PS5 can reduce crunch time for devs

Bravo Sony

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But Xbox also has it

loading is never optimized

Oh wow so developers can optimise less now! That's so innovative!

Sony are a cancer for this industry.

Until everyone develops based on that expectation, making it worse than ever.

hurray for less optimization

I don't fucking care about developers

These fucks will say almost anything to not admit that the PS5 is a piece of shit in comparison to XSeX.

Watch how FIFA 2021/2022 will have worse features than the previous installments

Amazing how sony ponies are turning SSDs and faster load times into this mystical piece of technology that will make everything better

>we dont have to optimize anymore because we are using PC tech from 10 years ago

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What this actually means is developers will find a way to make games load slow on an SSD. i mean BioWare did it with their wretched Anthem, I think even on SSD it loaded slow as balls.

That's because Sony have a cult who follow their every word.

aka devs will optimize less and games will look and run just as shit as before

>in theory
nice thread retard

who doesn't want to watch movies that boot up immediately?

Optimization forces creativity. All those windy levels to mask loading, unknowingly to the devs, sometimes gave games a labyrinth-like atmophere and feel. Just another potential example of tech making people lazy.

>Developers already thinking of ways they can ship less finished games

Love how people are suddenly lauding SSDs as a panacea for all problems with gaming

Wow, kinda like Yas Forums and SeX.
Games are what matter. No games, no decision to be made. Off the top of my head though, Xbox will have Sony and Gears. PS will have the next part of the FFVII Remake, Gravity Rush, a Team ICO project. That alone makes me more excited.
But for now, just watching Yas Forums seethe is enough lmao. You board-culture drones are so mind-broken by your hatred (that started when it became popular on Yas Forums) for Sony you foam at the mouth.

SSD's and TERAFLOPSSSSSSSS and I.O throughput

>big number mean good
The Absolute STATE of Moviegoers

Welcome to Sony's marketing.

>Sony and Gears
Oops, meant Halo and Gears.

Translation: The PS5 SSD means that devs can put less effort into optimizing their games which will result in them running just like before despite the better hardware.

Let me translate

>the PS5's SSD means developers don't need to optimize their games anymore which means they don't have to do their job and more time to focus on being faggots.

Nobody is going to make ps5 exclusive games though, so they still have to develope for the other platforms.

why do people keep posting naughty dog employees praising PS5 here?

>PC mustard race fags kept raving about havings SSD for years
>PS5 has SSD now and unlike PC, games can be optimized with SSD in mind
>i-it means nothing

oh lawd

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Yeah, consoles have stalled progress for the past 10 years.

enjoy your 250GB games, sonýggers

That's absolutely not how dev cycles work. if oyu can do more work faster, you will just do more work faster, you won't go home sooner.

>all this xcuck seething simply IMAGINING people's response

i mean, he's right. but so is the xboxes.

trying to find a real world scenario where a 5gbps SSD is any different from a 3bgps one actaully exists in any game context is an exercise in futility. the limiting factor will be the RAM bus. these SSDs are still just shuffling data into the RAM, they're not dumping assets straight into the game.

even these fast SSDs are still a tenth of the speed of even DDR5.

it's like trying to judge the fuel injection speed of your engine based on the speed of the petrol station pump you fill the tank with gas with.

No developer cares about pc hardware, though

The thing is that the new Xbox also has an SSD, and going from a laptop HDD to any decent SSD would make all the difference. It doesn't matter that the PS5s SSD is faster, because 2.5GB/s is more than good enough.

This. With devs able to utilize SSD as a standard for development we'll start seeing it as a necessity for games. PoE is just about the only game I have that ran like jank ass before I upgraded to an SSD years ago.

>games can be optimized with SSD in mind
This is not a good thing. It's already becoming obvious with newer PC games being made with SSDs and/or huge space in mind and being completely massive, uncompressed and unoptimized for no reason because they can get away with it now.
This shit isn't just happening with games either: a lot of people now have 16+gb of RAM, so you'd think you'd be able to run more programs at once than ever right? LMAO you fucking wish, every program now is a glorified browser that consumes 3gb of ram no matter how simple it is because the devs are lazy and know you have tons of ram.

Sonybro has no reply to this.

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PUBG basically required one too, but that's cause it was optimised like ass.

What an astoundingly inaccurate statement
>level streaming
>memory micro-management

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all this will do is lead to even more wasteful and less optimized development

if he thinks this will "reduce crunch" he might have brain damage

They quite literally said that they developed new technology though.

No talented coders? Just bruteforce that shit!

Sony doesn't develop console hardware, they order it.

It's ahead of everything but PC and switch? One a gimmicky and successful handheld console hybrid. The other being the lowest bar to entry and filled to the brim with absolute garbage. 'Most devs' being on & interested in pc is because it's easy to pump out low effort indie and early access trash

Great more options for lazy developers for brute forcing and jacking up the filesize and shitty opitimization for both consoles and PC

RAM frontloading isn't a new technology lol

Are you legitimately retarded?

Can you post a list of those 4000 game developers? I suspect most are indie subhumans.

Probably won't stop them from releasing games that are 150+ GB though.

Vast majority of modern games worth anyone's time are indie.

whats up with the hate boner for crunch these days?

Smart post right here. I took for granted being able to run games made before 2004 on a toaster. So many games now eat entire systems and it is causing a serious division between hardware and players. You shouldn't need $1000 PC for most of these Peggle-tier games coming out, but optimization is becoming a first day patch instead of being done at creation. Also, fuck 35+ gb uncompressed sound files in 70+ gb games.

This wtf. Worker drones should just shut up and obey.

And how many of these indie games push pc hardware? Not even pc exclusive indie garbage utilises the latest and the greatest.

hate for "crunch" is the same thing as people that hate grind

bitch if you dont want to play the game why did you buy it?
if you dont want to work with videogames FIND ANOTHER FUCKING JOB

AI dungeon :^)

Not gonna deny that, and 90% of the ones worth a shit also come out on console eventually. Because we're trying to reach the largest audience possible. That means starting on PC with the intention of porting out to everything

>maybe THIS technological leap will allow our masters to treat us like humans!!!
just sad

realistically, nothing will change with how games are developed since they're all multiplat now. they will keep being developed with generic toaster PCs in mind, no innovation allowed. they won't even take full advantage of the SSDs (since pc poors still have HDDs), let alone cerny's useless gimmicks.
even sony's own first-party games won't take advantage of this shit because it would jeopardize future pc ports if they did.

Doom Eternal on ps4 runs a lot better than a pc with hd7850

>managing memory is hard
The absolute state of diversity hire programmers.

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Is that idiot implying less features or less optimization means less crunch?

I work in game dev in one of the biggest companies, that has nothing to do with it.
It's all bad project management.

>euro hours
>Yas Forums is nothing but shitty twitter screencaps and clickbait articles

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Unpaid overtime is wage theft. Law does not accept excuses like "we're crunching lol"


>PS5 can reduce crunch time for devs
in reality it becomes
>PS5 can reduce developement time for devs
the games will be even more shit


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Smoking is bad for you

>Preferred by developers
Want to know how I know this chart is absolute bullshit, and would be saved by a nine year old to justify their handheld?

>first public facing presentation for the systems is exclusively geared towards devs
>Sony-dicklicker journos and devs try to damage control their generally lesser specs by doubling down on only talking about how this is going to be a boon for devs to be less deliberate and thoughtful in game design
All I'm hearing is how DEVS and PUBLISHERS might get to make a cozier profit from less careful development. I'm not hearing anything yet on how the PS5 benefits the player besides some possibly reduced load times (and even then we have no concrete assurance that devs will always take advantage of Sony's ambiguously different SSD tech, especially if they're not first/second party). This is not going to be a consumer-friendly platform, is it?

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>Just look away from our crimes ok? Geez!

With no time any task is impossible.

i have zero faith in nu-sony or the ps5, but you're retarded if you expected consumer-focused announcements in a presentation intended primarily for developers.

>work for free or leave

Yes, I also think we should all play on toasters so developers have to spend 15 years optimizing the game. In fact, the PS5 should be weaker than the PS3

this but unironically

Yeah it's geared towards devs so much that they had to explain what tflops mean and the difference between SSD and HDDs.

The amount of damage control is pathetic, that talk was dumbed down for plebs not devs and yet plebs are too dumb to understand most of it.

AMD didn't sell 80 million HD 7850s

maybe because the hardware race is fucking retarded

>euro hours
>11:30 -4

Nah bro I'll actually unionize and dwstrpy crunch, delaying you're favorite game and making it more expensive. What are you gonna do about it?

>James Cooper

More like James COPER lol

jokes on you faggot
my favorite games are japanese

Yes, which is why optimisation on consoles will always be better. Directx and Vulkan for Windows will never, ever be as good as console APIs because they have to work on variable configs. Just because you’re seeing poorly coded stuff on pc now doesn’t mean the same will happen with consoles.