What video games have you been playing on your Linux machine recently?
Linux gaming thread
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why dude?
you might as well have made this an itoddler thread
you should be ashamed of yourself
Playing some STALKER right now
install gentoo
anyone tried doom eternal drm-free on lunix yet?
I imagine it runs just as well as DOOM 2016 did.
It's ok for a twinstick shooter, seeth overyped it
Pillars of Eternity II
Jesus christ the story is so bad and the ship combat so useless. Really pretty background and some interesting class choices tho.
I am also very curious about this.
Why? Apple is peak ignorant consumerism whilebLinux is peak freedom and moral superiority.
Everyone should help make Linux better. It's the best long-term strategy.
Issues on Github say that the Steam release does not work. But then again, dude is asking for drm-free one that can be obtained from sailors.
Will go try it out later today and report my findings.
ProtonDB says no
It doesn't work, not even with the Denuvo free .exe...
Meanwhile, I will play it on Windows, but it sure is some stupid implementation of Bethesda account shit or something like that.
Stalker SOC
They will most likely release Proton update thet makes it qork quite soon.
i've been playing NOT doom eternal
grabbed beneath a steel sky free from gog it's alright
based oldfag
keep good vidya alive in these dark times when gaming is going to shit
I'm gonna get tomb raider 2013 when it goes free in an hour
original Mario Maker is very underrated.
you sure? will keep an eye on that
>original Mario Maker
that's not lunar magic
Holy shit. I almost bought Tomb Raider during the last Steam sale.
>Mega Man Legacy Collection works so well with Proton that it was whitelisted by Valve
>Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 is hopelessly broken
What went wrong? Different emulator for the later games?
Bunch of grim dawn and learning SDL2
What the hell. I've been going by IsThereAnyDeal's giveaway page, and it doesn't list some of the games that are free right now. I guess I better start using SteamDB instead. Thanks for posting this link.
Just picked up a Raspberry Pi 4 4GB for a retro arcade but I dont know what img to get from arcadepunks any help anons?
i was not aware of that part of steamdb
thank you
How do we use to make Yas Forums embrace Linux?
you simply can't
just wait for microsoft to accidentally corrupt peoples harddrives again
would just get memed back
it would have to be something more decent
I refuse to believe that
The people who haven't already given up on Windows will just deal with it and reinstall for the billionth time.
>I refuse to believe that
as someone who toys frequently with linux here and there, it isn't realistic for me to use linux daily
i use hardware that only has windows or mac drivers and software, and yes, i've tried on linux, and it doesn't work
Fantasy Strike and some Fightcade arcade games.
The overwhelming majority of posters on Yas Forums are not using mac/windows only hardware
Make GNU+Linux great again.
people always sell the idea of "nobody left behind", so there's that
what do you mean?
i'm not an idiot and i know it's people who doesn't know what they are talking about who says this, but i always see when people talk about linux trying to convince others that ANYTHING you can do on windows or mac, you can do it, even better, on linux
wich is funny, when there's a number of people who just can't translate their workflow to linux, not linux's fault of course, but it sucks massive cock because i'm one of those who legitimately want to use linux but can't and dual booting usually leads me to not touching the linux partition
linux and gaming in the same sentence? beach please
It is my dream that one day, proton will be baked into the kernel...
I have smaller dreams, I just wish it didn't crash every few days from nvidia errors and pulseaudio lockups.
does that trigger you?
no, sorry, just an old habit
don't worry user
I know that old habits die hard
GNU/Linux is AMD country, kiddo.
>using nvidia
>using pulseaudio
one is mostly emulation and the other i think are actual ports
well, it would be nice if Nvidia devs stopped being massive faggots and started supporting Linux
>pulseaudio lockups
How? I've never encountered this.
witnessed and observed
Will this work on the Pi 4 ???
I would assume so, according to
mame is supported
or did you have another system in mind?
What I mean is will the IMG even boot on the pie 4 I think this is a frontend image for the 3b+ so I am unsure if it would even boot sorry for the confusion user.
why wouldn't it boot?
isn't it so that you can boot same image on different versions of RPi?
Not the other user but I highly recommend Nostalgia Trip V2 by Damaso for a base IMG if you have a 256Gb or 400Gb SD Card
I still don't fully understand what you're saying. Do you have an existing linux distro already installed onto your RP? If so have you installed RetroPie? From there downloading games should be the same as any other emulator. Just move the roms into the right directory and boot em up.
Yas Forums should embrace Linux
in long term it would be better for everyone
we still have niggers buying consoles day 1 here
well even those niggers could grow some brain cells and start thinking more than 5 minutes ahead
but I have no good idea about how to achieve that
says that get is soon
using it to get Yas Forums to look at Linux would probably result in some good shit