So according to over 100 developers the real performance of the PS5 under full load is around 9TF (same as GitHub). On the other side the xbox is 12TF (again same as Github).

How did Sony managed to bottle the PS5 so hard?

Attached: 1584716212004.jpg (1439x1247, 558.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they spent everything on the EXPENSIVE, INCREDIBLY HOT ,CUSTOM MADE SSD tech

Fuck consoles.

Microsoft understands computer hardware and software much better and it also has better connections. Sony got lucky last gen because Don Matrix was an incompetent retard. Phil is going all out, though - and there won’t be another Kinect to kill the momentum this time.

because mark cerny is a fucking hack who has never made anything good in his life. the ps4 looked good in comparison to the xbone but in reality it was laptop tier garbage.

>How did Sony managed to bottle
What the fuck do you mean by "bottle"? Bottleneck?

Okay so it's only a difference of 3TF

who cares?

My guess is that they're yet again pushing for pretty pictures over raw performance, wanting their games to look and behave like movies rather than games. So their custom SSD will be able to load more shit on screen each frame than the XsX, but at the cost of FPS.

Don’t be mad at consoles just because PC is irrelevant.

I genuinely hate whoever piece of shit decided to introduce the teraflop concept to normies and casuals.

the RAM bandwith is faster
also XSX has fixed clocks for both CPU and GPU so nothing is unpredicatble and theres no need of tweaking between CPU/GPU like PS5 which will take time

That’s 33% of ps5 power

I gotta know why though. SSDs are already fast as it is. Sony is just reinventing the wheel at this point

they unironically got too cocky

This is 2013 reveal all over again but in reverse

>only 3TF

Attached: 5be2e04d2100005204c9e7cc.jpg (540x526, 31.9K)

but muh SSD


sony is toast, fake TFLOP numbers and fake trailers aint gonna save them this time

Basically this means that multiplats will run better on SeX like they did on the 360
However multiplats will run better on PC regardless, so it really comes down to exclusives

The was only a 0.6tf difference between ps4 and xbox one and we all know how that went on the graphics and performing side of things.

Okay the base ps4 and xbone was .5TF who cares

And all games will be developed with Playstation as the lead plataform making the 3 extra memeflops of the Xbos irrelevant

console ssdfags are the most funny fuckers
ssd's have basically been a thing on pc for almost a decade now, even before ps4 release

If the ps5 is cheaper, the normalfags will buy it anyway. People act like power fucking matters. It's all about marketing, and economics. If the xbone2 is $599 and the ps5 is $499, guess which one timmy's getting as his christmas present? no fucking question m8.

But will Xbox have games?

Attached: 1532160389078.jpg (650x673, 50.19K)


Ok? This was stated in the conference and that those drives would be usable in the ps5 itself.

it’s hilarious seeing consolefags argue over fucking flops, a made up measure of performance because they don’t want to be compared to pc performance

Because PC hardware has no influence whatsoever on game development. Now that SSDs are on consoles, we can finally see the effects on game design.

It all comes down to price

Does anyone actually care about this or are flops just the new bits. I don't know or care what a flop is. Neither of these system mean shit to me right now because games haven't been shown
Are we going to have to sit through months of mindless shit flinging before these two consoles even launch?

are you stupid

Because you'll buy it anway for Persona

Does that even matter anymore? Look how well the PS4 sold with a single game.

>and that those drives would be usable in the ps5 itself.
but youre still paying a premium for sony's custom 800GB ssd for the entire console generation. meanwhile pc and xbox will get 7GB/s consumer SSDs for cheap.

Games are developed on PCs before being ported to consoles dingus. Even exclusives are developed on PCs and then optimised for the specific console hardware. Microsoft has a massive advantage due to the fact the PC standard API is directX and it makes porting between PC and xbox piss easy. Playstation hasn't been the target machine since 2002.

Also MS are further increasing their stranglehold over PC API with DX12U as of yesterday:

>Xbox 33% more powerful than ps5
What the fuck is wrong with Sony?

Cheaper console, which is always the right choice because nobody wants a console that costs 599 dollars

You think I'm going to play GTA6 on the PS5 knowing how fucking weak it is? Crazy.

cool to know, but won't effect any sales numbers.
people are buying consoles based on brand loyality and what their friends buy, not based on tech or even exclusives.

Going to avoid the PS5 that will inevitably sound like a jet engine on a warm summer's day and wait for the cheaper and quieter PS5 slim that is a couple of years down the road. Any meaningful PS5 exclusives won't be out until then anyway.

comparing different architecures it gets a bit scuzzy, for example comparing nvidia flops to AMD flops never quite works out as nvidia generally get more out of theirs when it comes to performance.

in this case it makes sense as despite what anyone will tell you, the architectures in these two machines couldn't be more similar and are pulling from the same generation of the same manufacturer. this means a direct comparison between them is probably reflective of performance.

Doesn't matter, games will be shit either way, and the good ones won't take advantage of the BAZILLION MEGATERAPLOPS of the console, as it has happened in every generation

>Sony shitstomps MS with a 33% weaker console

What went wrong indeed

>$100 cheaper
>wins another gen

Do you right now own an xbox for non-sony games and ps4 for sony games?

its really simple compare the original xbox one and PS4
basically SeX is PS4 of this gen in terms of power while PS5 is Xbox one

At this point, I see MS waiting out Sony on price and then matching them just to twist the knife.

It's float point arithmetic, completely meaningless for gaming and they only use it to compare consoles among one eachother so you can't actually know how capable the hardware is compared to the actual market, i.e pc components.

Yeah I can see xbox being $100 cheaper. A 3.5gb/s NVMe SSD right now on PC costs $400 so Sony are paying out the ass for their 5.5gb/s SSD and its probably why the rest of the specs are mediocre. It would be another ps3 again.

>mark cerny is a fucking hack who has never made anything good in his life.
he made Marble Madness at age 17, you uncultured negroid

I don't want Sony anything, at all.

I own a PC and a Xbox One I got cheap to play from the game pass. Will likely buy a Sex for the same reason in the future.

>I own a PC and a Xbox One
I don't believe you
Nobody owns this combo

The real question is, why the fuck does power matter? The Sexbox will have no exclusives and all multiplats are made with the lowest common denominator in mind.

Also, power has never translated into sales. If it did, the Xbone X would have flew off of shelves. It did nothing to improve Xbone sales though.

An addendum: Only an idiot would buy a Sexbox at release. Microsoft are notorious for shitting on their customer base while acting like they're doing you a favor. This generation alone they've released more console versions than games.

This. Note how we STILL don't have a price on the Xbox.


>multiplats are made with the lowest common denominator in mind.
Then why is ps4 version usually 1080p while xbone runs at weird resolutions?

Not this time since Microsoft is also releasing Lockhart, Microsoft is going to box Sony by releasing two consoles, one being sold as a premium experience and another being sold as a budget experience, so Sony won't be able to claim neither the most powerful console or the cheapest one, like they did with the PS4

No, I'm the one guy who paid for game pass ultimate and is using it on both platforms in this whole planet.

Xbox One
Xbox One without Kinect (500GB edition)
Xbox One without Kinect (1TB edition)
Xbox One Elite
Xbox One S (500GB)
Xbox One S (1TB)
Xbox One S (2TB)
Xbox One X
Xbox One S All-Digital

Now list me this many Xbone exclusives.

crash bandicoot is based stfu

I do, but 200 miles apart (xbox at college and PC at home). I'll be honest I think gamepass is the best value in gaming right now especially if you don't want to spend a lot on games due to budgeting. How much would DMC5, Forza, MHW, Witcher 3, KH3, Yakuza 0 cost individually? Like $200? I paid $50 for a year and get like 95 more games on top of that AND my gamepass sub carries over to my PC at home (with a worse library I admit).

Nigga you have no idea what you're saying, yes, games are developed using a PC but their not developed to work on a fucking PC

Yeah that totally worked last time

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Actually can't tell if trolling.

Attached: 1548323808944.jpg (800x600, 197.63K)

Not even him, but think about it
>long hallways, ladders, obscured vision crouch sections used to mask load times because HDDs
>if they remove these, HDDs can't keep up
>consoles run into issues
Yeah you could have optimized for SSDs, but unless you either want a PC exclusive or to have a seriously gimped console version, you gotta aim for some degree of parity

Lmao, all this fucking fighting when Sony's just gonna win anyway.

not trolling, name one good xbox exclusive, ever. i don't own a bloodborne machine, i am a pc gamer, i just seriously hate xbox exclusives

Last 6 months before a new gen are always such a pain in the ass. Clueless people just keep speculating about specs when in the end the only thing that will matter are real software benchmarks. On which the last gen fell flat despite having the same hype we get now.

Letting the little console babies know about Teraflops really fucked everything up.
It's like looking at a 3 year old talk about technology.

They actually are. All consoles are x86 based machines just like your typical PC. It's not like they have to jump through hoops to make a PC port now. Even last gen where both consoles were using powerpc architecture games were still developed in a win32 environment. Proof is RDR.

cerny is an idiot who got lucky with the base ps4. sony needs to bring kutaragi back.

I flops are so important then why is the ps2 still the best console ever made despite being a mere 6 gfloppies? Why is the switch selling like gangbusters when its straight up mid range tablet hardware from 2013

None of this shit matters. None of these consoles will have good libraries. None of them since 7th gen have and I only see it getting worse with every new one

Attached: ps2-hardware-two-column-01-ps4-eu-18nov15.png (708x464, 406.92K)

Can some one explain to a technical brainlet how this difference will effect my gaming?

it's the era of the multiplat user, outside of 3 games that will be on pc anyways they'll have the same library

that's a 30% difference. kind of a big deal

>muh exclusibes
Yeah, it's a receding argument for the PS4 isn't it?

You can access game pass for 1 buck and a fuckton of backward compact games in all of those consoles.