Gameplay loop

>gameplay loop

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Elaborate now why you think thats a buzzword or meme phrase or whatever you niggers call it.

Gameplay loops are literally how games are designed.


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>ludonarrative dissonance

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>game design doc

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>OP's a nigger

Not him but it's a buzzword because journalists all started using it at the same time

>Berserk mode with guns

Attached: gunshark.png (603x403, 232.91K)

>use video game terms when discussing video games
>retards begin to shit their pants because discussing video games instead of just slurping dev dock is verbotten
Right. Do you guys just like being dumb or what?

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>not ludospiel

>this word lost its meaning because i say so!

>oozing style

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Midwits greentexting words used to describe games they never played: the thread.

Niggers like you would stop breathing the moment journos declared air good for you.

Meant the user you replied to.


>Strand-Type game

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I don't know what context I'll be able to post this, but I know I need it.

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Because calling it "gameplay" is enough. If you need to get more specific, "core gameplay".

Spoken like a true nodev.

>spiritual successor

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I wonder how people have referred to the objective of a game and the means of achieving it for fucking decades before that word was created and misused constantly.
It applies to some games such as the binding of Isaac or other rogueli*** that have an actual loop into their gameplay, but it has lost its nuance and it's not misused constantly for everything, kind of like literally

> that one set of someone fucking bread

>Videogame-y feel

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The phrase has existed for well over a decade, retard

>I'm stupid
Good to know.

Are you supposed to be proud of working in an industry filled with cucks?

>objective of a game and the means of achieving it
That's not what it means you mouthbreathing retard and just because people you don't like use it doesn't make it wrong. Nomenclature exists for a reason and if you disagree, feel free to rip a bong and go join the rest of the people who definitely know better.

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>love letter to the fans


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>spiritual successor to Mother

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>gets told


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Not even the same guy. Just found it funny seeing a cuck on a high horse.

The fact that Yas Forums hates this phrase is one of the ways you know they're genuinely stupid backseat game designers who don't actually have any fucking idea what they're talking about.

It's a useful and descriptive term that describes one of the core aspects of game design. It is also divided into other even more specific and useful terms, like primary and tertiary gameplay loops. Almost every game they have ever enjoyed was designed with those loops in mind but they get mad because some journalists they don't like used it.

As with everything, Yas Forums doesn't know what they fuck they're talking about and you should not adopt their views.

t. Gameplay programmer and lead designer for a number of games over the last few years, both freeware and commercial.. No, I will not tell you what games, I don't want my presence in this shithole made public.

>I wonder how people have referred to the objective of a game and the means of achieving it for fucking decades before that word was created and misused constantly.
That's not what the gameplay loop is you fucking idiot. The gameplay loop is how the game is paced and the activities within it are repeated.
A game could have the exact same gameplay as Monster Hunter but a drastically different gameplay loop by making it grindier or easier or setting each fight in much smaller areas. You could even have a play-once demo that has no loop at all because you can only kill a single monster once and that's it, but it still would have the same gameplay.

God I wish I could see your high school book reports.
>"Hamlet is a book in which a guy's dad gets killed so he kills everyone later."
>wtf why is my teacher such a cuck!?

Dead giveaway the game is ass/jank and the only way to appeal it is "B-but this is or is like thing you liked as a kid"
Fuck off.

What's the difference between core gameplay and gameplay loop? Is it that core gameplay only tells one dominant "scene" of gameplay while "gameplay loop" tells multiple "scenes" of gameplay that are repeated until the game ends?

t. ranny wannabe gamedev

And That's Okay

The term has been used in design circles since the 90s. It wasn't just invented by journalists in the last ten years.

You just never heard it because you literally don't know anything about game design.

Another sign that someone knows nothing about game design is that they nitpick the use of useful terminology for dumb reasons.

>t. braindead hivemind Yas Forumsdditor

>complains about adhoms
>adhoms back
Cringe. You enjoying your paid time off too?

The moment game design became an academic topic was the moment games died. You think Id cared about what a "gameplay loop" was while making a game? No, they just wanted to make a fun game that sold well.

>You think Id cared about what a "gameplay loop" was while making a game?
You think Id cared about what a "gameplay loop" was when making doom?*

Gameplay loops describe a cycle of decision making around which a game can be structured, and can be divided into larger nested loops as you increase the scope of your game.

If you use a Super Mario Bros game as an example, the primary loop is the individual challenges you encounter in a level. Then the larger loop is the courses, which tend to have a unique theme or mechanic, and then the progress through each world is the broadest loop. Nintendo is really good at designing their games into these nested loops so that you're constantly making decisions and experiencing progress and goals on three different levels of significance, keeping their games constantly stimulating and divided into valleys and peaks of intensity.

Another good example of a gameplay loop is Minecraft's survival mode. You find places you want to build, acquire resources for building, and then put those resources to work by placing them on whatever it is you're building. This is a much longer lasting primary loop. Some games have a primary loop that lasts a few seconds and in others it lasts for hours.

It's more useful than just "gameplay" because that describes basically every single interactive element of your game. Loops describe the actual structure and pacing of content and are useful in dividing the player's decision making behaviors into manageable chunks which you can design things around.

You are complaining about something that has gone into almost every game you've ever liked.

The designers of your favorite games are the ones who contributed to the academic body of work that now makes up academic game discourse.

It isn't just a bunch of pretentious critics making up words. Successful, impactful, thoughtful game designers of classics are the ones who made the language that you're only just finding out about now because critics are starting to learn about it.

Please keep Celestine out of this place. She is too good for this shithole.

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>X is a good game, but not a good Y game

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>Another good example of a gameplay loop is Minecraft's survival mode. You find places you want to build, acquire resources for building, and then put those resources to work by placing them on whatever it is you're building. This is a much longer lasting primary loop. Some games have a primary loop that lasts a few seconds and in others it lasts for hours.
That seems more like explaining what the gameplay loop is after the initial gameplay has been made. It's not like Notch was designing the game with this gameplay loop in mind, it was just what came about spontaneously or accidentally from the game he made. It can explain why a game is fun, but it is not necessary to think about when making a fun game.

Yeah totally, good games are just designed at random and designers don't actually think about how players are going to use their games. Compelling games just happen by accident. It's a total whoopsie.

You people are so fucking stupid it's remarkable.

I'll do you one better.

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ITT: butthurt 'gamedevs' who fell for the fullsail video game design course

what an embarassing post

>Compelling games just happen by accident. It's a total whoopsie.
Yes actually. You make a fun system then people analyzing it think you're a genius perfectly crafting an engaging gameplay loop when in reality you just thought mining blocks, placing them elsewhere, and using them for crafting recipes was a neat idea.

All this post did was confirm that "gameplay loop" and gameplay are literally interchangeable terms lel

Oh so loop is just a replacement for game design. Great, you're retarded.

Nah, Gameplay Loop was made up to describe all these new farming games. Whether it's guns or crops you're saving up virtual currency to buy virtual items and then usually dying.

Like escape from tarkov, all that game is is dayz with an economy, which surprise surprise was already a thing like 8 years ago

Imagine the flavour.

Man you gotta stop embarassing yourself like this

does an actual game design term trigger you?

the loop gives a specific feeling of the thing you are doing repeatedly and how it escalatea and progresses over time. you sound like one of those people who would say WHY WOULD YOU SAY UTILIZE, JUST SAY USE!


Also note that fun game mechanics are made through accidents. It's a creative medium. You make a ton of projects that go nowhere then decide to switch a few things around and realize it's actually pretty fun. You're an academic trying to find how to make the perfect game and have never gone through amateur gamedev where you stumble on a fun mechanic you only programmed in for shits and giggles.