Where the fuck is she?

where the fuck is she?

20 times resetting and still nothing

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I thought you were avoiding her, Vinny.

Stop playing bad games.

He got the worst possible villagers the poor bastard
Here is hoping his normal will be Coco

Stop posting on bad websites.

With 383 villagers and 2 each time, your odds of getting her in 20 tries is only 10%.

Dude. Just buy her amiibo card and scan her in. Or get a chip reader or something. You'll drive yourself fucking crazy doing this.

You will cross over a 50% likelihood after 133 attempts.
But that's just the average, could take 1, or a million.

you always start with an uchi villager
there are 24 uchi villagers in the game
so he has a 4% chance of getting cherry with each restart

Unironically buy the amiibo card

how do i get ankha

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She's in my island bro

got her first try, faggot

Huh. That explains a lot.
wtf is an uchi?

A personality type, referred to that way because they use the pronoun Uchi in Japanese to refer to themselves


>different pronouns for cute women vs. butch tomboys
hilarious, way to go Japan

What villagers did you start out with?

Never played Animal Crossing before. Bought NH, started it up and she was on my island. Seems she is popular so I guess I am lucky.

She’s popular to coomers and nobody else

Fuchsia and Bam

Go away

Genji and Renee


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Am I wrong? I’m a coomer myself

Katt and Hamlet

I hate the term and what its done to the culture around here.
We just want to fuck the cute animals, thats fine, no need to use cringe zoomer words

People who say coomer are subhuman mindless piece of shit failure idiot freaks who deserve to be shot so I am going to assume it is a good thing I got her and I am lucky. Kill yourself.

Do we have a full list of the villagers in this game yet? I want to know if Felicity is in

>getting this mad over a stupid internet meme word
Go jack off to some dogs and calm down

Diva and Louie

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good idea

She is in my island, fuck you fag

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How autistic do you have to be to do this? Just deal with what you've got faggot and play the game. This is worse than shiny hunting start Pokemon.



Tammy and Teddy, who are both bears. So far my character is the only person on the island whose name doesn't start with T


noooo not the eceleb! :o

In a day, Blathers gives you the recipe.

Got her literally on my first time.

Hazel and Billy

Diva and Teddie

wife just started the game and got her.

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Dunno, but one was a Prinny and the other a very fucking ugly Romanian gypsy goat or something. I found a big bird lady on an island though (seriously she's like a head taller than me) so I'm happy.

She was in my town as well, I would have taken anybody but she seems like a cool girl.

how do I kill my shitty villagers to make room

I got Katt and Goose, who I'd already had on past games, so I felt right at home. I met Marina the octopus on my first island trip, and convinced her to move in, so that's another great addition to the island.

i wanna eat her ponut

>Romanian gypsy goat
Excuse me, what?

Boots and Agnes, bretty gud

>first time opening the game

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Same here, I got her and some jock whose name I forgot already. I never even played an Animal Crossing game so I would have been fine with literally anybody but she seems pretty cool.

Fuchsia and Samson, with Pears

I have her on my island and I dont even like her

Renee and Flip.

Sterling and Sylvia
I have mixed feelings

Sylvia and Sheldon

i like the kangaroo moms

Cherry and Pierce.

how do you use the amiibos/cards? Never used them for new leaf but I made a bunch of those stickers waiting for this one

is she rare or something because I have her on my first try im kinda new

Phoebe and Snake. I'm okay with them

I started without planning anything and there she was. Would've preferred Mira but it's alright

Got her on my first try.

Can I get that Egyptian slut as a starter? That minus8 flash made me coom gallons.

How come you're always guaranteed an uchi and jock villager? It's always random in the other games, so it just seems weird you get two specific personalities.

Imagine getting Cherry and Scoot on your first try

>wtf is an uchi?

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You only get uchi and jock types at start, she's snooty

She's in. I got her on an island

What new lines does Annka have?