How are goblina games made? where do they get the models and how do they make the renders?

how are goblina games made? where do they get the models and how do they make the renders?

i wanna make a goblina game for my bros

Attached: Being-A-DIK-v0.3.1.jpg (829x556, 209.31K)

they buy assets from some site then they tweak them and pose them I dont know what programs they use but you need a very good computer

Pick one.

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1 > 2 > 3
Nothing makes a man dick softer than tattoos and colored hair

They grab daz 3d, some freebie shit, tint it and move some features with the sliders.
repeat then shit out a bunch of renders and copy text from porn books while shuffling the words around a little. repeat

>they buy assets from some site
Everyone pirates them. They're all fucking slavs making these games and all they care about is quick and easy patreon bucks. Do you really think they are forking over the thousands of dollars they would need to to acquire all the assets they use?
>I dont know what programs they use
It's called Daz 3D. It's free to use but the assets cost money. It doesn't need a great computer but it will reduce render time.

hmm i will see if i can pirate assets as well, that would sure be handy

Daz Studio, that's why they all look the same.

Bitch looks hot.
I think i can coom to this. Any more?

Why is it slavs that took over the weg industry?

>that one game that uses the dating my daughter goblina character
>when you talk to her, she tells you how her creepy father tried to abuse her

Because western CG animators are all making commissioned furry porn.

every weg worth its salt should have a DMD reference

i found some assets to pirate

dont worry bros i make a good fap

some of them actually do pay for assets. im pretty sure the acting lessons/dik dev does, but he makes a lot of money now and i dont know if he always did buy them. phillygames pays too. of course these dudes are americans but whatever

Are you really shocked to see slavs over represented in lazy get rich quick internet schemes? It's what they do. They see it as a way to get patreon cash without having to have any skill or do much work. It never works though which is why 90% of wegs are abandoned at version 0.2.


melissa was pretty much one of the best girls in all of weg so

kill, marry, fuck

For all your goblin needs.

Unironically why do you keep saying goblin(a) when a vast majority of these Daz3D models don't look like goblins even remotely?

At most they just look like vapid valley girls.

you didnt let her die, did you?

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>wegs are mostly played and paid for by americanGODS
>slavs want some of that patreon honey
>instead of appealing to americanGOD taste and making furry, ntr, interracial, futa games they make boring vanilla shit
>wonder why it flops
Are slavs the biggest brainlets?

They all look the same because they use the same fucking daz3d models, dipshit.

It's always amusing when some diabetic flyover on welfare fetishizes being american.

I always laugh when a slavgame introduces poorly written stepfamily incest shit or teacher/student relationships as if it is the height of degeneracy, and not the average porno plot

>>instead of appealing to americanGOD taste and making furry, ntr, interracial, futa games they make boring vanilla shit
They are trying to appeal to the west. That's why every single game is the same fucking incest bullshit copy and pasted. What they don't realize is nobody is going to give money for an additional five minutes of bad writing and blueballing released on a bi-annual basis.

DAZ 3D is still very slow. I tried using it and rendering one shitty frame took something like 4 minutes. I have a 970

>devs try to capitalize on coronavirus to slack some more
Name a bigger chad than /weg/ devs?

americanGOD culture stems directly from african saharo BVLLs, american """"""""""""""""white"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" people have no culture as they're immigrants from europe who gave away their culture for BBC

And now he sounds like a schizo. Absolutely hilarious.

Yeah if they wanted to appeal to their kind the games would be nothing but zoophilia

>I tried using it and rendering one shitty frame took something like 4 minutes
Christ, I remember when rendering a single frame properly took HOURS, not minutes.

Tweak your rendering settings, you don't need all the fancy shit. Or use something faster like an Illusion game. Then you don't have to render anything.

Why couldn't you save both!

>Just coom bro it will make you feel better

DAZ + Renpy

I'm all in favour of you going for it, just please put a bit of time in to making it look good, it is possible. And if you are a native english writer, you already have an advantage over half of these fucking games.

It's easy to do and doesn't require much skill just time. Only a few earn well the rest doesn't earn enough to pay for western living costs.


What would be good writing? I see people bashing the writing of these games a lot.

Not being in broken English would be a start.
But the way they deliver on it is horrendous because its just buildup buildup buiildup, WILD SEX, dev gets bored and it becomes clear there was never any plan for the story other than the buildup to amass a lot of patreon donations, dev also usually gets bored and quits at this point as the revenue drops since the girl was fucked and there is nothing else to it, no character to actually care about

>Nothing makes a incel dick softer than tattoos and colored hair
Fixed that for you pal

I sorry
my father very sick
I do no update this year
thank yous

I pick edgy fire plot twist

>Im a retarded cuck that accepts broken and disgusting women and I shame men that are smarter than me by calling them incels even if we are discussing drawings and not real people and I am the one acting like an incel by being a desperate thirsty fuck

Go fuck yourself "pal"

stuff like op is passable for sex romps desu

Daz 3D.
But you will also probably want Ren'py knowledge to turn them into an actual porn game.

Hating on tattoos and colored hair just shows off your insecurities, we all know you virgins get triggered by anything that resembles what the people who bullied you at school are doing or looking like right now.
That's why you get triggered by tattoos, smoking, drugs overall, partying, etc, it's the most obvious case of sour grapes ever seen, you just know a woman like that would just point at you and laugh so you hate it instead.

Tattoos are trash. Its colouring in your body for 12 year olds.

They're honestly terrible. I have no idea why Milfy City is so popular. I've tried to get into tons of them but I just give up. Played being a dik for 5 minutes and quit. Played long live the princess for like 3 minutes and quit.

I actually liked what I played of waifu academy, which was a fair bit. Because the story was pretty fun. I like The Tyrant, because it's different. But it's such a clunky piece of shit. Lust Epidemic is also decent, but only because of it's gameplay. The character models are ass.

Really blows my mind how these games are so popular. Which ones are actually good?

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LMAO, fucking lern2COPE you retarded loser.

I think VNs are totally fucking garbage. But I got this in my store recommendations and couldn't pass on a porn game with perfect ratings. It was absolutely kino.

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i dont know how anyone could *like* the twist. most of the stuff before that is good tho

Does anyone find these games erotic? They all look like soulless dolls to me.

Gran Ende 2
The Last Sovereign.

Those are the best examples of enjoyable or good writing I can think of from porn games in general. In terms of 3d shit, the only one I've ever really enjoyed the writing for has been Waifu Academy.

Most tattoos look like toilet stall doodles and bright neon hair is just a cheap way of getting male attention.

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Being A DIK actually has quite good character writing. The context makes everything much more erotic. Also there are some truly hilarious parts in the game.

Every single one of these """games""" are exactly the same. The same shitty looking models. The same shitty dialogue. The same shitty """choices""". All for half a dozen still images after 12 episodes of cliffhangers.

>Which ones are actually good?
Objectively? None of them. Not one. Same as Jap VNs. If you have a fetish they deliver on then you might give it a wank but this shit is not worth treating like serious media. It's porn. It's crap.
>Really blows my mind how these games are so popular.
Is this shit popular? I would hazard we are talking about a very, very, very small market here.

>we are talking about a very, very, very small market here.
those niggers are making 6 figures from patreon with their shitty VNs

I mean, in comparison to a lot of 2d games that are infinitely better. Yet at the same time the most popular 2d game is sameface saga, which honestly doesn't do anything to earn it's spot. It's utterly mediocre and, while having a lot of content, there are plenty of other games with just as much/more that are better games too.

This is one of the absolute worst of these shit games I've played

Takes itself way too seriously & looks like shit

You can count the number making decent money on patreon on one hand with fingers to spare. The vast majority don't even come close to making a hundred bucks a month. We are talking making a fraction of minimum wage here and you are acting like they are all riding high on financial success.

>What would be good writing?
If you don't know, nobody's going to explain it to you in one post.

Your stupidity isn't helping or answering the question.

They are GOBBOs you fag not goblinas.

where is the penis

Based seagull


I don't get people who like the boring "first girl you see" trope, who is sweet, safe and boring.

But true best girl is Liam

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In their asses, usually.

usually they use Blender to make HQ renders, and Twine for the game engine

>stereotypical tumblrinas
>bullying anyone
nigga what
did you grow up in an imaginary anime highschool
99.9% of time neon hairs are the ones that were getting bullied
>tattoos and colored hair just shows off insecurities

>being a aik

This is bullshit, this idiot doesn't know what he's talking about. You can spot daz studio's models and blurry renderer from a mile away.