day finna be lit. day finna be lit
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You should be 18 or above to post here.
And not obese
>zero sugar
Poofter or woman?
>Super Mario Odyssey
What else could you possibly be doing in that game? It gets old sooo quickly
>mixing drinks
>Drinking Jack
fucking based
>jack daniels
>pass user since 2016
>fucking soda
Never seen so much homosexuality in my life
SAme with Luigis Mansion 3. Goddamn that was a repetitive game
i know you probably pulled this off of r*ddit but holy fuck does that dipshit not realize honey jack is twice as sweet as a coke? that shit is so sweet it's disgusting
it finna be
>jack daniels
alcohol is garbage. seriously just vape weed
And not negro.
is jack daniels basically the "dude weed bro" for normies?
>honey whiskey
Definitely poofter
>Coca Cola
>zero sugar
WTF is wrong with you Burgers?
>smoke weed
>lungs get worse
>get corona
But the worst part about weed is that it stink your apartment and you up. Also alcohol has a waaaaaaay higher shelf life.
>coca cola
Based op
t. Not op
Based and redpilled.
is it true the switch doesn't have a good screen?
>an alcoholic manchild
I bet you're a real hit with the ladies
You know I would buy one of these right now if they announced an F-Zero game. Until then I be keeping my money.
Fuck shiggsy the deranged old cunt. hope he dies
Maybe it's the only sort of cherry vanilla the store had
Good luck with that.
Based fellow Switchad
what are you, nigger rich? also, cannabis > alcohol (poison)
Have fun my man
Why do people drink disgusting whiskey and pretend to like it, it's really pretentious
>alcohol (poison)
>"b-but it kills you if you drink too much!"
maybe have some self control, weednigger
>maybe have some self control
Yas Forums is full of autistic children from Yas Forums and Yas Forums
You expect them to have self control, haha?
Oh yeah haha my bad. We all mix our meme flavoured whiskey with meme flavoured cola. What was I thinking?
>zero sugar cherry vanilla coke
>jack daniels
>honey flavored jack daniels
Why even bother with whiskey at this point you fucking fruit, just make yourself a strawberry daiquiri, since that's what you actually want you fucking poofter.
>Jack Daniels honey
>Cherry coke
>bing bing wahoo
you can't be more than 15
I'm gonna go with Plantation pineapple rum & coke, and play some Jagged Alliance.
>that screen size
No wonder you need alcohol to play garbage games on garbage hardware.
OPs parents must be out of town
weed makes you smarter and healthier, alcohol makes you weaker and an imbecile
t. Doctor
>honey liqueur
Please little princess, let me fuck your royal cunt.
>itt: mad snoybois still butt blasted that their PIS5 is a piece of shit.
I seriously hope you ain't gonna drink all this bottle in just one day, OP. You know this would be very bad for your liver, right?
>>smoke weed
>>lungs get worse
For me, it's Jim Beam
putting smoke in your lungs is bad for them
who would have guessed
>he says as he posts the xbone. The worst console of the generation
Based glue eater
>>jack daniels
what's wrong with jd?
it's a pussy drink
>Jack Daniels
>soitendo nincel
This is a joke, right OP?