What is your HONEST opinion on this creature?
What is your HONEST opinion on this creature?
He's based.
had to use my master ball on it
also fuck going up the tower where it lives
I want him to swallow me whole
I want to fug it
He's a good boy, literally hero of the planet fighting aliens and thots.
He's a big fug
I like it when he suffers.
The greatest Pokemon ever created.
For the longest time I considered it female.
Why change your opinion?
It's the most popular legendary and for good reason. Hoenn had the best ones.
Fug based and the best out of the weather trio. Kyurem and Giratina are also based.
is this a thinly veiled fetish thread? also rayquaza is inferior to Kyogre and Groudon in terms of design
Because once I started talking about Pokémon on the internet everyone referred to it as male.
One of the coolest Pokemon. I didn't care for it when I was a kid but it really grew on me over time.
I'm sure you can find fanart that agrees with your original assessment if you try hard enough.
fug the fug
red around the mouth has always ruined this design for me. Faggot looks like he has gums and no twwth.
He's the best
nice design. dabs on autistic pokemon showdown players thinking their RNG ridden game is competitive
>The company had to force the manga from killing her off
Why does Yas Forums has this weird attachment where everything that has a tournament must be a party game
It's supposed to be like a Komodo's dragon mouth.
Their gums cover their teeth too.
I dont remember but why did people hate zinnia so much again
The fug meme made me like him a lot more
You ever see a lizard? They don't have normal teeth.
I can't tell what the fuck is going on in any of those panels. Is he impaling her on his tail?
In summary
>No you can't get rid of the meteor it'll crash into an alternate dimension!
>What's my alternative? lol fuck youuu!!!!!!
>Proceeds to get BTFO by rayquaza and you have to clean up the mess
Yes user-kun read right to left
People are mad that she was right.
[puts on boots]
[kills your dog]
[stomps on your meta]
nothing personel mother fugger
I love my wife Rayquaza.
Rayquaza made her a cripple. I'm not kidding, the manga ends with her in a wheelchair
Easily one of the ugliest Pokémon of all time and a great example of why I hate gen 3. Looks like a plastic toy.
I love him and wish I could date him.
Hands down my favorite Pokémon along with Infernape, Darkrai,Geritina and Blaziken
Reminder that Rayquaza is officially the most popular legendary pokemon in series.
20 thousand more votes than Lugia, the second most popular legendary.
Was ho-oh released with pokemon home?
Its based
10/10 taste. SSJ mega when?
Only because they HAD to bring her back. She was originally supposed to have died after taking a dragon spike to the gut and then a point black energy blast to the face but Gamefreak told them they had to bring her back
The Pokemon manga doesn't fuck around
Neat, now give us the source.
no but right now it's effectively destroying AG. Having its primary weakness completely gone makes it a nightmare. Once the DLC hits SS, the game is over
based and redpilled
Not hard to see, he appeals to every pokemon demographic
>Top tier in competitive, both VGC and smogon while also stomping in the single player game
>Gen 3 nostalgia
>Featured in several of the films / anime episodes
>Cute yet cool design
Based, fuck the dogs
>Getting your dick sucked by a legendary isn't gay
I truly wonder if that what's the greeks told themselves when someone's unfortunate enough to be fugged by Zeus
>20 thousand more votes than Lugia, the second most popular legendary.
Lugiabros, we lost!
Those twenty thousand losers are probably going to die from COVID-19 anyways. We'll be the real winners in the end.
Link to the poll
>Dumb fetish legendary didn't stand a chance against good design
angry sky dad comes down to screem at children to stop fighting is cool.
looks like he has no teeth just gums.
he looks like he fucks and dismembers thots for no reason other than to be based
It's called tenderizing and marinating your meat.
Is rayquaza the angriest pokemon?
His fug is greater than yours.
He helped the little dudes in the Mystery Dungeon games even though it would hurt him. The only time he's ever been angry is when a literal fucking alien crashed through the Ozone.
She comes from a tribe of Lore Keepers, their job is to observe events and record how they end. Because she was dumb someone(thing) named Aster died. This drove her to some weird obsession where she has to be the end all Hero of Hoenn.
She discovers that a meteor is heading towards Hoenn, so she leaks Groudon's/Kyorge's resting place to the local environmentalists so they can wake them up and hopefully the Super Ancient Pokemon will shoot the meteor. Magma/Aqua nearly destroy Hoenn by waking them up, but that's okay a little collateral never hurts anyone. The main character stop them, so she decides to take a direct approach by mugging people, stealing stuff, breaking private and public property while being overly condescending. One of the things she destroys is a portal gun built to destroy the meteor, she breaks it because she thinks that it may send it to another Hoenn, even though there is no scientific basis for that as confirmed by the portal guns makers. She then summons FUG, but FUG doesn't like her and helps the protagonist instead of her. Needless to say, she pretty much ruins everything and is generally responsible for everything bad that happens, but its okay because she wanted to be the hero.