This was actually peak WoW

This was actually peak WoW
Wrath ruined everything

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If it didnt have flying it could be better then vanilla easily. Agreed about wrath though

Wrath was peak soul and peak PVP

so what are the odds we get TBC servers? I'd play that shit non-stop

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Wrath wasnt to blame, the seeds were sown in TBC

10 man raiding, flying mounts, badges of justice, and arenas ruined WoW

TBC started the decline tho:
>arenas and resilience
>welfare items (at the very end)
>dungeon finder tool (non-automated and non-cross-server is fine, but it sow the seed for the automated one)

out of topic: what should i roll in retail horde or ally?

wow should have more factions

Pretty low, though Blizzard should really invest in running at least one server of previous iterations of the game since many of them still seem to be popular with the players, but I guess that's not gonna happen because then they won't buy future expansions and there'll be fewer whales to spend $1000 a month on mounts.

Dalaran is the opposite of soul and all the other zones seem stressful cause of the xpacs playstyle

>have to collect 2000 consumables to raid log 99
>polished vanilla, but still "1 shot dude gear lmao" PvP
>even more broken than vanilla and arena shows it

Karazhan was fun, Sunwell was fun. in retrospect, it still had lots of QoL to be polished and added.

Peak WoW is MoP in class design, and late Cata. Shame Cata PvP was plagued by PvE gear. MoP adds PvP gear and PvP power and makes PvP the most balanced it has reached up to date, albeit pvp always being imbalanced in some form

>and peak PVP


Classic has been insanely successful, to the point where it allegedly has even more players than retail right now. Blizz said that launching TBC servers would be easier than Classic (likely because they have code/server backups from that time) so launching TBC servers and bringing in even more players is a no-brainer.

people said the same thing about classic

and yet here we are

10 man raiding was fine
flying mounts yes
Badge of justice was fine. Vendors and currency are 100 times better than lootbox/gacha/RNG bullshit of retail WoW, or rolling vs 40 people

How the hell are they stressful? Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills are just teeming with soul, Borean Tundra has a bit too many biomes going on but Sholazar was also super nice.

weird, the impression I got was that Classic was losing numbers and not doing so hot

MoP was peak SHIT and nothing else

laputan machine

>debating where the peak is in a casual mmo for the masses

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Badges were a direct response to complaints about loot RNG and going weeks and weeks on end getting nothing from raids because the item you wanted didn't drop. There's nothing inherently wrong with them, it's just RNG protection. The loot you get from them is better than 5man gear but not as good as raid gear.
And even when you outgear the raid, badges provide an incentive to keep doing the raid because you can buy gems/mats with them.

Arenas might be bad but they're better than afk'ing in AV for 18 hours a day to get rank 14.

Vanilla had "welfare gear" too, with ZG and AQ20 and the patch 1.10 itemization update. Some of the blue 5man gear that got added in 1.10 was better than MC or even BWL loot.

And really, the only people who whine that flying is bad are gankfags that are mad about less people to gank. There's literally nothing wrong with flying mounts. Literally every complaint about flying mounts also applies to flight points, but you don't see anyone calling to remove flight points.

I said why, because of wotlks gameplay. I have fond memories of wotlk based private servers but not actual wotlk


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>introduction of dailies and flying

You mean the beginning of the end

The activision earnings call from a couple months ago stated that WoW's subscription numbers "more than doubled" since Q2 2019.

Ergo, Classic launch has added more players than there were before it launched.

What's so stressful about the gameplay?

Keyword: at the very end. I obviously mean Isle of Wel'Fare.

>wpvp bad
>arena good
Oh no, it's retarded.

What's wrong with dailies? It's not like r*tail where the game constantly pushes dailies on you and makes you feel like you need to log in every day or you're losing out. In TBC, dailies are just a repeatable gold source, nothing else.

>he thinks the only "welfare" in TBC was quel'danas
Oh no, it never played TBC.

So does WotLK also get a pass for RDF because it was introduced during one of the last patches?

>It's not like r*tail where the game constantly pushes dailies on you and makes you feel like you need to log in every day or you're losing out.
Except you have to log in and grind dailies for the rep, even if you don't want the gold

Which part of "Keyword: at the very end" you can't understand? I'm aware about badges and why they were implemented, retard.

>RDF was introduced during one of the last patches?
RDF was there for the majority of the expansion.

>If it didnt have flying

Playing classic I now know that wow is the most braindead game ever made. It's so fucking easy. All that elitist bullshit about being a hardcore raider and all that crap made me cringe hard. There is by far nothing more pathetic than wowfags. Boomerbrain is real man. I go even so far and claim that fucking retail takes more skill and thought that classic wow.

>RDF was there for the majority of the expansion.
It was introduced during the ICC patch

too many cds, too fast paced (pvp at least). too powerful in pve overall and distorted classes/specs compared to vanilla/tbc.


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Nah, WoW peaked in alpha. Talent trees and removal of stat stat distribution were just a sign of what was to come

To be fair, private servers and memory created incorrect expectations

>I go even so far and claim that fucking retail takes more skill and thought that classic wow.
This isn't a bold claim at all.

Retail takes a massive amount more skill than Classic.
PvP is classic is brain dead.
PvE mechanics and class mechanics are brain dead easy

It's literally the most casual version of WoW to ever exist.

>questing revamped to not be a complete slog
>updated graphics that were optimized and ran well on systems
>based Worgen and Goblins
>balanced PVP
>accessible, didn’t require 20+ hours a week to actually raid
>heroics actually hard due to mechanics instead of bullshit numbers
>introduced transmogs

Cata was peak.

What expansion fully killed WoW? I say BFA.

Flying mounts killed world PvP and rendered most of the overworld moot. It's like cross server dungeon finders. Sure it's easier and faster, but it also hollows out the experience entirely. It's comfort at the expense of any potential for meaningful interaction.

Should I resub? I unsubbed after the China shit happened.

World PVP was never a big deal and is basically trash compared to BGs and Arena.
The overworld was DESIGNED with flight in mind in BC

paid services were probably the worst thing tbc added, since xfers fucked faction balance hard, which blizzard can't manage even to this day, but it was nothing like wotlk where the game was totally ruined within 3 patches

Why would it be hard to add teleporters to these places and change some npc/gathering spawns? Not saying its a necessity, people who like flying have the point that it is part of the game. Doesnt bother me that much because there would be vanilla servers to play still

>retail takes more skill and thought that classic wow
Of course it does. Everyone knows that. A raid boss in vanilla has like 4 abilities

world PvP is a grand name people use for the petty squabbles that happen when players cross paths. Flying mounts just cause the world to seem smaller. I'll agree that it was handled better in BC better then just about anywhere else but the ability to fly itself causes players to interact less.

Other than that (and some OP arena comps) youre right

I found a ton of world pvp when I played during TBC and Wrath.

Players who want to fight in the world will be there.
People how hate flying are 90% of the time shitters who want to gank people who have no intentions of fighting back and 10% people with a walking/exploring fetish

>casual version of EQ, the most casual MMORPG
>"is the most braindead game ever made"
What were you expecting?

Outland is great, everything feels like a natural progression out of what was set up in the RTS era and there is very little asspulling for lore (there is some). Belfs are controversial too, but nothing Blizzard have ever done in WoW comes class to that feeling when you go through the dark portal for the first time and step out in to that surreal blasted landscape with the twisting nether overhead and chunks of land floating up toward space. Or the comfiness of Nagrand.

The elemental plateau was the only place that had a real amount of world PvP even the objectives in each zone were largely ignored. Gankers love flying because it gives them a better place to wait. Yes, exploration is a large part of the MMO experience, Think about all the stupid bullshit classic had to make the flight paths more interesting, Those Dwarfs fighting that dragon, the whole airport. This world building was lost because no one needs to look at it anymore.

Dropping Fel- before all the classic mats and mobs is natural progression.



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>"very little asspulling for lore"

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it's worth remembering people were asking for legacy shortly after TBC came out, since it invalidates the entire 1-58 game

>there is very little asspulling for lore
Even vanilla was full of stupid lore retcons and additions, tbc went balls to the walls with those as well

>Think about all the stupid bullshit classic had to make the flight paths more interesting,
I've never in 13 years found anything on a flight path interesting

It is WoW, there is always some. And it surprises me how butthurt people can still be about it when it is so minor compared to what they did later. I can only assume you all stopped playing before cat and the rest.
The absolute peak of login music. Back when you got to appreciate the artwork and music for more than 0.5 seconds.

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TBC doesn't only rapes the lore like no other expac did, but it also ruined the best character of the game except arthas

My point is that WoW isn't about "very little asspulling". Shit is full of retcons left and right since vanilla.

>I can only assume you all stopped playing before cat and the rest.

Why? You DID play MoP right??

I think MoP is honestly at worst, the second best Xpac they ever released. Pandaria really recaptured the magic of exploring, which was really the essence of WoW. The raids were good, Throne of Thunder was fantastic, and Siege would probably be remembered as one of the best raids of all time if it hadn't had to last more than a year. Also probably the peak of class design for WoW. Can't comment on PvP as I never really PvPed, but people talk favorably about it
>B-But they added pandas in as a meme race

You never wondered where that dragon was? you never stumbled into the demonic circle in searing gorge that you flew past 1000 times? I think you should look into a different genera of games.

>a good character

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>TBC doesn't only rapes the lore like no other expac
Confirmed for not playing past wrath. At least the other guy was honest about it.

There are a lot of mechanics introduced in MoP that were cleaned up a lot in later expansion, If MoP had the polish Legion did it would probably be the undisputed best expansion.

wotlk ending is worse then anything in tbc. scourge was also lame in it

What was unpolished about MoP though?

Incels be sperging about their WoW husbandos and lore shit. Meanwhile I be /sit on a floating island here looking at the sky vibing and loving life.

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It's going to be utter kino and there's nothing you can do about it.

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i stopped playing after tbc when they killed kael a second time. the "story" of that game genuinely irritated me so much that it cured me from this addiction and kinda saved my last year in highschool

>you never stumbled into the demonic circle in searing gorge that you flew past 1000 times?
I play Warlock so I had to go there for a mount quest.

I don't play MMOs for exploration.
There's never going to be anything meaningful tucked away waiting to be found, especially these days.