How do we fix Wolfenstein and get it back on Doom's level?
How do we fix Wolfenstein and get it back on Doom's level?
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focus on gameplay and cut down on the story
Fire all women and give it to devs with working penises and above average testosterone level.
Have a game where you play as the Nazis and are unequivocally framed as the good guys.
Team and objective-based multiplayer
Kill all the sois, niggers and femoids behind the development team.
Why not just Return to Castle Wolfenstein HD?
Lmao, the headline alone brought out all the incels to rage on it. I hope they just simply do what they did before, trigger the eternal virgins. I'll be laughing till the end and beyond.
>How do we fix Wolfenstein and get it back on Doom's level?
make it a completely different game cause that's what nudoom is
Fire all the basedboys/dykes and the trannies
when do we get to play as nazis though
Probably the best take. Have they done a Stalin on steroids story or something with the recent games? At least I think sprinkling some russian themes over it would be interest.
Haven't played the newer ones yet.
So will we, except we will be laughing for their bankruptcy.
I don't want the current development team ruining its legacy.
>Losers triggered because they areidentifying with the nazis
Make it about playing on the good guys side for once.
Instead of Nazis you fight imperial japanese who have their own gimmicks and aesthetics.
the fact that young blood even got released makes me not give a single fuck about this series anymore
Keep seething alt-kike, the last game made enough cash to go on, and the cycle will continue.
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory 2
you can't, you c*shet white-ass nazi!!
Full moderm remakes of Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein 3D in the vein of the Crash N Sane Trilogy.
the best part of the new wolfenstein games is that it triggers neonazis
Am I the only one mad about how confusing Wolfenstein's lore is now?
Does it? Pretty sure """neonazis""" just ignored it like everyone else did.
The problem with 2 is it started out shitty for the sake of the story, BJ was made of glass and you could only get armor and that was a miserable experience until halfway through the game when it stopped being stupid.
it triggers Yas Forums so yeah
Let us play as the good guys for once. Succeed where Killzone failed.
those are called "white men", you racist fuck
>get it back on Doom's level
I hope you don't mean nuDoom
Just play Old Blood
"white" men
Unironically this. Though probably you’d have to fire all women and diversity hires period in order for it to be any good.
Does anyone really care about this franchise anymore? Too much story foran fps, I just want to kill shit I don't want to watch a movie
Why even bother if we already know thanks to Youngblood that BJ does absolutely nothing for the next 20 years and ends up being a pathetic, old sad of shit? Nazis still rule in the 1980s, all your efforts were and will be in vain.
Also this
stop attacking straight white men and stop putting in black ""people"" as anything but sideshow attractions to start
come on user we can still play as his BAD ASS daughters!
He kills Hitler in the meantime.
what movie
You're on the wrong website.
Hatred also made enough money to go on but it was also garbage.
jin roh, just watch the animation
No cutscenes
Environmental storytelling exclusively
Faster movement
youre on the wrong board
Illang. Korean adaptation of Jin-Roh.
Where did white man get attack? Do you identify with Nazis by any chance?
What kind of story would they have to tell at this point? They even killed Hitler.
Unironically this would be the best plan.
Have the Allies framed as bad guys and you're trying to save your people and follow the command of your savior/heroic leader.
Going through missions as Nazi soldiers would be a unique experience especially if seen from the lense of a Nazi solder who actually believes they're 100% the good guy in this and having some random dude killing every single one of your men starting mid-way into the campaign until you realize you chose the wrong side.
Give it back to the devs that aren't afraid to let the Nazi's be both evil and cool.
Seems more like you belong to r/donald or even better, r/incel. Not sure what you are doing here other than spouting shit, mrs snowflake. Lmao!
>likes nuwolfenshit
You are on the wrong site faggot
It's a pity since the art team for Wolfenstein really did their part in making them look cool.
Such a story could be made friendly if by end of story your protagonist came face-to-face with what evils lay behind the facade of their government and way of life.
Don't worry, trannys will get the rope first.
i never said i liked it and i said the best part about it is that it triggers neonazis. stay mad retard
rent free
There's nothing cool about Nazis.
It is killing nazis the game. Why dont that get understand that is all it needs to be, right?
Give the game to different developers.
They've become the most sincerely pretentious group of faggots in video games. They don't want to make video games, they want to make a TV miniseries.
>that pic
Why bother trying to save a series that's only used as vehicle for [current year] political analogies anyways?
Ironic that virgins here think that it would have been a better outcome than what we have now. 90% of the userbase of this site would have been gassed for degeneracy or their disgusting bodies alone.
Turn it into a free 2 play arena shooter mixed with TF2 mechanics.
Here's an idea to make that concept not edgy: Make the Nazis the defenders of mankind when demons show up.
>Swedes own both Wolfenstein and Battlefield
Why? They're absolutely the worst people to be trusted with these properties.
Make the entire previous game a fever dream and retcon everything from it because holy shit did things go off the rails there.
Post your favorite voice line in the Wolfenstein series, Yas Forums.
>everyone is white
>Africa is not a shithole
>Humans are colonizing Moon/Mars/Venus
>cool robots
You're projecting.
sounds good, what's the issue?
Only people I know that hated wolfenstein are legit neonazis. I say let it ride. Keep pissing off the Nazis and they will pick another fight they cant win again. Nazis will always be losers.
Neo nazi kike hunter here. I liked New Order and Old Blood.
New Colossus was a downgrade both mechanically and structurally. It was borderline a moviegame.
>"Dispatch the remaining security force immediately"
>"And, if the American gets past the security force?"
>"..then I will deal with him"
So cheesy, I love it.
Kek, Just going to one of their marches shows that the picture you posted is wishful thinking.
this legit fix every FPS
Make it more like Biocock or more like a D44m, stop trying to combine a million different genres and fire every single person who even hints at making third person cutscnes. Also do something new with the alternative history setting, cyberpunk imperial Japan or Soviets on Mars.
It's already better thanks to no glory kills. Remove the stealth shit and it would be perfect.
>dial back the silliness counter from TNC a little bit to TNO levels, less wannabe Tarantino shit or le silly Hitler attempts at comedy
>more action, less cutscenes, for example the childhood story part in TNC didn’t really add anything meaningful to the game
>for god’s sake, all that leveling up bulletsponge shit from Youngblood should be forgotten forever
>same goes for the ”frail BJ” garbage from TNC, do not limit the player’s capabilities to slow the pace down
>also no forced stealth shit, while I liked Old Blood otherwise, the beginning with no weapons and sneaking around Ubersoldiers was fucking garbage
I didn’t even hate TNC that much as Yas Forums generally does, I thought that the general gunplay was still about as fine as it was in TNO and it carried the game rather well, but otherwise it really was a downgrade from TNO, which is not something you’d want from a sequel. Too much extraneous garbage, too little focus on what people actually enjoyed in the new Wolfenstein games.
If I only eaten more soi and cut my penis...
This is honest to god the cringiest thread on the website right now, and that includea /d/
Look at me guys, I'm a projector.
>the same thing but cool red flags, and cool flying ship
Reminder the Day of the Rope in the book is about killing white people since stormlards hate huwhite people more than anyone else.
>New Colossus got 3 DLC with different protagonists
>all of them are boring, generic, virtue singling parodies
Missed opportunity to have a defector Japanese Panzer Cop episode desu.
>In the Nazi America universe, diners are open 24/7
>in current timeline, they're all closed due to Chink bioweapons and open borders.
Battlefield has always been made by DICE.
By not focusing on the narrative.
Reboot this whole thing. Make BJ a semi silent protagonist, you awake in the future where Nazis won. Thats it, thats all you need for the plot, there is no betrayals and meeting the love of your life and having a family. The entire game is you plastering the walls with Nazis across different zones and with different tech, its fast paced and you are taking advantage of their tech to allow things like long distance jumps and fast running speeds, there is no cutscenes and plot, you simply awake in the future where Nazis control the world and you are a Nazi fighter from the old world. They over complicated it with the insistence on an overarching story and is a prime example of why story should take a back seat in videogames.
Always kill the traitor before the enemy, Jim Jam.
Honestly at this point in the current setting the Nazis are still in power through sheer incompetence on the part of the Allies. Take the series back to the roots, I say: Back to Castle Wolfenstein
Replay Wolfenstein and take notes crew cut
now extend it to the fact that minorities have more sex than whites. the universal factor here is income and education. you are simply admitting that right wingers are more like mexicans who indulge more in primal desires because they don't have any other pursuits, and lower standards for women.
Yeah but Sweden went to shit ten years ago and everybody at DICE got replaced by an SJW.