Are wagies REALLY gonna continue working at Gamestop and risk getting infected for $6 an hour?
Are wagies REALLY gonna continue working at Gamestop and risk getting infected for $6 an hour?
A lot of people just straight up quit. Now the retarded managers have to actually go to work
It’s not like the virus is actually all that bad symptopmwise or deadly percentage wise. American zoomers are pussies
I wish gameshops were open here
I think they'll go bankrupt if they don't leave the stores open.
Reggie will save Gamestop as his body is ready.
I just want a Job damn it
actually it's the zoomers that just call it the flu. Then one dies THEN they pussy out.
Im young and the only medical condition i have is a slightly faster than normal resting heart rate due to a rare condition called IST (88-100 BPM resting)
This will only kill the old and weak
Tell that to Italy, France, Germany, Mexico, Spain
Die in poverty vs compromise the safety of others.
ITT: russians
stop falling for fearmongering people, wake the FUCK up and stop reading fake news
I have the virus, just fyi
I need my vidya fix man. Cmon don't hold out on me.
I would just refuse to work, and there's literally nothing the company can do about it. They can't fire you, write you up or whatever bullshit companies do any more to slap you on the wrist. If they did you could just easily press charges and make it an HR nightmare for them - the majority of the states in the US have a non-essential businesses closure in place.
I walked into one yesterday and it was fucking 70% funko pop shit and they expect people to unironically pay 20 bucks for wii motes when wal-mart has them new for 10. They don't have any good classic shit either. Fuck those guys and I can't wait for them to die so play n trades and game exchanges can grow. They're much better in selections.
99% of the deaths in Italy are elderly people or people with pre-existing medical conditions. If you're in those categories obviously you should take precautions but everyone else should just go about their life as normal.
hmm what if its because they get the most profit from funko pops? And I've seen all other ecommerce stores except amazon have higher pricing than amazon. Its probably because they don't have a big enough volume to justify lower pricing like amazon.
Still hasnt changed the fact that all the countries I mentioned have been completely locked down in the same way America is headed
>FUCKING GAMESTOP is essential
Lmao the balls on these fuckers
Theyll cave the moment law enforcement leans on them. Especially if martial law is actually declared as people are predicting
Gamespot isn't even essential to people who want to buy videogames
They will. Or else.
This, especially since Walmart, a company that IS considered essential (because grocery store half of it) is staying open. I can just buy my vidya there
>"is just a flu, bro!"
>millions of contagions, people doesn't die but hospitals collapse, leading to other health problems
>economy crumbles
>"just a flu, bro"
you know if chris gets it he'll infect barb
The boxes literally collect dust and wal marts that they're usually right in front of have them cheaper.
As someone who is young enough to not be considered in the risk factor, I have the virus and I would consider it more like a bad case of bronchitis
I work in the ICU and we are seeing kidney, liver, and cardiac failure with this disease. We will take the patients off vent, appearing to get better, and 3 days later they have cardiac arrest.
This shitty virus is annoying. I had to teach my whole team how to intubate properly without aerosolizing the shit. Oh and good early studies showing causal link between cardiovascular history comorbid with COVID-19 has markedly worse outcomes. 20% of patients requiring hospitalization are between ages 20-44. You are fucked user
>most businesses are decreasing their hours or closing outright
>meanwhile GameStop is hiring new employees and doubling the hours their current employees have to work
Is there any chance the government/law enforcement will step in and force stores to close? This shit is ridiculous.
>As someone who is young enough to not be considered in the risk factor, I have the virus and I would consider it more like a bad case of bronchitis so I'll spreading it everywhere
That's the point, based retard. That's why you zoomers should be treated as cattle, you guys are too dumb to take your own decisions.
>implying he and barb aren't constantly exposed to more deadly diseases that lurk in the depths of the horde
>Thats green text.
That last part wasnt said at all. Also I'm 38, so hardly zoomer
That's their fault. If they were operating so close to their margins during a booming economy (best economy in world history) then that's on them. They deserve to fail. I hope all their employees quit. Airlines too. If you dumb fucking businessmen didn't reserve some cash to be able to survive a short 2-week quarantine then what were you doing with your record profits? Who deemed these people competent to run a business?
>being new
That was a give.
>I'm 38
Hope you're lying, else chances that you're legally retarded.
$6 an hour?
>I'm just pretending to be retarded disregard anything I say
Got it, so youre a contrarian faggot. Good to know. This is gonna be a long 2 weeks
imagine not being essential retail for past two decades and then posing as if you are
>imblyig chris is going to even look outside his window during this crisis
Shut the fuck up faggot
He was planning on going to a pastel horse con next month in SanFran but that got cancelled and now he's bitching about it on Twitter
nah man he isn't afraid see
Based Dr shitpost
>Tweeted 2 days ago
He's going to freak out about it very soon. He's getting his opinion from his mom probably, and as soon as she realizes just how much this shit's spread, he'll fall in line.
My boss threatened to fire me if I didn't show up to work today, when there are 50 fucking people waiting for AC, and we're not allowed under company policy to turn them away, but have to under state law. I told him if he had to fire me, fire me, then I called the governor's office on his ass and reported him in particular. Hope he gets thrown in fuckin jail.
I'm not a doctor
you can tell every young Zoomer brat is selfish, only thinking about them selves and not the elderly. shame on you!
yet only 3k people have died out of 200k.
go back to med school retard.
Yep. Americans really do work for just $6 an hour in retail, in certain states. It's hilariously bad. They don't even work full-time hours
>It's only 5000
>It's only 50,000
>It's only 100,000
>It's only 200,000
Do you have any concept of exponential growth?
I feel like shit since I really want my copy of AC. Would the workers hate me for coming in? I really don't wanna piss them off since I'm pretty good friends with then
Mexican here, no idea wtf you're talking about being on lockdown. I'm at work right now and if I want toilet paper I can find it at any store. One 74 yr old guy who was taking 3 different hypertension pills has died so far here, that's it, this week more people died from choking on food. Also 164 cases so far is not alarming at all.
The retarded fear mongering is what it's going to fuck things up for everybody.
we should just give up and provide everyone free pneumonia medicine lol. Ok you will be sick for a few days then fine. let the weak perish.
The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour
Gamestop found their loophole. They sell some cell phone/VOIP related shit so they sell "essential elecxtronics." This is how shitmerica works. There's always a loophole in place to continue the mammon worship.
They wouldn't hate you, but would probably be annoyed. Most GameStop employees just want to go home and be safe from the virus but GameStop is doubling their hours because so many people are coming in buying shit.
don't forget about the cartels murdering people user!
10k dead, 10% mortality rate. It was at 6% until Italy bumped it up.
Maybe your in some small podunk town?
>It was at 6% until Italy bumped it up.
>Believing China numbers
Yes, the mortality rate was low until a country started providing accurate statistics.
HAHA. Our testing is shit, user. If you don't understand statistics don't talk to me.
The traditional tests we have been doing are 60% sensitive to the virus. 60%. There are tons of people who have it and we don't even know about it. You have to corroborate Cxray and CT scan with the test to completely rule out a positive test. There are copious false negatives and we have been sending those people back out in to the community. Radiologists who haven't been doing it for a while don't even see the faint ground-glass opacities on the imaging. Takes a trained eye or someone who has been doing it for a while.
Trust me motherfucker you do not want this thing. I am not saying you are going to die, but do you want to feel like you will for about 2 weeks? Do you want a tube shoved down your throat for 5 days while you're in the prone position with 7 IVs coming out of you? Kidney failure? Liver failure?
Why is everyone talking about just the death part? I'm pretty sure nobody will ENJOY getting this horrid disease. And yeah, there are people living right now with PERMANENT LUNG DAMAGE from SARS-1, this is a related virus and causes the same fucking thing. Your immune system is a bitch, user, and when it goes wild it does not discriminate. It kills all cells regardless of infection or not. It even has a regulating mechanism to tell it to chill the fuck out sometimes because it goes so far overboard. You're going to end up with lung scar tissue, does that sound fucking fun to you? Decreased lung capacity for the rest of your life? Higher chance of death with the next infection? Lowered life expectancy?
Yeah sounds real fucking fun just continue to downplay it, dumbass
show source or be discarded
That was what I was implying.
Ah apologies, I thought you might have been the type that thinks Italy is an outlier.
Why is our medical technology so shit? What did "they" do until now?
Mexico City. The largest shithole in the world.
Dude you can quote all the media articles you want, I fucking live here.
>183 countries out of 195 currently have reported cases
>Madagascar is still open
These are pretty much internal studies between my doctors and doctors of other hospitals but we are all seeing similar things.
The severe cases are presenting with increased LFTs and their creatinine is fucked up. No reason for it other than the disease process.
The patients are also experiencing shock and subsequent organ failure but counter-intuitively they should not receive fluid bolus. We are figuring out how to treat this disease and it's weird. Also counter-intuitive is contraindication of corticosteroids for breathing problems. Unless the patient has COPD or other underlying conditions you should not use steroids.
Everything I'm talking about I've seen in real life and corroborated it with other people. They are making us wear 1 mask per entire shift when entering these rooms because of severe national shortage of PPE.