Prove me wrong, Kisekifags.
Prove me wrong, Kisekifags
Boring but has Rean
but there's a waifu right there on the cover
I can't. Sharon is, indeed, an excellent waifu.
Sky has waifus with SOUL.
The OP is correct, but Trails in the sky has slightly better writing.
Ah yes, the seven ReichenBachers of the Shturmgarden are using the immense power of the twelve divine Isoldian seals to enact some nefarious scheme, the details of which are unknown. Luckily our hero (ha ha) is just completing a nine month term of odd job work at the High Imperial Academic School of Druesselbergindia and is preparing to take on the ReichenBachers- but wait! First he must challenge each of the seven ReichenBachers six Noble Confidants in an epic battle! But even one is too strong even when they are holding back! Our hero (ha ha) will have to deliver a letter and find a lost cat before he can confront the inner demons inside himself and unleash the Spectral Kinsleeve's enigmatic powers. Finally in an epic battle our hero (ha ha) manages to defeat a Noble Confidant except no! The cutscene tells a different story! Our hero (ha ha) is defeated and must learn to stop holding back so he can defeat the each of the seven ReichenBachers six Noble Confidants without resorting to the power of an ancient artifact blade known as the Reinschald. After another eighty hours of organising rosters and delivering plant seeds our hero (ha ha) is finally ready to confront Felix Quicksilver, lost brother and one of the Noble Confidants of the secret eighth ReichenBacher of the Shturmgarden Agnar Iwfewg, will we finally learn some details of the ShturmGarden's nefarious plot? No. But we do find out that behind the seven Reichenbacher is the Secret Council of Varangardia-Shturmgarden consisting of the eight Secret Councilmen who are plotting the use the ReichenBachers access to the divine secrets of Isoldia to plot their own nefarious scheme, will our player (HA HA) ever realise that this writing is pantsed anime garbage? Or will sunken cost/time fallacy force him into an eternity of not only eagerly awaiting more shit for his gullet, but also into actually having to try and defend the writing online in the face of laughter and ridicule?
But what about the Chad Crossbell games?
uhhh bros?? i thought you said Crossbell was based??
Why that bitch cosplaying as Kid?
Woah, so this is the power of Crossbell's writing that the JOPs have kept hidden from us plebs and that the JSLs mocked us for not being able to understand it all these years... truly epic...
i cant. you either get trails of, or you fall on your face and dont..
Kloe confessing her love for Joshua despite knowing he loved Estelle was kinda sad. I don't usually care about this romance stuff but I felt for her. Best girl.
Chillax and stop having a melty.
Rean is boring as fuck.
Shut the fuck up idiot
hahaha we're in high school and doing high school things xDD
Trails games suffer from a disease commonly found in VNs and JRPGs, which is mistaking number of dialogues for depth. For some reason they think if you have a gazillion lines describing something inane in a inane way it will cease to be inane.
What gets me is that Kisekifags unironically call this the peak modern JRPG, when even final fucking fantasy is peaks above it, in almost every sense. The only thing Kiseki has is worldbuilding, nothing else.
Here, you dropped these bro. Take some then try it again.
>this is what people waited years for
So this is the life of a Kisecuck, huh?
only about 12 people on reddit were actually waiting for this fanfiction. a completely servicable fan patch has been available for years.
Falcom makes nothing but dogshit, I dunno why they became so popular in recent years
Noooooo, you can't use that patch it has at least 3 grammar mistakes that make the sentences they are in slightly unclear noooo, use our meme translation instead!
Fuck you Ys is good.
Any mod to change the retarded portraits? It looks like a game for kids.
I can understand that European and American players have little criticism of it.
If you play start at "-Sen No Kiseki"
Then the work of the four-part song looks "still ok"
If you played Sora no Kiseki 1FC+2SC+3rd
Zero no Kiseki
Ao no Kiseki
Then, you start playing Sen No Kiseki", you will feel that Electronic Arts has a reputation and integrity that is much higher than Falcom.
I don't know if you have ever felt that way. You are very passionate about and deeply fascinated by a work. Then you find that the author who wrote the script has changed. You never recognize the beautiful world again.
Some are just cheap scripts and full of Mary Sue stories.
I don't know if you have experience watching A Song of Ice and Fire. The next chapter turns into Guilty Crown.
As uncomfortable as eating faeces, KUSO GAME
still much better than the trash patch that came out before
Yes, yes, well done, my dear user, HOWEVER, despite your best efforts, you are still a NEET participating in threads about the dullest JRPG franchise in history! Seriously, each episode following the goody two bracer shoes and his or her pals from your friendly neighborhood Guild Branch or the corresponding equivalent organization as they fight assorted villains who somehow always are ahead has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the anime imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of S-Crafts, all to make orbal arts unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Kondo vetoed the idea of Yuji Horii directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a true work of art, just a soulless otaku-pandering series of stock shonen and LN stories written for children and waifufags, fit only to make profit. The Trails/Kiseki series might be anti-Persona (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Suikoden series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the NPCs and worldbuilding were good though
The writing is dreadful; the characters were terrible. As I played Sky, for instance, I noticed that every time a character laughed, the author wrote instead that the character went "Haha...".
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Kondo's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Cold Steel by the same Hideo Baba. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Cold Steel at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Tales Of." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Trails" you are, in fact, trained to play "Tales Of."
If Kiseki are shit then all JRPGs are shit as well though
the only exception being Valkyrie Profile
Even the new Trials of Mana is infinitely better than this series...
But the writer is the same in all games
>a writer can't change internally
Brainlet moment, user
Sure but the Jap who wrote that implies the writer was swapped with someone else.
When I played Sen no Kiseki I thought the game was a meme and all the good comments were jokes. The characters are 100% generic walking chliches, the script is uninteresting and 100% of the anime tropes are in it. The characters all wear mini-skirts and you have lolis here and there. Is the target audience teens and waifufags?
>Knowledge is knowing that the main writer/director of Kiseki hasn't been changed
>Wisdom is understanding that he himself was changed
What in the fuck
>Wasting hundreds of hours in what essentially looks, feels and reads like a generic light novel adaptation
Seriously, even the most terrible seasonal anime you can find is better than Sen no Kiseki because it is a similar level of quality and you don't waste as much time on them.
you're wrong
the monogatari series of anime is all shit in this manner, too. some of the biggest retards i've ever met are obsessed with them
>uuuh writing a lot is bad writing, everything has to be concise and to-the-point
t.retard who hasnt read a book in his life
>only about 12 people on reddit were actually waiting for this fanfiction
and this isn't including any of the unofficial mega uploads and nyaa
objectively, they are exactly the same in that you can fall asleep to them in seconds
Generally is the sunken cost aspect that gets people. Fate Stay Night VN is a good example, shit reads like a bad fanfiction but a lot of retards wank it because they spent 100 hours reading.
The best books don't drag themselves out more than they need to.
>doesn't imply his second line therefore he, himself, is implying he has never read a book in his life
an hero
Nice strawman
>fate/stay night VN fags
i was going to add these select group of retards as well, but thought they were a slightly more niche group
I'm calling right here and now, he WILL return for Calvard!
the issue is that most people don't realize what is needed in a story or not
what seems redundant or useless at first is often meaningful (and redundancy can also be intentional, cf. Beckett) but to determine that you have to read through a particular passage numerous times
I agree that it's much easier to do that with books because you just have to read, gameplay considerably slows down the progression in videogames and not many people may want to spend their time analyzing a game's story in depth
cool story, barry.
What's the problem with the
>boring but has waifus
describes 99% of weeb trash
You know, after completing Ao, I really feel like the Trails series destroyed the atmosphere it had going for it with the first two Trails in the Sky titles. What started out as a low-key, rustic setting with some elements of an industrial revolution driven by magic rocks suddenly turned into a bizarre pastiche of fantasy and cyberpunk weirdness. You went from a country that still used rotary phones and zeppelin-like airships to this high-tech metropolis, complete with a reliable system of public transportation, electronic banking and finance, digital telecommunication, a modern hospital, law enforcement, a Disney World-like resort with themed rides and attractions, and even the goddamn internet!
Along with the technological leaps in the transition from Liberl to Crossbell came an even more jarring leap in art and pop culture. You went from folk music and ballroom dancing in Sky to Zero and Ao having hood rats blasting heavy metal from speakers and entertainment troupes putting on Cirque Du Soleil-esque shows with advanced pyrotechnics and other special effects. Fashion and architecture in Crossbell seem decades ahead of what Liberl has, despite NPCs mentioning that the latter is still a technological frontrunner in certain fields. What's even more bizarre is how this apparently only came to be in the last decade or two! That's not how progress works, folks! You don't go from Victorian era London to twenty-first century Manhattan in twenty years. Even if you have all the brightest minds in the world and all the money from corrupt foreigners flowing into your country, it still takes time to develop technologies, introduce them to the public, and implement various systems and infrastructure to utilize them. A similar thing can be said for music, fashion, architecture, and other more artistic aspects of society. It just doesn't make any sense!
Needless to say, my suspension of disbelief has reached its tipping point.