>release your game 6m - 1 year exclusive on egs
>you get publicity
>normies buying it on egs
>steamies buying it on steam 6 months later
>you release 1 game 2 times
this is the future bros, tim won (again)
Release your game 6m - 1 year exclusive on egs
>drop the ball by failing to secure any significant exclusives in 2020
>don't do anything else to stay competitive because it was your only business plan
>become completely irrelevant
Epic bros...
literally cope
Epic has been irrelevant for a while now. Even their shills have slowly died off now but thats probably most likely because of corona.
cope you worthless brain damaged retard
How does it feel to know that if you didn't make a thread like this then literally no one here would mention Epic store ever?
As if it doesn't exist basically
>gabe owns the largest digital marketplace on the planet
>little tim has fortnite
He helped spread Corona
imagine the profits if you stop selling via (((Gabe)))
And yet as always Gabe got his cut
Thanks for beta testing those dollars, Timmy boy
>Makes the best game engine in the industry
>Gives free games
>Has done literally zero chinese bootlicking despite what Yas Forums says
>Gaben still rehashing a modified Quake engine that still has aged graphics
>Only digs up IPs people care about to make gimmick mobile games or VR tech demos
>Bought Camp Santo so games can be even more kooky and le marvel
>Censors games and tournament stream chats in the name of China despite being privately owned
>Drops support for beloved games like TF2 if they stop being as profitable as counter strike
We got to cocky big pink cookie bros...
I'll never use EGS until it gets some kind of human-based community. The lack of user reviews, forums, screenshot sharing, groups, curator pages, etc. makes it unusable to me. Whatever game is on there exclusively basically doesn't exist to me.
>literally peaked with 270k
>releases on steam
>peaks with 90k and is literally dabbing on half life "it will save VR" alyx
its just proves that egs is the future and steamie gets milked hard, its over
Dont understand why pc fags make such a fuss over this non issue.
>be developer
>release game on steam the DAY i get an email from egs about exclusivity
I should have reached out to them, bros. they're just handing out free cash.
Chinese money rolls in.
Similar to Nvidia stock prices shooting up, I can see Valve being huge in a few more years if brain-computer interfacing gets to a stage people start talking about it regularly.
well china is not the only one, pretty impressive that every major company is throwing money infront of epic
>Team Fortress
>Garry's Mod
isn't it funny how gaben was the chief pioneer of taking a community mod and then making it a paid product? then a decade later steamies cried about paid mods?
why are steamies like this?
I remember buying ZZT and Jill of the Jungle on floppy disks from this nigga. Now he's a billionaire? Good for him.
you do realize he gets revenue from every game made on UE right?
>gets even money from steam sales
forgot that one
He also gets money from nvidia as well since they optimize UE for nVidia GPU and harm AMD performances, thus helping nVidia monopolize the hardware market and inturn nVidia pays them percentage of share.
absolutely deluded
>people have monetary worth
who cares, I love my mom and dad
Its true though of recent memory. Remember the Async feature from DX12 that AMD introduced? Console games using UnrealEngine had the feature, but they removed it from PC version. Why? Because nVidia is their long term(10+years) partner. Then you have them developing nVidia raytracing algorithm.
You're only calling something deluded because you don't want to accept the partisan nature of game engine software. Its true in US politics and its true in GPU hardware monopoly.
Guess ill delete my 10+ years steam account and move on to chink client bros.
it's hilarous that there are people who think fortnite was Epic's big break
It's icing on their business cake, it's what let them have 3 test games that were just stabs in the dark running in the first place
well he is introducing dx 12 for fortnite and its pretty huge for amd, devs are just too lazy to add dx 12 and nvidia is just shilling his stuff better
these were never mods
When's the last time EGS even announced a new exclusive? It feels like they went radio silent since the start of the year.
Nobody buys games on epic chink store.
You can have both
Just like I don't get why you sonycùck cry over bayonetta 2 being on wii u only.
Can't remember of any major exclusive ever since valve changed their store rules.
Is this chink dead from coronavirus yet?
Imagine having $8b and still being so greedy you want to fuck over everyone in your industry AND funnel money to China while doing so.
fucking lel
cope, he is investing 100 millions into forrest protection, more than gaben has ever invested into something usefull
Tim Sweeney? More like Based Based
Recently there was Corruption 2029 which I don't think was even announced before being released on the store, new turn based strategy game from Mutant Year Zero devs
the only other one I can think of is Solar Ash Kingdom, from Heart Machine developers of Hyper Light Drifter, don't know when that's coming out
Calm down Swiney
>he is investing 100 millions into forrest protection
>oh shit I found some money in my couch, might aswell make myself look good with it
eating his shit up I see
Epuc is literally owned by chinks.
>he is investing 100 millions into forrest protection
Yeah so he has somewhere to hang the rest of the industry and everyone else not interested in having a social credit system forced on us.
>helping indies out with millions
>hanging the industry
>creating something like unreal and making it free for indies
>hanging the industry
>epic grants, 100 million dollar pool for devs
>hanging the industries
you guys are mentally ill
>minority investment = owning a company
I'm sure some user explained the difference between these things several time in the past but you are ignoring it because well steam DRONE reasons
>he is investing 100 millions into forrest hoarding***
Literally him going with his high pitch voice "Those MY trees! I'll do what WANT with them! Nyeeg!!"
Sweeney never changes. Everything he does seems kind of innocent up front but right behind it is a mountain of evil.
>helping indies out with millions
Why should worthless indiecucks making shit games get help?
literally take your pills gaben and stop eating like a pig
>30% bad!
>having a social credit system forced on us.
The ultimate white men projection. White people are hell bent on forcing their freedom fetishist religion/ideology on the rest of the world's throat and think China must be doing the same.
>indie cucks
>supporting (((AAA))) game development
well not a surprise you are some valve drone a corporate bootlicker that whoreships some fat havard kike
AAA is the industry, indiecucks aren't. They're leeches.
>literal schizo who thinks he's being followed freaking gabe newell telling Yas Forums posters to take their meds
What is it between Epic and Valve anyway? Epic is seething over them for seemingly no reason.
>people buying games on steam platform means the platform is doing bad
Is he jewish?
>White people are hell bent on forcing their freedom fetishist religion/ideology on the rest of the world's throat
How did you get that from a post complaining about China forcing their ideology on us?
>it's another thread made by the autismo who's been spamming egs threads for over a year now
>j*nnies and m*ds won't do shit about it
Guess gook moot really loves them vbucks money huh?