3 days before release.... I am forgotten

3 days before release.... I am forgotten

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Monday rolls around
The flood of threads will be unstoppable

>If people are talking about something else for even ONE second, it's dead.

Jeez, cut down on the coffee.

AntiVR posters are either VRfags trying to keep people from buying headsets to keep stock up/prices down, or gullible retards who parrot the obviously retarded points the former brings to the table.

nope, VRchads are gonna be too busy playing to post

Both correct. There'll be a lot of threads about it during release day, but most of them will be shitposting ones.

>Valve said they have no plans for a non-VR version.
are they retarded?

>implying shitposts on Yas Forums (there are no other types of posts) are indicative of the long term historical and cultural significance of a new video game being released

Alyx will be remembered as this generation's Mario 64/Halo CE or SMB. Mark my words.

The sour grapes from NEETs who can't afford a VR setup will make it even more delicous.

it'll be the ipod nano of iphones

nigga how are you gonna move your hands and head around outside of vr? are you gonna use fucking octodad controls?

i can't remember being this hyped about a game for years. i'm going to spam this place with webms when i'll get my hands on the game, you can be sure of it

I wouldn't take it that far but it will be a good game.
I predict 85/100.

I literally predict 10/10 and 100/100 all across the board because if the quality of a freaking 5 minute long demo like Aperture Robot Repair released fucking 4 years ago is any indication of what Valve is capable of, a fully featured game in the Half-Life universe with the graphics, polish, tech, writing and overall production values everybody expects and most people who already played it already seem to confirm, on top of the medium being revolutionary will make it even more of an important game than, say Super Mario 64, OoT, Halo: CE or Super Mario Bros.

This is the first "real" video game in actual true to life virtual reality. Not a glorified tech demo. 3D environments, Online Multiplayer or other past innovations of milestone critically acclaimed video games seem unimportant in comparison.

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I hope you are correct. I am looking forward to it

where were you when Randy Chadford and Tim Sweeney destroyed half life alyx

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The game isn't even released yet you dimwit. People already have already preordered a long time ago or will buy it when they can actually play it. Of course some mediocre run of the mill looter shooter that's currently on sale and heavily discounted is selling more right now.

It just proves how pathetic you are to even bring it up.

>the game is not released yet
cope, you get it for free when you buy the index too so dont expect a big bumb

Just imagine if valve could keep up the demand for the index. It would never leave the top sellers list lmao

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>Relaunch news confirmed for the 23rd
>Valve only made a shitty boring thousand-dollar Half-Life “game” so Half-Cucks will shut the fuck up and not autistic screech over Valve making REAL games again

The Long Haul grows shorter, lads.

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>it comes free with the most expensive headset so nobody is gonna buy it

I really hope you'll be proven right, but personally I'm afraid of valve's conservative approach towards it. Stuff like
>we were trying to make barnacles eat you but some people feel bad while being moved up so lol we dropped it
scares me. VR is at its best when it's not limited by those restrictions. I love jumping and climbing in blade and sorcery, I love overall boneworks physics fuckery, and so, I don't want to play in locked down "vr experience". Let me jump, let me fly, let me do q3a pro bunnyhopping crap, simple but exploitable mechanics are love.

Artifact Chads report in

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This is to be expected given the smaller market with VR and the associated backlog issues with general VR headsets.

Will probably hit them this year in terms of hoped-for performance but they can blame Covid-19 for it to a certain extent and wait for supply chains to revive before deciding on how it fared.


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Is it true that there's going to be no 2-handed guns in the game? Still looking forward to it, even if it's true. I did like Boneworks, but the level design in it just felt so boring and tech demo-y. Looking forward to Alyx feeling more like an actual game rather than maps and enemy encounters strung together

They made that optional

>believe me bros, the majority of the player base will play it with some cheap vr meme

I'm excited, but I'm also largely avoiding Yas Forums until I've finished it, because I want to experience it totally fresh. I think is spot on.

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I literally can't imagine being this retarded

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PROTIP: Valve don't even give a fuck how much the game will "sell". They aren't Activision or EA. They give it away for free with certain Headsets and know that the install base isn't that big for VR as a whole right now. They don't give a shit. They could and probably will lose a ton of money and never recoup the actual development costs of HL:Alyx in pure sales and they'd still not give a shit.

They are a private company. They don't owe shit to any stockholders and with his net-worth Gaben could probably buy another yacht every week until he dies of obesity-induced heart attack and still be one of the richest men in the world.

Steam prints enough money for them. They don't need any "sales". They release HL:Alyx to push the envelope and evolve the medium. They're trying to push the envelope and be at the cutting edge of VR and tech because they know that even beyond gaming VR is the future of entertainment and even beyond entertainment and being ahead now means you'll be the next Google or Apple tomorrow which they arguably already kind of are.

HL:Alyx is a gift. A present to the gaming community to convince them and everyone else that the time for VR has finally come.


I'm with you, will definitely be avoiding all the usual spots until I've finished it.

Trying to temper the expectations of 12/3 years of waiting.

Valve are our benefactors

lmao its even worse than I thought


>are you telling me every gamer doesn't use the most expensive CPU, GPU, and RAM? they're all playing games on cheap component memes?

It preloads today, what are the odds of someone unlocking it?

I'm hoping high, caved in and bought earlier this week after panic selling some crypto, I can let corona chan take me peacefully after playing AAA vr


has anyone ever even cracked the steam preload files?

will it be cracked after a day?

>no valve is too big it will not fail, producing flops after flops will not hurt them
this is how you kill a succsefull company
>they have no shareholder
literally a brainfart cope, every valve employer get shares when they join, failing project means civil war there, but stay delusional steam drone, daily reminder source was big too but it got raped by unreal

I believe they did for artifact but no one cared.

Is it just me or do the blood splatter effects in the gameplay look shit as hell? Like something from 2005.

I don't get 'hype' anymore. I'm too cynical and bitter for that. And I won't say that the concerns that Valve started developing this before we 'knew' how VR games should be played (lack of a jump button and smooth locomotion added later) don't bother me, but Valve really does put an incredible amount of detail and production value into their projects.

What I'm mostly interested in, being honest, is the aftermath of Alyx. Hammer 2 and eventually a Source 2 SDK, and all the games that will spin off from it. Just playing with the maps people will make in the short term is going to make me pick up my headset more often. Alyx isn't just one game; it's the beginning. The community is going to have the tools to make content, humble at first but still there, and ever growing.

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The game on a technical level isn’t too demanding because valve is prioritizing maximize performance.

Anyone troubled by that leaked Edge review? The reception seemed to be “meh” and it did a lot to discredit the time travel theory.

Half-Life: Barney when

>an old survey from before the Rift boom and Alyx announcement
>an old survey not everyone took part in
>and even then fact that 'tiny' number still comes from a truly vast number of accounts, numbered at a billion according to Variety
That's not as convincing as you think it is.

hopefully soon so I can skip over it and play Half Life: Coomer instead

If this game turns out to be mediocre I'll be so glad I didn't spend money on a new PC and a VR set.

I was arguing that a lot of people aren't playing on index user, check the guy I replied to


Rather play as Dog

>playing as a woman in vr

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the crying from pancake gamers and the "i-it doesn't look that fun" cope is going to be biblical

You misunderstand. It’s the people who can’t afford VR that will be posting.

The reason to play Ep2 was likely to be reminded of the Gman having 'deals' with Eli/Alyx as well as Gordon. I honestly believe there will be no time travel elements. But I also feel a VR HL3 has been in development alongside Alyx.

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Stop using the term VRchad like it will catch on. Just admit you made a dumb purchase and move on.

you heard them
I bet you can feel your own cooch

>stop pretending to have fun

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