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fuck this board

>6 months old egs game
nice boycott you have there steamies, daily reminder I'm always winning :) btw congrats randy

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One requires a VR set to play and the other lack of self respect

what went wrong vr bros

Borderchads keep winning :)

Whats even the appeal of borderlands 3, it just seems to shit you full with unimportant shiny shit.

Boycotting would imply I cared,
here's a hint: I dont.

HL:A isnt being boycott tho, it has over 300k owners. All this means is that both games have being very successful

Its fun looter shooter if you like those. If you liked 2 youll like 3. But most of the sales are coming from the fact that the 90 dollar version is now 50 dollars

This board is literal garbage.

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and alyx is a free game for vr chads
oh no no no n o

BorderCHADs in the house tonight

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Isn't Alyx free if you have any part of the shitty Index? I'm guessing that's 90% of the sales, nobody with a brain is dropping 60 bucks on a new SP title with 10 hours of gameplay.

I'm going to be pirating it, I can't even be bothered with the preload to try it for 2 hours before the crack.

>one is half off
>the other is 10% off
>one is a regular game
>the other is a VR-only game
Hmmmmmmmmm must be a boycott.

now this is basedposting

>One is 6 months old
>the other one is the only hope for vr

>One has been 6 months on the market
>The other is meme shit

absolutely SEETHing steamie

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oh no no no Yas Forums bros we got too cocky.....

Both are meme shit though.

Borderlands is the good kind of memeshit though

>meme shit
That's gonna be a yikes from me Mr. Badass.


BL3 has good shooting, decent loot, and an awful, meandering plotline that you can't really avoid. Say what you will about BL2, but at least the plot had some forward motion and a sense of escalation. BL3 is all over the place. But the gameplay itself is probably the best out of all the BL games, and the endgame is fun. If you buy it, turn the sound down and just listen to the soundtrack through your headphones, the music is really good.

steam doesn't enforce exclusivity
steam doesn't go out of their way to pay developers to release on their platform alone

Ehm, excuse me, how can I play my physical Half Life 2 0 Day Edition copy without using Steam?

i think that's universal opinion, best gameplay in the series, worst fucking story in the series, somehow even worse than TPS, congratz randy

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Holy shit how are Tim and Randy so BASED

how can i play fortnite without epic store?

so long, faggots. i'm leaving this board.
you guys make garbage posts and are annoying little virgins. goodbye, OP. i hope you kiss a girl one day.

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>implying I play Fortnite

I just wanted to point out that not only Valve is as a negative force for the industry at large as the Tencent store, but it's even worse: Valve was the one that started the mandatory launcher trend, the "you don't own your games because we don't sell them trend", and the one who popularized lootboxes.


weird way to spell pirate

Based Randy, can't wait to dab on Doom on second time when Duke Nukem comes BACK

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Nice try shifting goalposts steamcuck

1000 USD

I loved most of the humor in b3

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kek Tim Sweeney is not only destroying Steam no he is also demolishing the last real valve IP

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Doomed marine on suicide watch

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get fucked epicnigger

>the best modern inclusion of duke is in a game that's not even a part of the franchise

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what does epic games have to do with any of this? It's gearbox against valve, epic is gaining nothing from this

it was epic exclusive for 6 months, holding it and releasing it a second time some days before half life alyx pretty filthy

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both of them are shit. where are the good games at?

>popularized lootboxes.
No, that'd be Fate Go.

The 6 month deal for borderlands was made before anybody knew about HL:Alyx's existence, if Valve really was afraid of Alyx's release, they would've postponed it before borderlands hype on steam ended
also Alyx needs VR which 99% of people playing games do not own, no fucking shit BL is top best seller on the platform

you people are literally grasping at straws

>VR only

97% of the gamers don't have VR

Story and writing are absolute dogshit but shooting is much more fun than the other games.

Why would we boycott borderlands 3?

I bought an Index and Borderlands 3.

>6 months deal
not really, the deal was pretty flexible according to pitchfork

Meme shit is literally all this entire site is...

Oh no no no bros... this is the end

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Seems like randy just won... Again...

>one frogposting faggot left
How will we ever replace you?


Should I buy borderlands 3 or pavlov vr
I've put hundreds of hours into bl2 but I haven't read anything about bl3 except different planets and gun customization

>Steam has 21 million concurrent users
Corona-chan must have caused chink brain rot

no shit retard. its a 50% sale on a recent game, of course its gonna be a top seller on steam. a lot of people usually wait until a game goes 50% cause $60 is a fucking rip off for something like BL3

you might as well just wait for ultimate handsome something edition for BL3.

Next Steam Sale WHEN!

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Wait until the DLCs come out, at least.

Borderlands 2 wasn't a "looter shooter" to me when I played it, it was just a FPS with lots of different guns as a feature - I wasn't even aware you could grind for legendaries or whatever because honestly, who fucking cares? Now the weapons themselves seem to be the whole fucking point to these games and people *want* the grind. It's baffling.

Just work on your backlog.