Monster Hunter

Why is he so mad now?

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It's Bambaro time

So is it possible to get Sharpness V fives times on one weapon along with Sharpness VI? I have like 50 levels of stored potential and the highest I've seen is IV

It isn't Safi's weapons, it is the armor. Safi Weapons feel like their stats are only slightly higher than craftables when you get your literal Gacharolls done. But that fucking armor
>those slots
>that defense
>very close to Garuga-tier pants
>3 parts and you get 20% Affinity and a bunch of other goodies right out the gate

> Why is he so mad now?
> Basically a feminist B17 Bomber with daddy issues, that is triggered 24/7

>dual blades hit 45 unloaded element when fully upgraded
Holy fuck.

>Can't get rid of that music now

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still seething after his exclusives went to pc

Personally, I'm mad that PC probably won't get the Stormslinger even though HZD is coming to PC. Hell, we never even got the Ryu/Sakura layered stuff.

>Yian Garuga has the best fight in the entire game

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Best? No, that's Teostra. He's definitely still in the top 5.

Because he was quarantined to Elder's Recess

It doesn't even do a beeline towars you when a monster roars anymore, when it spawns in the GL

Do we have a Safi room up?


Fan favorite returning monster reveal in 22 hours, last chance for speculation. Who's it gonna be?

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It's obviously Plesioth.

>have like 30 levels stored
>no upgrade I want in sight

Fuck this Safi gacha bullshit. Thank fuck I'm playing on PC so I can use mods to fix this shit and I don't have to roll 10000 times to get one awakened ability I want.

In order of likeliness
Gore Magala
Shen Gaoren

noob here
what you guys think of insect glaive?

He's on ps4 and not pc

I'll be honest with you, Safi is kinda a kusomon.
All those shoves, stomps, swipes and beams come out faster than you can even recover form your attack animations. They don't do much damage, but trip you. This shit is annoying and really just a cheap way to force some unavoidable damage on the players.

Are you french?
You aren't allowed to play IG if you aren't french.

Je suis

c'est magnifique!

don't use it in 3p since the damage is low, 3p monster health is scaled for 4p. its considered weak but that basically doesn't matter that much in solo, 2p or 4p

What's this Insect Glaive wizard build I keep hearing about? Something about Kinsect attacks?

Make an Elemental Glaive and look at your buggo go.

>Feed Brosect some bropellets from monster
>Dodge monster sweep by flying
>Dragoon jump into it for heavy damage
>Finish it by watching your brosect drill monster for multiple 100s
>Jump away from counter
>Claw it to soften monster safespot, brosect giving you brojuice
>Repeat until monster dies in 5 minutes
5/10 too much air time

Grab a fast and/or high power kinsect, elemental glaive, deck youself in every defensive bonus imaginable, feed your kinsect pierce pods and other red monster pod and play pokemon. Enjoy only dealing like 70 damage forever and being able to dodge literally anything monsters throw at you. It gets boring fast

Calling it now, since we have a build-your-own weapon system with Safi, we'll be getting a build-your-own armor system with Ahtal-Ka

Well, considering I'm not a huge fan of bugstick as it is, I'll give it a shot.

>It gets boring fast
i miss swolebug getting KOs

Nah, the real endgame is build-your-own handler.

Build your own weapon system would be fun if it wasn't based on purely rng. For example if you want Goldian set bonus for your weapon it should require a lot Goldian materials.
That way it would still take effort to get the weapon you want. But it would be much more fun than the slot machine that we have for the Safi.

unironically Valphalk, Shara uses a suspiciously high amount of animations from it during phase 1. Dragon Instinct would also be a set-bonus to try and compete with Safi Armor

Pretty sure everyone saw that coming already given the new weapon agument system using swappable monster parts on basic template.
Safi's shit being more of the same but with more indepth customization for stats only reinforces that, and frankly it should have been a base system for all weapons given how much cool shit Safi weapons get that normal weapons do not even through custom augs.

I'd like it a lot though, I already have several custom augs weapons so I can play fashion hunter even more.

Great Jaggi

Don't bother, it's basically Bow but even more braindead

is there a gif of just the bambaro eating

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>safi sleeps
>party drops bombs at head
>gsfag gets so assblasted he destroys barrels with a light attack

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Attached: 1569412281021.webm (960x540, 2.77M)

>Safi Armor with Horn
gee thanks for not letting me at least have Purple+Purple already stocked before a hunt. No thank you, I enjoy killing myself trying to play my songs

He looks like he's nutting.

Hoping for Gore, we all thought he was a never ever since Shagaru would have to come with him too but considering they've been releasing two monsters per update for a while now its pretty likely they'd do the same

>When the hunter Wyvern blasts inside.

>Been playing mostly bow for the majority of my time with MHW
>Notice that I can craft fucking claws out of Nergigante parts

Time to rip and tear. Tips for dual blades?

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Gore Magala because he's going to be in that dumbass movie.

It's going to be Great Maccao and Kecha Wacha and you'll like it.

>unskipable credits

where is my refund capcom!

spin to win


If it were going to be Gore there's no way in hell it will be now, they'd have pushed it back. My bets are on Alatreon, Chameleos, or Valstrax.

Throw on Marathon Runner of course
The special claw attack after a double roundslash tenderizes in 1 hit if you press the attack button immediately to do a spinning rising slash

Cutting Safi's tail is a fucking nightmare with a shitty team

You can do it all by yourself by phase 2 if you use Partbreaker 3 and aren't retarded

Joke's on you I'm retarded

Great Maccao would be unironically based

The RAPE wyvern

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Newly updated Flaw List, featuring:

Long Sword Iai Slash being bugged and random to activate, especially on PC (,
online algorithms being horrible and barely letting you find any lobbies and rooms (no point in even filtering for specific monsters that aren't Safi, you won't find them or people gave up on making them),
AT returning only for Elder Dragons again, which will invalidate all the other (often more interesting monsters) even more and make them more pointless and easy to fight in contrast.

And a lot more.

Share it on Reddit, Resetera, Twitter, Youtube if you want things fixed.

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More like RAPED wyvern.

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Back to the shed, Cuckthalos.

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A genetic disorder, just like Savage Jho's are a result of inbreeding.