trannies
thank me for a majority of the tranny hate on this board. i spread the gospel

>mfw my mom got a letter from AOL threatening to cut our internet
>letter also included chat logs with all kinds of horrible, threatening and grotesque remarks I had made towards random people in their chat rooms

Attached: 1513356083855.jpg (300x234, 8.04K)

Why did this become a problem now? Were tranny freaks too stupid to use an IRC client before?

The internet being taken over by normies and devs listening to said normies ruined video games
Discord is just the latest tool they are using, before discord it was reddit.

there were three tranny freaks in my irc a few years ago, they posted on /g/ often too

they are literally mentally ill, and obsessed to a degree it might be autism-related. srsly. massive correlations between having autism and becoming "trans"

discord became popular around the same time being a tranny became popular, so in their disturbed mind that's a direct correlation
the devs being pedo furry far-leftards probably didn't help

*ruins viyda with exaggerated drama. getting offended that someone lives near you even though there's only one planet and your PRETEND enemy can't move away, over the top claims*

More specifically, that's how it ruins vidya

>*ruins Yas Forums*

>trap posts lewds on general
>dm trap
>ask for more nudes
>get them

discord aint that bad

Attached: 1494761588299.jpg (313x313, 102.07K)

Clearly underage
Goodbye :)

Attached: literal_children.png (380x513, 20.1K)

Then its not the platform then is it? And this whole fucking thread is a waste of space for contrarianiggers to bitch in.

sharing is caring, user

Discord is what keeps fighting game lobbies occupied. It’s how you get guaranteed matches

Yas Forums was always low brow “I’m slightly sarcastic but I know it so I’m better” humor. It was garbage like 2-3 years in, by your metric. You’re as unwashed as everyone you’re pointing fingers toward

>great for fighting games
>great for RTS

Your problem for using it to talk to retards off Yas Forums and porn.

Yeah, I really don't get it.
This entire website likes to shit on this platform because they like shitting on things that are new or useful.
Although all the weird sides of Discord are pretty trash and disgusting, like underaged e-dating discords. those are weird.