As an FGCfag wanting to get into smash, which one is better?
As an FGCfag wanting to get into smash, which one is better?
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melee is sick
melee is like complex refined metagame
ultimate if u like 3 hit combos and extra safe moves
Just play Fox or Marth and you'll be good at Melee in no time.
> wanting to get into smash
Melee doesn't even have a good or refined gameplay, don't fall for the memes
Playing Ultimate is misery. There's a lot to take away from trying Melee though.
Play Melee or PM. They're both fun as hell
>Knock opponent off ledge
>Grab ledge before opponent
>Watch them die
You're now a Melee God.
Melee has both a higher skill floor and a higher skill ceiling.
Not to discredit Smash Ultimate, they're both fine, but it's unfair to acknowledge that melee is the more complex title and arguably one of the hardest e-sports to succeed in.
Fuck melee, don't fall for the meleecuck memes, the game is just a buggy mess and all the "tech" are just incredibly buggy bullshit "mechanics" that were unintended. You'll have a lot more fun with ultimate, even CHADBox a melee god loves ultimate.
if you play melee you'll have to fight 500 retarded fox 20xx'ers for all eternity who are all way better then you
if you play ultimate have fun learning a 70 character roster all of which have gimmicks more retarded then your average blazblue character while dealing with netcode and input delay that'll make you want to kill yourself
just stick to fighting games user
Yeah, most of the top melee players have some respect for Ultimate and most of them excel in Ultimate due the fundamentals learnt from playing Melee.
ultimate is better, but why do smash players not shower? fucking weird
Melee isn't worth getting into because it's too hard and you'll never be able to reach the level of players who have a decade of experience over you.
Ultimate just isn't worth getting into.
>Small roster of honest characters bad
>Large roster of gimmick characters bad
Melee is more fast and technical. But Ultimate has a bigger roster, it's updated periodically and you will be able to play their sequels and "keep your skills" (thing that FGC people like).
>Just play Fox
>you'll be good at Melee in no time
I'll give you Marth and Sheik, but Fox is the hardest character in the game and takes a lot of time to just get decent.
> melee
> honest
There are no gimmickshit characters in Melee except maybe Yoshi, which is what that poster was describing.
Fox is the most honest character in damn near any smash game
gimping exists in every smash game which makes them all dishonest by default
A fucking shower
why would someone get into Melee in 2020?
it's not online so you must find a local and need to buy a gamecube and a crt to practice at home plus everyone who plays melee has been playing for a decade at least
well i guess netplay doesn't exist
>it's not online
You can play virtually any smash game online and the kicker is they are all superior experiences than what Nintendo has offered since brawl. There are websites that even take care of matchmaking and fighting people with similar ping to yours.
>fighting games on emulators
Ultimate is easier to get into and arguably has a larger number of viable characters, Melee has deeper mechanics and better netplay because it isn't handled by Nintendo.
>they excel in the 5th game of a series by playing since the earlier games.
Big if true
not an argument
what do you mean "since brawl". brawl's netcode was an embarresement even for the time
People were playing Smash 64 online before Brawl came out and Ultimate's netcode is quite literally slightly worse than Brawl's under optimal conditions but you don't notice it because that dumpster fire always forced you to play free for alls in public matches, the internet was generally worse and way less people had usb adapters.
>Ultimate's netcode is quite literally slightly worse than Brawl's under optimal conditions
you can't be real right? I still have ptsd from brawl online. is it just that internet speeds now are slightly better
jesus fucking christ how is nintendo this bad at online
Don't play Melee unless you want to play like 5 characters max
If both players theoretically had zero ping Brawl would only add 3 frames of delay whereas Ultimate and Smash 4 always add 7 at a bare minimum. Brawl's netplay was just accentuated by 99% of players playing on Wifi and the internet being worse.
I don't think that has anything to do with the netcode, ultimate has more input delay then any other smash game offline. which is funny considering brawl had RANDOM INPUT DELAY
Theres 8 viable characters
I was talking about this
As a person who was a SF player for a long time, I ended up moving to melee a few years back.
melee if you want to play online
> fox
> falco
> shiek
> marth
> ....
Literally cope harder Meleefags. You're friendless loserdom is showing. Smash is always better in person and not online, who gives a fuck if Melee supposedly has such amazing online. Get some fucking friends.
You forgot Peach
> pikachu
> yoshi
> puff
only one player makes them look viable but they're not
If somebody makes them viable does that not mean they're viable?
>All those characters can and have recently consistently placed top 8 or won majors but it doesn't count because it's only handful of players
What kind of fucking retarded logic is this
Kuroda made fucking Q look viable even though he's dogshit
>t. ninsoyfag who lives in 2002
everyone plays online. you're just mad because nintendo refuses to make a game with decent netcode. the fact that they still charge you with a monthly fee makes it even more hilarious.
Then by that logic Game and Watch in Ultimate is shit despite every current top player saying he's top tier because it's only Maister in the top 100 who plays him
Both are shit.
unlike 3s and melee ultimate is actually balanced so that arguement doesn't mean shit
If your argument for viability is literally quantity over actual results then it is valid argument.
Melee locals are also really common and easy to find but ok.
This one
>the best player in the world uses puff but its not viable I swear
Kek shut the fuck up retard
Yes. Until he gets some fucking results he isnt special.
if hungrybox picked up bowser and suddenly started getting top 8 and winning majors would you start saying bowser is top tier
>Best player who also is the only player worth a damn who mains the character because she's boring
>Refuses to play friendlies or give anyone more MU experience
He's a hack riding on his gimmick, jigglypuff is not viable.
>Until he gets some results
He does have results though fuckwit.
Neither. Embrace the future.
i like this
Melee has the worst community (doesn't shower, unbearable faggots, usually low class people who can't buy anything else)
Ultimate has the most autistic fanbase (nintendo manchildren, literally autistic people, SJWs, zoomers)
Ultimate is the game with a more balanced roster and more fun at a semi-competitive and casual level.
Melee is more complex, but enjoy playing the 5 viable characters and that's it, and 1 punish costing your entire stock. Also enjoy having to muscle-memory Wavedashing which is super tedious.
Ultimate, more than half of the cast is not fun to play against. Zoners, gimmicky characters, bullshit characters, etc are just not fun to fight against
Ultimate has a larger community and it will be more accessible to play and grind. Also Melee has no competitive future since it's a dying game.
Just being non-biased, up to you to choose
please tell me you're not going to waste your time on babbies first """fighting""" game???
Why not both?
>Just being non-biased
>Starts off with le stinky meme despite every notable instance of it being nu-smashers
okay. didn't some ultifag with CV fly down to florida recently too and potentially infect an entire plane?
There's no point getting in melee now. You've missed the boat.
>Melee has no competitive future since it's a dying game
you know it's a dead game when the pros are consistenly begging for Nintendo to support their tourneys.
i wish hungrybox didnt do that. melee has always done just fine without nintendo, just makes the whole scene look whiny.
Melee is more competitive, Ultimate is better for casual. This is not an opinion but a fact, everyone who disagrees is retarded.
melee has better netplay than ult lmao
The Melee community is mostly trailer trash
Nah, you're just being stupid nigga.
> pikachu
Has a stigma of being a baby mode fox, also bad matchup vs some top tiers (though you can easily just run a secondary to patch this like most top players do with their own top tier mains)
> yoshi
Gimmicky and has a stupid high skill floor to use well, but it's possible
Really strong, but Meleefags sperg out about her because she's the antithesis of what they think Melee should be (she's a slow, defensive character who doesn't rely on fanciful tech to do well), so there's a massive stigma against Puff players. Plus she has a really difficult to learn matchup vs spacies.
You forgot Peach and ICs.
Hell, I'd argue Samus as well.
The Smash pro community is already whiny tf you talking about, Nintendo made a smart decision to ignore these autists and just make games
>Nintendo ignoring compfags
They don't, Ultimate was trying to get Meleefags behind it too.
I doubt HBox could win majors with Bowser.
Hell, he's one of the best Ness players on earth and he never whips it out for serious matches because Puff is just a far more viable character.
That's it. Pika/Yoshi/Falcon only 1 person plays them each and they have played the game since its beginning, specializing in these low tiers, so they can compete against those who don't know the MUs. None of these are generally played or top tier
Even Peach was dropped by Armada before he quit because it's an uphill battle for her.
You can add Peach I guess, since she's decent, but that's about it.
sure thing cletus
ICs are super faggy and nobody should encourage people to main them
yea and look what happened? compfags still make Melee tournaments and still whine about Nintendo not supporting it lmao, like can these faggots not get Nintendo's message?
>Pika/Yoshi/Falcon only 1 person plays them
Doesn't matter fag. If they can beat other top players it means they're viable, and Wizzrobe is like 19 or some shit, the game is older than he is.
ICs are cool and anyone who hates them is a bitch ass nigga.