Ps5 video already has more views than xbox in just one day

What went wrong?

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Xbox basically hanged themselves publicly 7 years ago and normalfags saw the suicide and thought that they aren't coming back.

Most people would've likely already seen the Xbox premiere at the Game Awards anyway and the PS5 thing was the first big official 'reveal' that we've had from Sony, so it makes more sense would tune in for that.

That's not the interesting bit. What's interesting i the like/dislike ratio.

Seeing an advertisement is free, but one's willingness to pay is observed in the viewers reaction to said advertisement.

Playstation is for normie niggers

even if the xbox is more powerful the ps5 will outsell it

>What's interesting i the like/dislike ratio.
Unfortunately we would be comparing apples with oranges then.
The XboxSX reveal was intentionally produced for consumers in mind while the PS5 reveal was produced for developers and intended for GDC audiences.
Sony made a mistake broadcasting the GDC presentation and should rather have made a similar consumer based announcement like Xbox did.

Nothing the Xbox had already been revealed by this point along with it's specs etc we weren't getting much new out of this so less people watched vs the PS5 which we were finally getting info on.

Oh totally. It is unfair to compare the two, but that doesn't really "excuse" the results. Xbox played one hand and Playstation played another, both thought they were right to do so but one came out on top and the other did not.

And it is from that perspective I argue that Xbox won. Because they were better salesmen than Sony were. Of course that does not mean that Microsoft can home with the gold medal, but the first battle of this generation's console war has been fought and the way I see it Playstation lost it.

What will be interesting will be when Sony decides to reveal the appearance of the console, because Xbox essentially has no easy comeback to that as they already played that hand.

pretty much this, these dudes will buy anything sony shits out. the minute they see one ok looking game on the PS5 its chimp out season till release.

this is a rare moment where sony niggers are vulnerable so try and enjoy the peace

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Sony bot their views because they're desperate. Sony are gonna get sooooooo crushed by the X-Box Series X.

I genuinely believe this is the average Playstation owner.

>What went wrong?

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this is worse then when xbots were talking about the "second GPU" in the xbox one.

like your console is weaker my dude, itll be ok. no super fast SSD is going to solve the difference. just breathe in and enjoy your games.

Oh please lord in heaven tell me that's short for Jerome.

no games


This, i would even add that even the tech talk part Xbox did better, since they partnered with a bunch of tech channels from youtube to do it, so their videos would be better aimed at the tech crowd

PS5 will load games slightly faster and Xbox will run games slightly better, but Xbox Sex will probably do way better this time around because of shit like Game Pass and sports/TV

Literally no one cares.

Sony managed to trick people into watching a one hour business presentation, that's the level of engagement they have.

>Game Pass and sports/TV

Not even the African American audience cares about that shit.

I think part of the advantage, fair or not, is that Xbox has Phil. You may not like the guy, fuck I don't, but he's a REALLY good salesman. He has a charm that raises the enthusiasm of a room simply by his presence, and this is from someone who (as stated) don't actually like the man much.

Sony just doesn't have this level of charismatic management, and that was fine when they were riding high on the PS4 and the Xbone had the Ratman Skavenkin, but now that they have something NEW to sell they are going to need a good salesman. And I think Xbox has that one locked down.

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xbox has never been that massive outside the USA, out of thousands of people i've met from early childhood to adulthood i've only met 2 people who owned xboxes, one when i was 10, he was a spastic loner, and another when i was 15, another loner. where i live you either get a playstation or you play alone. so it really does not surprise me that they get more views

He has been the CEO of Xbox since 2014 and has managed to not get fired somehow, he probably has some Epstein-level blackmail on Bill Gates.

>Bill Gates
The man's given up and fled to his apocalypse bunker in fear of Chink-aids.

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>10 million vs 12 million
is this really that much of a big deal or are you guys just coping with the fact that it has weaker hardware than the xbox?

He is probably about to be Weinstein'd and used the virus as an excuse to run for the hills, just like Spielberg.

No, that would be petty and Sony are anything but!

>10 teraflops vs 12 teraflops
is this really that much of a big deal or are you guys coping with the fact that is has much better games than the xbox ?

Sony has Microsoft on a deadlock since they can barely keep the PS5 price around 500 dollars, the Xbox Triple X has to either rise the price of their console or come down to the same price and lose money.

Teraflops is a buzzword anyway.

>What went wrong?
Whites are a minority in the world

The dislikes though.

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Xbox has multiple events surrounding new Xbox info Sony literally has one video and before that a logo announcement. The attention is just magnified for Sony on one video because that’s all they have

Phil was part of the 2013 launch team. It's not Phil.


maybe he learned from his mistakes
i know that's very rare in the business world

same amount of like though even though only 20% more views

Doesn't mean jackshit until we see some games. Switch is a weak piece of shit compared to the others, but BOTW sold like crack because it looked and was fun. Vita had all the potential in the world to be the greatest handheld in history then died a horrible fucking death. None of this shit matters until we see what software they're offering.

No one cares about Xbox outside of burgerland

Nobody cares about Xbox

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As if normies actually watched the game awards lol

Xbots never learn.

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Brain damaged Sony niggers have to re-watch the PS5 video just to even understand the Grinch's lecture on it. Also, they're scavenging it as much as they can for any defensible points about their crap console. Essentially, the views are higher because they're absolutely desperate for it to be better.

It would be dope if they included KB+M mouse support on new consoles in more games.

no one cares about shitbox.
proof: current xbox one & one x/S or whatever.

Xbox has literally more likes despite 2 million less views though. See

Whole lot of speculation out of your ass. Just accept that people are more interested in the PS5.

You call it speculation, I know it as observation. Shit is blatant. If you don't think console warring has any part of this trash, then you might not be sentient.

You sound incredibly ass hurt, Xspic.

That is the average ps owner

lol, because people would make two accounts just to shill for one video

This is true, I think it helps to just have someone as the "face" of the brand whether they're charismatic or not. You can always expect to see Phil Spencer if there's some kind of Xbox announcement, and it brings a kind of familiarity that can go a long way with casual followers as opposed to bringing literal whos on to talk about big stuff.
Ninendo had Reggie for a long time, Bethesda has Todd Howard, Valve (lol) has Gabe, the list goes on. Seeing the "meme man" walk on stage can get people hyped up before anything even gets announced just because those people have come to be associated with "big stuff is about to happen". Sony's closest front man is probably Layden, but even then he's neither charismatic or ubiquitous so he doesn't really draw the same excitement.

but 100k less votes overall. most of the downvotes probably came from the lowest of the low tier consumers that wanted to see the new ps5 in all its glory, and instead got a 30 minute explanation of the advantages of solid state drives. don't conflate likes with interest and dislikes with disinterest.

>the Chad boring lecture by a literal faggot vs the virgin densely packed well made video reveal

>everyone is as much of a shizo as me and all sonyfags are actually bots/trolls
>here's why xbox is actually winning!!
your level of obsession with glorified mid range PCs is straight up pathetic unless you're a microsoft shareholder or a high level employee. go outside

>Yas Forums organises a anti PS5 raid for a few days
>entire catalog filled with anti sony pro Xbox threads
>meanwhile the rest of the world doenst care and will still buy a PS5
this place literally never learns
once the console launches and breaks records this board is going to crash

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it's Microsoft poos you retard

nah Yas Forums has always seethed about playstation
i still remember people saying the PS3 would never recover and the PS4 being a pipe dream


Indeed. It's pathetic that you deluded yourself into thinking that people rewatched a video.

>anounced at one of the biggest gaming shows of the year
>had several months of propping up its rep, shilling it on youtube channels
>still cant beat a console that was anounced out of the blue in a delayed GDC conference
the absolute state of Xbox
they should just be aiming for a confident 3rd place again

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Xbox has been irrelevant for years, why should it change now.

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