I don't like the whole exclusivity thing they do to games, but other then that I really don't hate them.
Most of the hate on Yas Forums comes from shitposters pretending to be epic users trying to start something similar to a console war.

>ever working
And, i'm sure you guessed it, but BLACKED posters, and the ones who ruined /gif/ forever with trap and cuck shit are also discord trannies.

Attached: 1556445210673.png (2489x1389, 446.22K)

Coomer was a Yas Forums meme first and foremost you hooligan. I won’t deny it was spammed but it had its origins on a the least videogame oriented board in existence

Because Resetera hates fun
and they will infest and raid tis board once garbage of us 2 is out along with tortanic 2077, which are the shtty games that they are hyping over here.

just report for Flaming and move on.

>200+k on MHW
how the fuck

Don't really give a shit about the coomer meme. The most annoying shit was the NPC spam and the sperging out at bowsette (now doom/isabelle) fanart. Literally no fun allowed

Thats one doomed marine

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Attached: c1a5aa8bddc70744c8ff252e0bacccf3.jpg (265x190, 6.05K)

They are Naughty Dog, NuBlizzard, disco elysium and obsidian fanboys too.
all threads made here about those garbage games were always made by them, flooded by them, and made in tons to evade good gaming discussion from other stuff.

>pic is one of their members too along with Barry XVKun, Green Skeleton and the Anti-half Life autist from /vr/

Attached: wtf2.png (1297x834, 1.67M)

Jesus Christ these people are sickening